
2021-11-26 22:59
“ 夜的狂欢在这里舞动,暗黑登场,沉浸酒吧调性尽情释放自我。 ”
设计师手记 神秘酒吧 隐秘在深夜里的暗色调 邀三五好友小聚和解闷的地方 这里你可以尽情释放情怀 亦可以吐露心声 做最真实的自己
| Charming Luxury · Bar

Rundle bar is a charming, closed, rich and luxurious space. It is also an approachable and comfortable environment. Guests can relax and socialize in the amazing mountain scenery. The modern and eternal design is realized here, which successfully pays tribute to the rich history of the hotel, and provides a design that goes beyond the customers technical, functional and aesthetic goals.





The bar design is inspired by custom furniture sets and private lighting pockets. The central parking bar fixes the space and connects it into a double roll arch. The arch is part of the original building facade and is now transformed into a full height shelf with custom bronze and wood carvings. The design engraved with thistle runs through the common narrative in the line, plaster and stained glass products of the whole hotel. The original arch was transformed into a bookshelf with a secret door to guide guests to the intimate dining area. The mezzanine has been transformed into a magnificent space with special cocktail bar and luxury lounge seats. Sitting here, you can enjoy the panoramic view of the mountain and overlook the lively bar.



Modern space to commemorate the nostalgic charm of the old world of the hotel. Every element of the design has been considered and carefully selected. The result is a transformative space, which is an honest and true design narrative. Guests are immersed in a rich layered environment, integrating the past and the present. The timeless design balances historical features with fresh and innovative contacts. In order to commemorate the rich history of the hotel, the hotel carefully considers respecting and protecting many existing architectural elements in the space.
金属奢华感 · 俱乐部
| Metal · Luxury Club





The main design concept principle of modern club is appropriate lighting, appropriate atmosphere is very important, different levels of buildings to achieve the best function of narrow and long space, and obtain good visual contact from any point. The construction of the asymmetric grid on the opposite wall creates a geometric canvas, which is smoothly connected with the club facade design to create a unique dialogue between indoor and outdoor. On the front of the club, the vertical lines of dark gray metal elements are used to create a clean and strong effect, and the transparency of glass openings increases the balance through the creative contrast between empty and full.





The project is complemented by the imaginative use of materials, textures and colors. Classic and familiar materials provide a sense of luxury and adopt contemporary design methods. Wood, black marble, gold paint and bronze paint surfaces are combined with textiles such as leather and velvet. The simple palette forms a neutral foundation, with special custom structure and bright orange, yellow and blue colors to reflect the design details. On the club floor plan, a special copper cylindrical metal lamp is placed on the ceiling. The DJ area is defined by furniture similar to the old drawer cabinet. There is a metal lamp behind the DJ. Its shiny surface creates unique light. The opposite platform adopts a perfect combination of classic design and modern features
| Relaxed · Atmosphere






这是个动态的多用途中心,拥有办公室、活动场所和休闲设施,最近改造呈餐厅Eve。在凉爽的环境中的美食中心,当代环境主要由获奖插画家Gregory Gilbert Lodge创作一幅引人注目、华丽的伊芙插图,餐厅被虚构的女主人画像所占据。
This is a dynamic multi-purpose center with offices, venues and leisure facilities. It has recently been transformed into a restaurant Eve. In the food center in a cool environment, the contemporary environment is mainly a striking and gorgeous illustration of Eve created by award-winning illustrator Gregory Gilbert Lodge. The restaurant is occupied by a fictional portrait of the hostess.







Eves restaurant is divided into three areas, each with its own characteristics: a restaurant offering attractive French, regional and seasonal dishes; An attractive public table where you can generate ideas and share business plans; There is also a 12 meter long steel bar to chat with friends or celebrate the success of the day.





The whole design has a retractable glass door leading to the balcony, overlooking the designed public square, so as to realize the seamless connection between indoor and outdoor. This feeling of openness is more obvious in the open windows, allowing passers-by and people sitting at public tables to witness the noise in the kitchen. When designing Eve kitchen, function and aesthetics are very important. This restaurant not only welcomes guests, but also serves as a catering base for venue activities. The overall idea behind Jed is to create a sense of community, so it focuses on providing an attractive and relaxed atmosphere.
| Simplicity · Constructivism




The new Hyatt Plaza in Ural, with quality and simplicity, creates charming and vibrant space, full of eternal design and leisure comfort. By comparing combination, straight line and concise form, the design reflects constructivism. A bar with metal and plastic art installations is placed in the lobby to dilute the monochromatic characteristics of constructivism with a bold and bright accent. The podium is made of concrete, liquid metal, copper and ceramic granite with a simple geometry. LED lighting adds additional graphic features to the space and highlights works of art.





The color scheme inside the hotel adopts copper and emerald, and the ingenious lighting reminds the viewer of gemstones. Custom Malachite carpets complement neutral tone textiles and carpet walls. The copper and gold panels on the walls of the room and customized comfortable furniture have a pleasant texture and create the warm and comfortable feeling necessary for the climate.














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