新作 丨 Robson Rak 历史与记忆的延续 首
2021-08-28 22:27
Katherine Robson / Chris Luck
Robson Rak \ 历史与记忆的延续 澳大利亚 . 墨尔本
Architecture survives because it is art and because it transcends practicality.
St Huberts 是墨尔本郊区 St Kilda 丰富历史的华丽体现。罗布森·拉克( Robson Rak)充满了几十年来赋予的优雅魅力,吹散了时间的蜘蛛网,将房屋恢复为原先设想的豪宅,尽管对未来有着深思熟虑的愿景。
St Huberts is a magnificent reflection of the rich history of St Kilda, a suburb of Melbourne. Robson Rak is full of the graceful charm bestowed over decades, blowing away the spider webs of time and restoring the house to the mansion originally conceived, despite having a deliberate vision for the future.
St Huberts 借鉴了新与旧、过去与现在、创新和长期证明之间的持久关系,以建立有形的平衡。新近抛光的住宅全心全意地拥抱墙壁可能确实有耳朵的感觉,向华丽的灰泥、马赛克瓷砖、铅灯以及砖和木制品中的怀旧图案的复杂美致敬。Robson Rak 有意在美学尺度与简约和设计清晰度之间取得平衡,展示了时代建筑如何成功支持 21 世纪的生活。
St Huberts draws on the lasting relationship between new and old, past and present, innovation and long-term proof to establish a tangible balance. A newly polished home that wholeheartedly embraces the walls may indeed feel like an ear, paying tribute to the intricate beauty of gorgeous stucco, mosaic tiles, lead lamps, and nostalgic patterns in brick and woodwork. Robson Rak intends to strike a balance between aesthetic scale and simplicity and design clarity, demonstrating how time architecture can successfully support life in the 21st century.
St Kilda Hill 最初是由富裕的精英在 1880 年代后期建立的。优雅的维多利亚式豪宅周围环绕着为维持日常生活节奏所需的员工的简陋房屋,其建造与英格兰遥远的客厅和镀金礼节相呼应。今天,这种庄严的氛围仍然在圣休伯特这样的宏伟住宅中产生共鸣。
St Kilda Hill was originally established by wealthy elites in the late 1880s. The elegant Victorian mansion is surrounded by rudimentary houses for the employees needed to maintain the rhythm of daily life, and its construction echoes the distant living room and gilded etiquette of England. Today, this solemn atmosphere still resonates in grand residences like St. Hubert.
Robson Rak 是一家久负盛名的屡获殊荣的公司,可为您提供建筑,室内设计和室内装饰的整体设计服务。我们设计的每个项目都共同强调创新设计,寿命,可持续性和客户价值。我们一直在努力挑战架构过程,以找到新的解决方案,过程和生活方式。受站点,程序,预算或其他参数的影响,我们致力于使每个项目都具有独特性,真实性和说故事性。
Robson Rak is a prestigious award-winning company that can provide you with overall design services for architecture, interior design and interior decoration. Every project we design collectively emphasizes innovative design, longevity, sustainability and customer value. We have been working hard to challenge the architectural process to find new solutions, processes and lifestyles. Affected by site, program, budget or other parameters, we are committed to making each project unique, authentic and storytelling.
Kathryn Robson首席建筑师来自欧洲和澳大利亚的广泛工作历史。克里斯·拉克 首席室内建筑师为领先的墨尔本设计办公室的前沿设计做出了贡献,而这些设计办公室具有多学科的美术背景。我们的经验,个性和共同的完美主义相结合,创造了一种刺激而富有成效的协作,其中,材料和手工艺造就了永恒而优雅的建筑和室内设计。
Kathryn Robson Chief Architect has an extensive work history from Europe and Australia. Chris Lack The Chief Interior Architect has contributed to the cutting-edge design of leading Melbourne design offices with multidisciplinary art backgrounds. The combination of our experience, personality and common perfectionism creates an exciting and productive collaboration in which materials and craftsmanship create timeless and elegant architecture and interior design.
Robson Rak的承诺是设计住宅和商业空间,最终为用户提供温暖和幸福感。使用户感觉良好的空间。随之而来的是一种易于维护的架构,并且可以在未来几年为用户提供营养。
Robson Raks commitment is to design residential and commercial spaces that ultimately provide users with a sense of warmth and happiness. Allow users to feel good space. What follows is an architecture that is easy to maintain and can provide nutrition to users in the coming years.