矩阵纵横新作丨 西安新希望锦麟天玺售楼处

2021-10-07 14:12


意象图/Image figure
Through the analysis of regional culture and lifestyle, and from the perspective of contemporary aesthetics, the design penetrates and connects indoor and outdoor Spaces to promote the connection between architecture, space, landscape and art. From the spatial layout to the functional line, a dialogue across the ancient and modern is completed by the dual integration of inheritance and innovation, pioneering and leading, and creating an experiential space in line with modern aesthetics.


安远门/Fully confident door
The reception hall is warm and open as a whole. The design recombines elements extracted from ancient buildings in Xi an to create a rich spatial aesthetic experience by colliding old and new.
Antique hollowed-out square wall design is the extraction of Xi an Anyuan gate, used from Chang an until now, the combination of tradition and modern, showing an orderly wall design. Lightsome and full of rhythm, the light flows in smoothly from here, injecting a touch of natural beauty into the space.


大雁塔/Wild goose pagoda
The Big Wild Goose Pagoda, built after the scroll of Buddha that Xuan Zang brought to Chang an from Tianzhu via the Silk Road, was an integral part of the Tang dynasty culture.
From the perspective of design, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda gradually becomes a pyramid shaped building, which can be a proper representation of the reception desk. Light gray marble is connected with the elegant style of the big Wild Goose Pagoda, with elegant floral arrangements and clever white space design, showing a school of elegant bearing.



西安是汉代“丝绸之路”的起点,是唐代“丝绸之路”的通道。设计提取丝路文化元素,以别出心裁的空间设计,结合Ball-nogues Studio公司的艺术装置,用层叠的弧状与焕彩绚丽的配色叙述出丰富多彩的城市印迹,金属丝线的两头如连接着过去与未来,为访者开启一场穿越时空的丝路之旅。
Xi an was the starting point of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty and the passageway of the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty. The design extracts the cultural elements of the Silk Road, and uses the unique space design combined with the art installation of Ball-Nogues Studio to describe the rich and colorful urban impression with the overlapping arcs and brilliant color matching. The two ends of the wire connect the past and the future, opening a journey through time and space along the Silk Road for visitors.


The art installation, which extracts elements from Chinese painted pottery art, is older than the black-and-white geometric pattern Mosaic, with exquisite workmanship. It is different in the use of color and the expression of the central idea. The pattern drawn by one or more colors is like walking into the western region corridor -- the Silk Road, which Zhang Qian opened up.


Artistic stairs blend harmoniously in natural soft light gray tone, neat lines, clean materials to build a minimalist and comfortable artistic atmosphere, warm wood and rough stone form a sharp contrast, along the steps of the lamp belt pulling visitors from the past to the future, simple but pure.


The floral installation in the elevator hall is inspired by the brilliant color matching and rigid and soft materials of Tang Dynasty Neon Dance, which infuses the space with warm colors and vit


The music and dance of the Prosperous and Tang Dynasties was the peak of the development of ancient Chinese dance art. It was not only performed in the court of Xi an at that time, but also became an important part of the public art life. Dancing in the palace, singing in the chamber is the best footnote to the time.
Inside a bright and clean French window in the sandpan area, the neon dress and feather dance of the tang Dynasty is selected as a floating floating installation. The smooth curve of flowing clouds contrasts with the strong architectural lines, which is both firm and soft, like a dream or a fantasy, and together compose the prosperous scene of the city.



Xi an is a city with its own urban texture, vertical and horizontal intersection, creating the most profound impression of the city, from ancient times to today, urban dialogue has never stopped.
Facing the window and standing, the transparent glass without boundary reduces the obstruction of the line of sight, so that the light can flow freely in the space, and the outdoor landscape to form a natural dialogue, abandon redundant heavy and complicated decoration, with a large amount of white space interpretation of the open and simple and generous.


The water bar area constructs a space with rich levels and full of rhythm with absolutely rational lines and structural blocks. The collision of different materials and the shaping of details inherits the unique charm of simplicity and elegance, so that visitors can quietly enjoy this profound and calm time.




The whole negotiation area is paved with earth color, and the local red ornament inspires vitality. The light yellow wood fence wall and grey linen sofa match perfectly. The marble texture tea table infuses a touch of natural power into this space, creating a leisurely and elegant negotiation field full of cultural atmosphere.



The color matching of VIP room is more profound, and the lamp belt is installed in the regular square cabinets. The light and shade of light and shadow and the sequence of lines render the thick atmosphere of Oriental culture. The red three-dimensional acrylic installation follows the architectural characteristics of Xi an tower and creates a transparent and dreamlike urban landmark landscape overlooking Xi an through the effect of light.





The overall design of the swimming pool area on the bottom floor is simple and bright, with the shape of the minimalist structure of the building, the meaning of space, light and shadow blend with the building, leisurely and pure.
Large glass Windows easily lead into the scene, just interpret the perfect integration of modern architecture and nature.
项目名称 | 西安新希望锦麟天玺
Project name | new hope in xian jin cullinan
项目位置 | 西安市高新区
Project location | xi an high-tech zone
业主单位 | 西安锦谦置业有限公司
The owner unit | xian kam modest real estate co., LTD
硬装单位 | 矩阵纵横
Hard | matrix vertical and horizontal loading unit
软装单位 | 矩阵鸣翠
Soft outfit unit | matrix of emerald green
设计面积 | 售楼部1724㎡,会所1279㎡
Design area | sales department 1724 ㎡, club 1279 ㎡
设计时间 | 2020年8月
Design time | in August 2020
完成时间 | 2021年3月
Completion time | in March 2021
项目摄影 | 释象万合
Photography project | release like us
摄影时间 | 2021年8月
Photography time | in August 2021


矩阵纵横(Matrix Design)为2010年成立的以提供高端设计服务为目的的设计品牌,总部位于深圳,在北京、上海、成都设有设计中心,经过10余年的发展,Matrix Design已成长为兼具业界影响力和当代代表性的中国设计品牌,目前拥有IDM设计研究中心、纵横Matrixing、合纵连横VHD、矩阵鸣翠MIX四大设计子品牌。 自创立之初,矩阵一直肩负着行业担当与社会责任,在以“回归东方”为团队使命的前提下力求实现环境、社会、文化及经济效益的设计增值,解决并改善人居生活环境,成为“实现人民对美好生活的向往”最忠实的践行者,空间设计与软装陈设业务涵盖住宅、办公、酒店、教育、商业、康养等业态领域。根据权威杂志《INTERIOR DESIGN》发布的2021年全球百大设计巨头排行榜中,Matrix Design矩阵纵横住宅排名蝉联全球第2,综合排名跃居全球第23。









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