Vike表现新作|阳光下的现代跃层 首
2021-08-08 21:17
大面积的落地窗增加了空间的采光与通风,使得阳光能够更好地照射到室内。 Large floor to ceiling windows add light and ventilation to the space, allowing sunlight to reach the interior.
鱼肚白岩板搭配上黑色的大理石台面,让整个电视背景看上去显得大气,时尚。灰色的镜子增加了空间的延伸感。 Fish belly white slate with a black marble countertop, so that the entire TV background seems to be atmospheric, fashion. The grey mirror adds a sense of extension to the space.
白色与咖色木饰面的搭配,使得整个背景富有变化。暖色的灯带让空间变得温馨。 The combination of white and coffee-colored wood finishes makes the whole background variable. The warm color light belt lets the space become the warmth.
L形的转角沙发提高了空间的利用率。茶几上卡通玩偶的加入,让空间变得趣味十足。 The L-SHAPED CORNER SOFA improves the utilization of the space. Tea Table on the addition of cartoon dolls, let the space become full of fun.
大地色的单椅配色,提高了空间的格调。 The single chair of earth color matches color, raised the style of the space.
极简造型的楼梯,使得整个楼梯间变得通透。 The minimalist staircase allows the entire staircase to become transparent.
入户门边上的细节收口,窄边框的大理石线条,都极具现代感。 The details on the side of the entrance door, the narrow border of the marble lines, are very modern.
墨绿色的单椅,丰富了空间的色彩。 Dark green single chair, enriched the color of the space.
开放式厨房和中间吧台的加入,提高了餐厨空间的利用率。 The addition of an open-plan kitchen and a central bar enhances the utilization of the dining space.
大地色系与暖色灯带的应用,让整个空间变得温馨,和谐。 The earth color department and the warm color light belts application, lets the entire space become warm, harmonious.
整面的软包床靠,丰富背景的同时,提高了睡眠时的舒适度。 The full-face soft bed provides a rich background while enhancing the comfort of sleep.
墙角的定制梳妆台,很好的利用了空间。 The custom dresser in the corner makes good use of the space.
灰玻开门的开放式衣柜,提高了空间的格调。 The grey glass open-door wardrobe enhances the style of the space.
白色与灰色岩板,搭配上黑胡桃木饰面。让空间变得成稳大气。 White and grey slate with Black Walnut finish. To make space a stable atmosphere.
干湿分离,双台盆的设计,方便了日常的使用。 Dry and wet separation, double basin design, convenient for daily use.
效果图制作:Vike表现 全案设计:风尚设计