新作丨 淀川设计:180㎡新中式茶室,打破常规式设计!创新传统 首
2021-09-26 09:06
DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所 | 来源
扮家家室内设计 · 佳佳妹 | 编辑
项目在2021年的 5 月初,上海和光居团队找到DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所担任项目总体设计,并宣布推出全新的茶室品牌 “和光茶室”。
In early May 2021, Shanghai And Light House invited DCDSAA Dianchuan Architects to serve as the master design of the project, and announced the launch of a new teahouse brand “Heguang Teaghouse”.
The brand name comes from The Chinese “Heguangtongchen”, “harmony in its light, the same as the secular.” Its implication is: mixing all kinds of brilliance, being with the same worldly, not exposed to the edge, and doing things in a peaceful way. The teahouse as a whole will serve as a medium for transmitting local culture, outlining the roots of the new tea culture.
In contrast to the impression of “modern and luxury” style, the tea space is designed with innovative cultural tone to bring different visual experience to guests. Under the traditional cultural framework, the teahouse incorporates meticulous standard services, making tradition and innovation run through every detail of the brand.
The project is located in the Tomson Business Center building on the Bund of Shanghai, designed by the architect Mr. Wang Hao, which creates new possibilities for the original building. The design of its space breaks through the conventional, creating a global experience throughout the interior and corridor as well as a harmonious and soothing atmosphere.
The building is located close to the Huangpu River, so the design was not only about light vision, but also about the interaction between internal and external space, to ensure the best visual effect in any teahouse viewing conditions. The simplicity and transcendence of each teahouse make it a refuge from the distractions of the outside world, where one can peacefully indulge in the enjoyment of beauty.
All rooms are made of diatom mud with different color texture materials, of which , the simple natural materials create a sense of hierarchy while ensuring the independence of each room, and the exquisite details complement the interior style and unify the tactile feeling of the whole tea room.
The textured colored walls and high black ceiling define the overall tone of the tea space, presenting a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. In the meantime, the overall design selects the thick textured desktop and wooden bamboo furniture to coordinate, making the use of space more in line with the needs of human experience.
In the design, natural light and internal space subtly interact, and these space silhouettes make the whole teahouse filled with a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. The space is built into a personalized teahouse from the blank, in which the stone and texture materials used are the focal point of the whole design, and the use of different artistic texture tones and shifting door partitions aims to creating a different spatial atmosphere in each room.
Overall, the teahouse demonstrates the designer’s capacity to capture atmosphere and detail, as well as a deep understanding of materials and technology, which perfectly sums up his design philosophy for this project that, “Space is not simply a pile, and it is a product of the interaction between art, interior design and landscape. That’s what we have been trying to do, to bring these three elements together into a personalized harmony.”
▲轴测图 项目名称:(上海黄浦江畔“外滩和光茶室”) Project Title : ( The Bund Heguang Teahouse by Huangpu River in Shanghai ) 项目地点:中国·上海·黄浦 Project Address:Huangpu District, Shanghai Province, China 建筑面积:180 平方米 Gross Floor Area:180 square meters 项目类型:商业/会所/茶空间 Project Type:commercial/club/tea space 项目业主:上海和光居 Project Owner:He Guangju, Shanghai 设计公司:DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所 Design Company:DCDSAA Dianchuan Architects 公司网站:www.dcdstudio.cn Company Website:www.dcdstudio.cn 主创建筑师:王皓 Chief Architect:Wang Hao 设计团队:袁郑亮、唐超、颜丙坤 Design Team:Yuan Zhengliang, Tang Chao, Yan Bingkun 设计时间:2021年5月 关于淀川设计 Date of Design:May 2021 建成时间:2021年8月 Date of Completion:August 2021 施工单位:上海实行约装修工程有限公司 Construction Unit:Shanghai Shixingyue Decoration Engineering Co., LTD 主要材料:石材、钢板、木百叶、艺术玻璃、素水泥、肌理漆 Main Materials:stone, steel plate, wood louver, art glass, plain cement, texture paint 项目摄影:ELTON STUDIO朱恩龙 Project Photography:ELTON STUDIO Zhu Enlong
荣誉简介: 创意总监,DCDSAA建筑事务所 / DCDSTUDIO淀川设计事务所创始人兼总设计师,毕业于中国美术学院建筑系,王皓先生以“意境东方,匠心美学”的设计品牌理念,创作出一套具有东方文化底蕴与现代国际内涵相结合的语境,完成并发表了诸多匠心独运的设计作品。并斩获众多的国际设计大奖,所创作品曾获德国红点RED DOT AWARD空间类红点奖、美国IDA HMENTION CERT全球室内空间类别荣誉大奖、德国 IF DESIGN AWARD 室内、建筑空间类设计奖、意大利 A' DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖、亚太地区设计师大赛最具创意设计奖、TOP100国际影响力华人设计师大奖、中国品牌设计最佳原创设计师等奖项。 设计理念: 设计是虚实关系的对比,是在有和无之间寻求和谐的过程,是把大自然物象抽象化与现实需求的平衡,更是贴近自然人性的心理需求。