Vike表现新作|这才是现代大平层 首
2021-07-18 16:24
中国人讲究进门不见厅,玄关处背景墙的设计,让回家变得有仪式感。 The chinese are very particular about not being able to enter the room, and the design of the background wall at Entryways place makes it ritualistic to return home.
绿植的加入,既丰富了空间,又美化了环境。 The addition of greenery not only enriches the space, but also beautifies the environment.
入户门左侧悬空的鞋柜,增加了空间的现代感的同时,方便了日常的使用。 The left side of the entrance door hanging shoe cabinet, increased the space of the modern sense at the same time, convenient for daily use.
结构简约的洞石背景,提高了空间的格调。 The simple structure of the cave stone background, improve the space style.
转角沙发的使用,大大的增加了客厅的空间利用率。随意摆放的单椅和矮凳,提高了空间的舒适性。 The use of the corner sofa, increased the space utilization rate of the sitting room greatly. The single chair and low stool placed at will enhance the comfort of the space.
大面积的落地窗,增加了采光。使户外的美景,映入眼帘。 Large floor-to-ceiling windows add light. To bring the beauty of the outdoors into view.
一体式的吧台设计,既划分了空间,又使空间更具有连贯性。 The design of integrated bar not only divides the space, but also makes the space more coherent.
隐藏式的冰箱,嵌入式的烤箱,使得空间看上去干净,整洁。 The hidden refrigerator and built-in oven make the space look clean and tidy.
开放式的厨房提高了,餐厨空间的利用率。 The open-plan kitchen increases the use of space in the kitchen.
极简的餐桌椅搭配上吊灯,与整个空间和谐融洽。 Simple dining table and chair match up droplight, harmonious harmony with whole space.
一体式的书柜和书桌的设计,大大的提高了空间的利用率。 Integrated bookcase and desk design, greatly improve the utilization of space.
温馨的配色,搭配上暖色的灯带,构成了舒适的主卧空间。 Warm color matching, with the warm color of the light belt, constitute a comfortable master bedroom space.
落地窗边上的休闲单椅组,是个休闲的好地方。 Floor-to-ceiling windows next to the leisure single chair group, is a good place to relax.
蓝色调的男孩房,是我儿时的梦想之屋。 Blue boy room, my childhood dream house.
效果图制作:vike表现 全案设计:左上建筑装饰