新作丨 柏年印象 · 苏州樾府 首
2021-09-14 09:54
传统与当代随性糅合,东方与西方交相辉映,去掉风格与形态的束缚,让生活回归惬意与人文。 The project embodies casual combination of tradition and contemporary and the East meeting the West, which removes the bondage of style and form, and then let life return to comfort and humanity.
| 鸟瞰图 序 | Preface 苏州木渎,一个从水墨中缓缓洇开的江南古镇,素有“吴中第一镇”、“秀绝冠江南”之誉。 Mudu of Suzhou, an ancient town in Jiangnan, has long been known as "the first town in Wuzhong" and "the most beautiful town in Jiangnan". 项目位于苏州木渎,浸润在江南水乡、古典园林的脉脉温存里,苏州人始终追寻一种惬意、东方的人文生活。 The project is located in Mudu of Suzhou, which isimmersed in the tenderness of Jiangnan water town and classical gardens. Suzhou people are always looking for a comfortable and Oriental cultural life.
设计思考 如何将姑苏人文与当代美学糅合 进行古与今、新与旧的融合探索 让人文与时尚共融一室 给人们带来一种当代、随性的生活方式 成为本次设计的思考出发点 How to combine Gusu humanity with contemporary aesthetics To explore the integration of ancient and modern the new and the old Let humanity and fashion coexist in one room Bringing people a contemporary & casual way of life It has become the starting point of this design 1 苏州樾府营销中心 水墨姑苏的当代演绎
设计表达 设计以姑苏水墨及园林为创作灵感 简洁、国际化的设计语汇 写意当代东方的惬意优雅 为古镇带来一个当代而又充满底蕴的空间 引领惬意、人文的品位生活 The design is inspired from Gusu ink painting and gardens Through simple and international design vocabulary Representing the cozy elegance of the contemporary Orient Bringing the ancient town a contemporary space with heritage Leading a comfortable, humanistic and grade life
西形东韵 - Eastern Form and Oriental Rhyme - 简雅的白色、写意的水墨、干练的线条,营造一种东方的安静、优雅之美。 Simple and elegant white, freehand ink and dynamic lines create a kind of elegant beauty of Oriental quietness.
| 太湖石漏景 独步蹊径、拙石卧波,自然断裂的痕迹、未经打磨的透漏,感受复得返自然的舒畅与惬然。 Through unique path, clumsy stone with lying wave, traces of natural fracture, unpolished leakage, here we can feel the ease and pleasure of recovery nature.
| 水墨笔触艺术 笔墨烟云 - Ink Brush Stroke - 苏州湖畔的水墨缓缓洇开,绘出缱绻怡然的江南意境,豁然遐朗,一派清幽之境悄然生发。 The ink and wash slowly spread across the lakeside of Suzhou, drawing a romantic and pleasant mood of Jiangnan, and therefore a space of silence has quietly sprung up.
寻悠悠墨香而来,以青蓝着调,意在营造一处清新雅致、融情于景的场域。 With leisurely ink fragrance and blue tone, here the design intends to build a pure, fresh and refined field in harmony with the scene.
美,无需刻意。以艺术化的理解,在日常中注入细腻的情感,低奢的香槟金碰撞隐逸的竹格栅,诠释对生活格调的追寻。 There is no need to express beauty deliberately. With an artistic understanding, delicate emotions are injected into daily life, and the modest luxury champagne gold meets the reclusive bamboo grid to interpret the pursuit of life style.
承载着墨香意蕴的人文底色,在潜移默化之中,将自然的香气融入,富有人文艺术气质的细腻。 Bearing the humanistic background of ink implication, imperceptibly, the design integrates the natural aroma and is rich in the delicacy of humanistic and artistic temperament.
2 木渎老房子 传承与唤新
设计表达 以简洁、自然的姿态 从艺术角度进行传统与当代的融合唤新 在保留原有格局下对老房子进行改造 重构一种时尚、诗意的生活美学 In a simple and natural pose From the artistic point of view the design integrates tradition contemporary and creates innovation The designer remakes the old house in the retention of the original pattern Reshaping a fashion and poetic life experience
人文时尚 - Humanity and Fashion - 群青色晕染时光的人文足迹,与现代时尚材质巧妙兼糅,为古老的建筑增添了几分明亮活泼,荟集人文风骨与书香儒蕴,古今相继,从容自得。 The cyan polishes cultural footprint of time in this sales center. The traditional architecture combines modern fashion materials, which adds some brightness and liveliness to this ancient building, where collects humanistic spirit and scholarly Confucian connotation. The ancient and the modern coexist leisurely and contentedly.
新旧相糅 - Fusion of the Old and the New - 古老的建筑融入新生的灵魂,浮光掠影交替中找寻一种传统与当代的平衡。 The old building blends with the new soul. In the alternation of glimpses, the designer tries to find a balance between traditional and contemporary.
传承独特的东方风韵,令文士生活跃然水墨意境之间,实现一场人文艺术的回归之旅。 Inheriting the unique Oriental charm, this design makes literati life leap between ink painting artistic conception, which realizes a return journey of humanities and art.
酿一缕斜阳,与绿意对坐,品一杯清茶,尝试唤醒内心对历史的记忆,享受这份宁静、安逸与归属感。 In a ray of setting sun, you can enjoy a cup of tea around the green. Here the scene tries to wake up the inner memory of history,and it let us enjoy this peace, comfort and belonging.
一墙拙石、墨陶竹枝、一盏茶杯,拙朴的传统美感于细节中得到当代美学的传承,文人诗意的浪漫跃然而出。 The humble traditional aesthetic sense in the details of a wall of stone, bamboo in ink pottery, a tea cup, will be carried on through contemporary aesthetic, and therefore poetic romance jumps out.
传承与新生,在空间中酿就,为人们带来人文、诗意的生活体验,让设计品位生活。 Inheritance and renewal brew in the space, and it brings the humanity, the poetic life experience for people; hence let the design taste the life.
在传统与当代之间自由穿梭,新旧交相呼应,设计不强调风格与形态,让生活更加随性、惬意。 In short, this design freely shuttles between tradition and contemporary, and the old and the new echo in it. Moreover, it does not emphasize style and form, which make life more casual and comfortable.
平面布置图 项目名称 | 苏州樾府 Project Name | Yue Mansion 项目性质 | 营销中心 Project Category | Sales Center 项目地点 | 苏州木渎古镇 Location | Binzhou,Shandong 甲方单位 | 保利里城地产 Client | Poly Legend Properties 项目面积 | 785 ㎡& 503 ㎡ Area | 785sq.m.&503sq.m. 硬装设计 | 柏年印象、北京集美组 Interior Design | HCD IMPRESS、Beijing Newsdays 软装设计 | 柏禾建设 Interior Design | Bohe Construction 建筑单位 | 华睿建筑设计 Architecture Design | Chengdu JZFZ Architecture Design 景观单位 | 摩高景观设计 Landscape Design | Shanghai Zebo Landscape Design 完成时间 | 2021.01 Completion Date | Jan.2021 项目摄影 | 英盖乐锐 Photographer | Ingallery
HCD IMPRESS 柏年印象是一家屡获国际殊荣的知名室内设计机构,专注于软硬装一体化、家具研发、艺术品设计、灯光设计等室内领域的纵深一体化发展。 让设计品位生活——以卓越的设计作品,提升人们的生活品位是我们的使命。我们的经营皆由使命出发。 成为世界级的平台型室内设计公司是柏年印象的愿景。吸引一流的人才,为其赋能,帮助其与客户合作并为客户创造价值,让组织、客户、员工实现共赢发展,是我们坚持不懈去做的事情。 成就客户、追求卓越是我们的核心价值观。 自创建伊始,柏年印象与众多品牌开发商建立了长期伙伴关系,作品在全球各大权威设计大奖中屡获殊荣,其中包括美国IDA国际设计金奖、美国IIDA全球卓越奖、意大利A' Design金奖、美国IDEA设计奖、德国IF设计大奖、德国GDA特别表彰奖、日本G-Mark、伦敦设计奖、英国FX国际室内设计奖、英国WIN《世界室内新闻》杂志大奖、澳大利亚GDA设计奖、台湾GPD金点设计奖、亚洲A&D TROPHY建+设大奖、亚太地区APIDA室内设计大奖、香港DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖等,获得客户和业界的高度认可。