DAS大森设计 丨 红砖构筑的美学空间,朴实中的的高级质感 首
2021-11-24 22:49
从建筑出发, 连接过去和未来。 — 人文和艺术, 是未来生活最美好的关键词, 他们拥有无穷的创造力和未知的想象。 设计师的职责是让每一块砖头回归自己的位置,建筑师不是在圆他的梦而是在帮助砖头完成他们的梦想。 The designer's responsibility is to make each brick return to its place, the architect is not fulfilling his own dream but helping the bricks to achieve their dream.
建筑始于两块砖被仔细地连接在一起。红砖的艺术形式体现在其构成的每个小细节,它所表现出的是朴实素雅、返璞归真,所折射的是一种生机和活力。 The building begins with two bricks connected together carefully. The art form of red brick is reflected in every small detail of its composition. It shows the simplicity, elegance and natural, also reflects a kind of vigor and vitality.
红砖大小一致,体块均等,通过相互之间不规则的穿插、排列与融合,带给我们不一样的视觉感受。 The size of red bricks is consistent and equal which bring us different visual perception by irregular intersperse, arrangement and confluence between each other.
红砖元素以坚毅整齐的线条呈现在背景处,材质与色泽与瓷砖对撞形成了有效的感官辨别,立体感十足。 Red brick elements are presented in the background with firm and neat lines, the collision of materials and color with ceramic tiles form an effective sensory discrimination, full of three-dimensional feeling.
以巧妙多变的组合手法结合现代工艺营造出令人惊艳的视觉美感赋予了红砖建筑独特的个性。 With ingenious and changeable combination techniques and modern technology, it creates amazing visual beauty and endows red brick architecture with unique personality.
现代建筑美学的结构主义与功能主义相结合,强化了视觉层次感以国际的质感打造城市会客厅。 The combination of modern architectural aesthetics’ structuralism and functionalism strengthens the sense of visual level and creates the urban reception space with international texture.
楼梯是人穿梭于空间不同区域的传送带,而当楼梯在功能之外同时被赋予了装置意义,则成为艺术与艺术的临界点,是实现美学过渡的存在。 The staircase is a conveyor belt for people to shuttle between different areas of space. When the staircase is taken as an artwork besides its function, it becomes the critical point between artworks, it is also the existence of aesthetic transition.
美从来不局限于一种形成,旋转楼梯的美在独特的材质,色彩与光源融合下,展现出风格迥异的视觉艺术。 Beauty is never limited to one kind of formation, the beauty of the rotating staircase is in the unique material, color and light fusion which showing a different style of visual art.
效 果 图
项目信息 ABOUT THE PROJECT 项目名称 | 金辉优步学府营销中心 项目地址 | 湖北 襄阳 业主名称 | 金辉襄阳优步学府 业主团队 | 梁立东、李晶、向长顺、管延平、刘欢、赵佳欣、周杨、周涛 设计团队 | 崔端、罗辉、叶少玲、张宇、张媛、高望 硬装设计 | DAS大森设计 软装设计 | 元禾大千 完工时间 | 2021年9月 项目面积 | 1230㎡ 项目摄影 | YUAN STUDIO
森,由木而聚,形林成森。森之广袤,能包容万物,是融合与平衡的天人合一;森之一隅,皆为草木,探寻着事物最本质的面貌。 DAS大森设计2012年成立于深圳,20年一线地产公司的设计管理经验,善于透过客户视角洞悉市场需求的关键所在,以更包容的“大设计”视野在艺术与商业之间找到平衡,在沟通中达到价值的共识。 多年来,我们一直深耕地产、办公、零售、长租、医养等设计空间,并不断向建筑规划、景观、产品等产业链纵向渗透,不断丰富设计的延长线。从纯熟的实践中打造出一支经验丰富的资深设计团队,累计覆盖120个城市逾600个实操项目,不断令团队保持领先的、国际化的视野和设计创意。