开合之间,打造质朴亲子宅 Hao design新作

2021-09-30 11:47
亲子宅,甜而不腻的居家质感 Sweet and not be bored with simple sense - 设计师在开放互动的空间基调上加了一匙梦幻的奶油色调,为小夫妻调配出第二个理想家的模样。 Stylist is in open interaction space tone and add a spoonful of dream cream color, modulate the second ideal home for couple.
Light classical style


The owner is a pair of stylist, started with the adjacent is designed in a good room, today again, very happy to participate in a new blueprint, witnessing the growth of the family. First home, relatively strong wind industry experienced style and classical elements, this time they want to live in the light of tenderness gracefuls and restrained the classical atmosphere, the soft color let the mood calm.

Integral space is fundamental key with cream color, pile up level with multiple material and texture, texture that occupy the home made sweet and not greasy, can even tasted to the brides dreamy atmosphere. Such as entrance porch a whole surface rendering of the fishbone spell floor and wall surface, restore ancient ways, as well as the classic line board, composed romantic picture, on the cane makes up furniture, tassel hanging chair, brown marble island, metal lighting elements, such as the leisure feeling light and luxurious close them.




To a rare window scene, sharply change by conventional wall, sofa set for lighting, projection curtain instead TV wall, and circular arc sofa like a restaurant between the islands and diverse life scenes in it, may be a small theatre hall, the morning coffee shop, sports playground, etc.


Aisle to advocate lying in a corner, at the end of the precipitation is the hostess a small corner of the heart, the bedroom with warm milk tea color, deserve to go up white metal lamp act the role ofing and rural wind headboard, become the owner of almond milk tea, make the space feel unexpected sweetness and nifty.






Children room is to small business owners love purple lotus root, deserve to go up white small furniture, as well as the childrens version of the pendant size and height, do not break tong qu in romance, I want to call it taro, milk that coincide with the master bedroom. Game room also is given priority to with activity type furniture and toys, without too much decoration and wood, convenient brother makeup dot can be when I grow up according to his be fond of the room.





这次我们为业主设计了一个简单且干净的空间基底,透过家具和家饰品层层堆叠出生活质感,打造属于他们的甜蜜新家「Creamy House, Dreamy Home」。
This time we designed for the owner of a simple and clean space base, furniture and Home accessories through layer upon layer stack out of life, to build their own sweet Home Creamy House, Dreamy Home .



New Normal Life

The family members of this case are a doctor husband and wife with a pair of children. Both husband and wife like the novel pattern planning and hybrid style of the good room, and look forward to creating a new normal life different from the normal and belonging to the family. Lets visit how the designer conceives this new home!

Under the epidemic situation, the owner hopes to stop the dirt and virus in the porch. Therefore, in addition to the planning of the dust falling area, a disinfection room and storage room is designed to put the outgoing clothes into the electronic wardrobe for sterilization. Only after changing into clean clothes can he really return home. The disinfection room is designed as a half height wall, with the appearance smeared with gray paint, which removes the overall abruptness, and a patio window is opened in the room to introduce light and reduce pressure; Diversified storage systems, such as cave boards, open floor frames, platforms, etc., make the use of space more flexible and surplus.

The dust falling area is made of retro hand-painted tiles.


Walking out of the disinfection room is a compound space belonging to a family. The designer specially set up a kitchen Zhongdao and electrical platform outside the Chinese kitchen, so that the light food oriented family can easily cook and eat. Here is also a buffer area after entering the door, which can temporarily put the purchased items for sorting. The Zhongdao table top is made of wood grain tile, which not only meets the natural lines loved by the owner, but also has the advantages of clean and colorless alcohol.



非典型的客厅规划,电视与沙发不再互为主体。设计师将B-B Italia 沙发Arne 面向大幅窗景,不仅视野开阔,镂空的椅背设计,也为空间增添轻盈感;沙发置中摆放,聚拢出客厅,其圆弧造型打破了方正格局,让亲子之间产生更多对话。
Atypical living room planning, TV and sofa are no longer the main body of each other. The designer faces the B -amp; B Italia sofa Arne to the large window view, which not only has a wide field of vision and hollow seat back design, but also adds a sense of lightness to the space; The sofa is placed in the middle and gathered out of the living room. Its arc shape breaks the founder pattern and allows more dialogue between parents and children.



Customized desks photographed from different angles have different styles.


Recently, exercise is also one of the important activities at home. We reserve a spacious aisle behind the sofa and set up a whole row of horizontal bars on the beam, whether its childrens swing, climbing ladder, adults Yoga rope, TRX, or unarmed training. We exercise together. In addition, we store the hostesss fitness equipment in the hidden sliding door next to the bookcase, Avoid the risk of injury due to easy access by children.

When the projection screen is lowered, the living room becomes an audio-visual room.

Childrens room at this stage, younger brothers and sisters are suitable for living and growing together. Therefore, the original two rooms are opened into one room, with two entrances and exits and a folding door in the middle, which is convenient for growing up in the future. The one room is divided into two rooms in the most labor-saving way, with their own independent rooms.

12 岁以前是儿童成长的重要阶段,让他们拥有足够的动作游戏时间和空间,才能好好长大,像是攀爬、跑跳、晃荡等动作,可以培养孩子大肢体的运动技能,同时训练肢体细部的协调度。
It is an important stage for children to grow up before the age of 12. Only when they have enough time and space for action games can they grow up well. Actions such as climbing, running, jumping and swinging can cultivate childrens motor skills of large limbs and train the coordination of limb details.



Peeping out of the secret base.



When the folding door is pulled up, the childrens room is divided into two. The folding door becomes a field for play and learning. There is a suitable teaching space during the suspension of classes.



The master bedroom design is different from the general pattern of entering the door to see the bed. The designer divides the space into two with a half high arc headboard. On this side is the living room of the host and the hostess, integrating the elements loved by the two, the classical gray and blue line board door, and the wardrobe combined with retro tea glass and smoked chicken wing wood. At night, the single chair sits opposite under the lamp, which is a time for couples to have a long talk.




The headboard is closed with a circular arc to reserve a wider walkway space.

Arc modeling is not suitable for plane switch panel, but instead adopts retro shaking part design.











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