Vike表现新作|诧寂风套房 首
2021-08-24 13:49
入口处纱帘作为软质屏风的使用。既分隔出了玄关空间,又使空间若隐若现。 Use of gauze curtain at entrance as soft screen. It both separates and obscures the entryway space.
整面水泥墙面的应用。丰富空间的同时,又很好的提升了空间的质感。 Application of whole cement wall surface. Enrich the space at the same time, but also very good to enhance the quality of the space.
全屋米白色的水泥漆,搭配上灰色的水磨石地面。使得整个空间显得和谐统一。 The house is painted in off-white cement with grey terrazzo floors. It makes the whole space seem harmonious and unified.
落地窗边的小圆桌,搭配上造型个性的三把椅子。在冬日的午后,这就是与好友玩乐的好地方。 The small round table by the French window, matches with the three chairs of the modelling individuality. On a winter afternoon, this is a great place to hang out with friends.
定制的两个装饰柜,既丰富了空间,又提高了储物能力。 The custom-made two decorative cabinets not only enrich the space, but also improve the storage capacity.
一体的长形吧台,满足了平时的就餐需求。 One of the long bar, to meet the usual dining needs.
开放式的厨房,提高了空间的利用率。增加了厨房的采光。 The open kitchen improves the utilization of the space. Added light to the kitchen.
整面的开放式书柜,加上暖色调的灯带。构成了读书角。 The open bookcase with the whole side, plus the light belt of warm tone. Its a reading nook.
两扇大面积的玻璃移门,极大地提高了空间的采光与通风能力。 Two large glass sliding doors greatly improve the lighting and ventilation of the space.
效果图制作:Vike表现 全案设计:一柒空间