傅厚民新作丨写意的奢华 首
2021-11-13 22:55
“待客之道的精髓在于塑造场所的体验感。我希望能为你带来与众不同的感受,并能够见证和承载每次欢愉的时刻;我认为真正的奢华生活概念在于直抵人心的温馨体验,而非仅仅外表所呈现的美感。以精湛的手工及上乘的材料缔造生活无处不在的细节,感受心灵恬静的生活态度。”André Fu说。
Hospitality is all about creating experiences. I hope to bring you a different feeling, can witness, bearing every happy moment. I think the real concept of luxury living lies in the warm experience directly to the heart, rather than the aesthetic feeling presented only in the appearance. Create every detail of life with exquisite handwork and high quality materials, and feel the tranquil attitude of life. Andre Fu
AFL Flagship Boutique 2021
“André Fu Living是一个属于当下时代的品牌,一个没有受制于传统、历史及文化限定的生活概念。我深信寻找心灵治愈才是生活态度的本质,这正是我决心打造这间实体店的意义所在。” André Fu
My vision is rooted in creating a brand that genuinely expresses our time and place, a brand that is not bounded by history, traditions and cultures. I deeply believe the underlying rationale of this store experience evokes my brand’s answer to well-being and the authentic essence of living.’ - André Fu.
André Fu于2019年成立同名品牌André Fu Living,以完美生活概念为基础,André希望透过他的个人视野和审美,展现他对不同时代风格和文化思维的探索,并融入现代生活设计。作品既注重实质的体验感,同时把浓厚的艺术元素注入其中,André Fu Living首家概念店于 2021年11月正式进驻香港太古广场。
André Fu Living unveils its first standalone retail boutique at Pacific Place, Hong Kong’s premier lifestyle hub, a showcase for the designer’s lifestyle brand. Since its official launch during Salone de Mobile in 2019, André Fu Living, a cross-cultural interiors lifestyle brand, has grown to receive international exposure and recognition, taking André’s vision and innovation to new global heights.
Inspired by the Zen temple in Kyoto, Ginkaku-ji, visitors to the flagship will experience the spirit of traditional Kyoto houses, reimagined in a contemporary context. The interior of the store emphasises the sense of intimacy and personal comfort. The 15 metre wide façade of timber grids with bold lines and a highlighted circular window, drawn from traditional Japanese homes, gives the space a unique element of visual layering.
“ 我希望客人能走进André Fu Living,体验整个场所呈现出不一样的空间氛围,有机会亲身触摸实物的细腻肌理,并感受设计师创作背后的故事。这次把传统京都美学的精髓融入店内的设计,也正好呼应品牌的三个核心定位:舒适、质感及低调奢华。” André Fu说。
“I wanted to capture the timeless essence of the collections and immerse the guests in an atmosphere full of warmth and serenity. The soft geometry and simplicity of traditional Kyoto houses manifests my own ideals of comfort, tactility and relaxed luxury.” - André Fu.
“我的愿景是希望打造一场视觉的盛宴,与厨师的烹饪哲学巧妙结合。如此的相得益彰,它是对意大利历史很好的个人诠释,同时在艺术和前卫之间取得了有效的平衡。这种电影般的梦境,唤起了Jean Cocteau和Gio Ponti的抽象性叙事方式,”André Fu说。
“My vision is to create a visual journey that aligns with the chef’s culinary philosophy. Eschewing clichés, it offers a personal interpretation of Italian history whilst striking a balance between the artful and the avant-garde. It is an cinematic dreamscape that evokes an abstract re-telling in the manner of Jean Cocteau and Gio Ponti,” says André Fu.
André Fu与著名厨师Antimo Maria Merone合作,由香港酒店公司JIA Group (Yenn Wong创立)联合推出,于香港中环杜德尔街1号二楼开设了厨师的第一家独立餐厅Estro(意为“灵感”),致力于提供意大利那不勒斯美食,呈现灵感、完全原创和极具个人特色的菜肴,风味无可挑剔。
André Fu Studio collaborated with celebrated chef Antimo Maria Merone to create Estro, the chef’s first independent restaurant, in 2/F, 1 Duddell St, Central. Launched in partnership with JIA Group, the Hong Kong-based hospitality firm founded by Yenn Wong, Estro (Italian for ‘inspiration’) is dedicated to elevating Neapolitan cuisine, presenting inspired, wholly original and deeply personal dishes with impeccable style.
与Antimo Maria Merone的密切合作,André Fu塑造了一种独特的就餐体验,希望唤醒非同寻常的动人乐趣,将客人带入重构后意大利令人心醉神迷的独特场景。室内设计的灵感来自Antimo Maria Merone对家乡的眷念,因而以那不勒斯老城独一无二的颜色为基底,融入了当地鲜明的人文风物的风格特征。餐厅Estro在空间细节处理上,呈现出一定意义上的颓废主义美学,它邀请客人远离香港中环熙熙攘攘的城市街道,隐匿于一个充满诗意的怀旧美学的环境中。
Working closely with Antimo, the dining experience conceived by André Fu Studio evokes a sense of enchantment, transporting guests into reimagined vignettes of Italy. The interior draws inspiration from Antimo’s homeland, encapsulating the colours, character and styling of a luxury salotto in Napoli’s old town. Decadent in its detailing, the space invites guests to retreat from the bustling, urban streets of Hong Kong’s Central and escape to a poetic environment of bespoke old world aesthetics.
餐厅室内以丰富的赤土色、鼠尾草绿色和青绿色营造出华丽而温暖的场景氛围,而这灵感同样来自对意大利城市建筑景观的传统印象。除了菜式设计和室内设计的相互融汇贯穿外,另外特别邀请了意大利著名陶艺艺术家Vincenzo del Monaco为Estro设计定制了独具匠心的餐具,将Estro的品牌意识和美学精神完美的体现在定制餐具上。
Rich terracotta, sage green and turquoise hues create an ornate and warm atmosphere inside, with design elements inspired by traditional Italian craftsmanship and silhouettes. Beyond the menu and interior, Estros innovative spirit extends to custom cutlery. Famous Italian ceramic artist Vincenzo del Monaco designed and signed stylish cutlery.
受意大利人文风物精髓的启发,André Fu将那不勒斯独特的沉浸式视觉美学融入香港充满活力的城市文化之中,欢迎Estro的客人于此享受迷人的空间体验。
Inspired by the essence of Italy, André Fu Studio delivers a nuanced and immersive vision of Napoli into Hong Kong’s vibrant city, welcoming Estro’s guests to an enamouring spatial experience.