LOOKNOW西南首家旗舰店 大O星际场空降成都

2021-06-29 09:28
LOOKNOW是近几年快速崛起的年轻力时尚及生活方式的新零售品牌,陆续在各一线城市中心地段布点线下买手店。位于成都东大街环太古里潮流商圈的晶融汇跨层旗舰店,是LOOKNOW布阵西南商业重镇的第一站,旨在打通线上线下购物场景,以其独到生猛的时尚解构力,助推现象级的全球当红设计师品牌。 空间设计团队#蘑菇云设计#,联手视觉及装置团队#协作派对#和照明团队#Lumia Lab#,共同完成了LOOKNOW在成都的首秀买手店空间。 Seemingly out of nowhere, LOOKNOW is popping up in every trendy shopping centers of all major cities in China. The Chengdu store, designed by SuperCloud Studio in cooperation with visual team Network Party and lighting consultant Lumia Lab, quickly climbed up as the most popular clothing store on Dianping, a Chinese alternative to Yulp.

大 O 空 降 城 市 The spectacular splashdown of the big O
大O源于我们在品牌logo中提取的一个字母,隐喻了LOOKNOW对时代文化及消费现象的观察和投射。O不再简单的停留在二维平面上,而是转换为这一精神的幻化之物,以三维的金属巨构形式空降在东大街上,表面的屏幕成为持续向城市发射内容的媒介,源源不断的输出新能量和内容。 视觉团队#协作派对# 对“屏幕”进行了一系列的装置化转译,将其定义为整个空间的”关节(articulation)“。装置化的组构形成了一系列关于建筑与城市,人与空间的联动。 The O is for LOOKNOW, the eye of LOOKNOW, presented as a megastructure of LED screen and stainless steel. When you look into the eye, you see the ideas on fashion, local culture and way of life from LOOKNOW ‘s point of view. The visual team Network Party sees the big screen as an articulation between the space and people. Through this installation, shoppers and visitors could interact with the space.



“麻将”版本大O,成都人民喜闻乐见的视觉主题 / 视觉团队:协作派对 People from Chengdu adored the“Mahjong”theme / Visual by:Network Party

“麻将”版本大O / 摄影:夏至 “Mahjong”theme / Photography:Xiazhi

“银河”版本大O / 摄影:夏至 “Galaxy”theme / Photography:Xiazhi

遥 远 的 影 像 和 物 理 转 换 Space, Time and Perception
瓦尔特·本雅明在《机械复制时代的艺术》中写道: 影像,深深包含了其独一性和时间历程。 影像之中,仿佛有一种「灵晕」,它让远方的景象在眼前纤毫毕现,给了人们无限想象的可能。人们凝视它,仿佛在重新感受自己所处的世界,重新唤起对生活的表达。 我们把LOOKNOW想象成一个来自遥远星际的外来物种,空降在成都这片土地上,互相激发出超越现实的主宇宙能量。星轨,月球表面的陨石坑和火星,成为这一遥远想象的影像载体。我们以空间、视觉、新媒体等一系列手段,在600平米的跨层空间中完成了这次物理转换,构建了来自遥远星际的能量场,以一种亘古意味的永恒姿态,消解了潮流快速迭代年代带来的的动荡感。 As written by Walter Benjamin in his The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction , ‘Unapproachability is indeed a major quality of the cult image. True to its nature, it remains “distant, however close it may be.”‘. We pictured LOOKNOW Chengdu as something that landed from outer space, and here distance meets closeness, eternity meets transient. Ralph Lauren once said, I dont design clothes, I design dreams. And we designed a dream house for fashion.

星轨 The planetary rings

月球表面的陨石坑 The meteor craters

《银翼杀手2049》中的经典一幕。男主独身一人站在橘色沙尘下的荒凉城市。随着飞行器缓慢前行,画面变得模糊,仿佛有神奇未知能量在其中迸发。 There is one scene from 《Blade Runner 2049》 I remember vividly: K stepped out of the shuttle, slowly walking towards the orange-red dusty city. The sky-scrapers in the city were blurry and mysterious.
新零售空间当下所截取的时髦表皮,往往被被其自身不断更迭的产品所传达的艺术信息所颠覆。我们选取了遥远的月球表面和火星影像作为整个空间的基底皮肤,正是为了抵抗这一悖论所形成的局面。 Fashion, no matter how ground breaking when it first came out, like those futuristic towers in the background, will inevitably become tired. This is why we picked the otter space as the background of the space - something immortal, irrelevant to time as the antidote of transient fashion.
第一时区:在月球表面和时空星轨中迷失 Stop 1: Meteor craters and planetary rings
首层的叙事以“月球表面”开启,我们将“星轨”的特性融进室内空间中,仿佛随着轨道的旋转,形成一个持续更新与进化的场所,而非被锁定在某种预定形式之中。 The first floor has two anchor points: the O-shaped entrance and the Spiral staircase. Everything else became some form of ripples round these two points.

大O投影到地面上,形成了星轨状环形路径,表面是月球表面的陨石坑肌理 / 空间:蘑菇云设计 Projected on the floor, it became metro crater of display walls / Space:Supercloud Studio

星轨主题在天花和照明设计上的延续,半封闭楼梯作为屏幕装置介入场景转换/ 摄影:夏至 Projected on the ceiling, it became rings of light and nebula of louvers / Photography:Xiazhi

首层完整的“星轨”场景,旋转楼梯仿似月球即将转换到火星的黑洞转换器 / 摄影:夏至 ‘Planet rings and the black hole‘ / Photography:Xiazhi

天花上三个层次的金属轨道,让整个空间有了星云涡流的速度感 / 摄影:夏至 Three layers of light rails adds to the scale and velocity of the nebula / Photography:Xiazhi

镜面与斑驳的墙,仿佛星球表面遗落下来的碎片重新汇聚在墙面上 / 摄影:夏至 Contrast between the mirror surface and the broken wall / Photography:Xiazhi

陨石坑墙面和插入其中的透光人工物质亚克力,有一种意外的和谐感 / 摄影:夏至 Rough Meteor crater surface and evenly illuminated acrylic shelves / Photography:Xiazhi

仿佛从墙身内部长出来的金属道具构件,和活动家具共同构建的冷酷仙境 / 摄影:夏至 Stainless steel hangers as if they grew out of it / Photography:Xiazhi



在时间的荒原里,凝结短暂的人类文化结晶 / 摄影:夏至 In the wilderness of time, civilization is forged / Photography:Xiazhi

粗糙原始的墙面肌理,再现了现实世界里的遥远月球表面 / 摄影:夏至 The rough and primitive wall texture reproduces the remote surface of the moon in the real world / Photography:Xiazhi


神秘的星轨“内部”中心是收银台以及旋转楼梯,层层叠叠的黑钛不锈钢板仿佛像一个黑洞,成为空间的焦点,引发了这场“星际体验”的旅程 / 摄影:夏至 Inside the ‘black hole’ there is a spiral staircase to the 2nd floor / Photography:Xiazhi
中转:黑洞转换器和时间旅行 Transit: The black hole of Time Travel
在爱因斯坦的《相对论》中,时间与空间被整合到一起,变成了“时空”概念。时空是可以压缩,弯曲甚至改变的。科幻片中的“黑洞”或者“空间跳跃”,就是时空这个概念的衍生品。我们尝试在旋转楼梯空间中,再现黑洞概念的画面。 旋转楼梯作为交通核心,承接了空间的上下关系,也成为转换月球与火星之间的黑洞通道。外表皮的黑色金属和内核的黑色镜面金属,被切割成条状交叠的圆弧形体,视觉团队#协作派对”在楼梯顶部放置了屏幕,在其中注入主题化的视觉内容。屏被点亮的时刻,画面被无限反射和旋转,置身其中的时间旅行者会有短暂的扭曲时空感,预示着星际旅程的开始。 Time can be twisted. So is space. The spiral staircase linked the two levels, like a black hole/ warm hole between the moon and Mars. The staircase is covered with slits of metal sheets, matt on the outside and mirror finish on the inside. When the linear lights on the floor were lit, the led screen on the top switched on, lights and images reflect and revolve, dazzles the pleasure of time travel.


在《银翼杀手》的世界里,每个人都是一座孤岛,时间仿佛消失在强烈光影中的空间里。 In the world of 《Blade Runner 2049》, everyone is an island, and time seems to disappear in the space of strong light and shadow.

照明在旋转楼梯空间中的模拟场景,无数个被反射和消解的瞬间 / 照明团队:Lumia Lab Lighting simulation scene in the rotating staircase space, countless moments of reflection and digestion / Lighting: Lumia Lab


片状镜面将光线打散,从卷曲的装置表皮透出。光影结合而成就了神秘、虚幻的诗意 / 照明团队:Lumia Lab Lights get split and reflected, creating a sense of mystery / Lighting:Lumia Lab


星际主题内容单帧画面 / 视觉团队:协作派对 Space theme / Visual by:Network Party


银河主题场景 / 摄影:夏至 Galaxy theme / Photography:Xiazhi


银河主题场景 / 摄影:夏至 Galaxy theme / Photography:Xiazhi

第二时区:火星时态的混剪 Stop 2: A visual montage of Mars
橙色荒漠中炙热又寂寥的景象,是第三时区“火星商店”的重要视觉参考。我们选取了红土色涂料、不锈钢和仿夯土板的材质来呈现这一段略显复杂的混剪,变幻的屏幕在其中无声的转换频道,仿佛有外力在操纵此刻的时空幻觉。 Red dust. Drought. The lonely planet of Mars is the main visual reference for us to design the space on the 2nd floor. We picked orange-red paint as the ceiling color,Stainless steel for the props and large panels made from rammed earth for the walls. Like level 1, the contrast between technology and nature, time and timeless is what we are looking for.

《银翼杀手2049》中K朝城里走去的镜头,远处笼罩在一片朦胧红土色烟尘中。 In 《Blade Runner 2049》, K walks in the dreamy red dust

火星上巨大的陨石撞击盆地,橙红色的自然地景肌理。 Photograph of the ground on Mars

半封闭表皮将屏幕包裹在内部,承接上下场景的切换 / 摄影:夏至 Look into the ‘black hole’. The LED screen on top reminds us another space / Photography: Xiazhi

圆环形的红土色造型,实际上内藏了整套防火卷帘设备 / 摄影:夏至 Fire curtains hidden behind the ring of red rocks / Photography: Xiazhi

收银台也是一组装置,背景是一条长屏,输出不同主题的信息和氛围 / 摄影:夏至 The cashier counter itself is an installation represents human technology / Photography: Xiazhi

远处的大O、收银台和黑洞转换器,三组装置在空间中的关系 / 摄影:夏至 Spatial relationship between the ‘big O’, the ‘black hole’and the cashier / Photography: Xiazhi

收银台后部的屏幕装置,是另一个时空的窗口 / 摄影:夏至 LED Screen recessed into the cashier / Photography: Xiazhi


可随意组合的火星商店金属道具 / 摄影:夏至 Modular display shelves / Photography: Xiazhi

双荧光管的发光矩阵 / 摄影:夏至 Modular lighting system / Photography: Xiazhi

更衣室是五组白色胶囊容器装置,上部屏幕和其他装置画面同步联动 / 摄影:夏至 Capsules of change rooms with screen on top / Photography: Xiazhi

火星商店道具,工业流水线金属制品 / 摄影:夏至 Industrial, modular lighting system / Photography: Xiazhi

火星商店上线,不锈钢收银台和道具 / 摄影:夏至 Stainless steel cashier and props / Photography: Xiazhi
抵达:星际能量场 Conclusion: Interstellar Field
我们认为新零售空间是一个极为重视时空和想象力的场所,它的开放性和透明性使其以不同方式将时空与其内容的复杂性连接起来,它对创造性和想象力的探索也是应对消费周期提速的重要手段。 我们在LOOKNOW线下店中,强调了时空(Space-time)、实体(Physical)和抽象(Abstract)三个方面的设计语言。月球与火星的遥远星际影像,最终以水泥,夯土,金属等物理材质构筑出来,体验是超现实的,而触觉是真实发生的。 LOOKNOW是一个星际能量场,我们以一种抽象物化的方式,用四组装置串联起来一个相对恒定的场所,潮流像水一样穿梭其中,生生不息,成为真正意义上的潮流与人交流、邂逅与互动的公共空间。 We believe that new retail spaces should be imaginative as we speak a lot about experiences. In this case we set our mission to explore the relationship between the transient and the timeless, and transport the shoppers to experience fashion elsewhere. The exploration is also a response to how we consume fashion in a much faster way nowadays. In the LOOKNOW Chengdu store, we emphasized the design language of space-time, physical and abstract. The distant interstellar images of the Moon and Mars are finally constructed with physical materials such as cement, rammed earth, metal, etc. The experience is surreal, and the touch is real. LOOKNOW is an interstellar energy field. In an abstract and materialized way, we use four sets of devices to connect in series to a relatively constant place. The tide flows through it like water, endless, becoming a real trend in communicating with people and encounters. Public space for interaction.
项目图纸 Project Drawings and Renderings

一层平面图 Level 1 Plan

二层平面图 Level 2 Plan

一层效果图1 Level 1 Rendering 1

一层效果图2 Level 1 Rendering 2

一层效果图3 Level 1 Rendering 3

二层效果图1 Level 2 Rendering 1

二层效果图2 Level 2 Rendering 2

二层效果图3 Level 2 Rendering 3
设计公司 Interior Design 蘑菇云设计工作室 Supercloud Studio 类型 Type 新零售 线下体验店 New retail, offline experience store 地点 Location 成都 晶融汇购物中心 The Atrium,Chengdu 业主 Client LOOKNOW 面积 Construction Area 600㎡ 项目年份 Year 2021年4月 外立面改造/室内设计团队(蘑菇云设计工作室) Facade renovation / interior design(Supercloud studio) 徐迅君、徐聪、申云、薛萌 、杨育青 Xu Xunxun, Xu Cong, Shen Yun, Xue Meng, Yang Yuqing 新媒体视觉 装置团队(协作派对) Vision-Installation(Network Party) 蔡凯、张昕、徐壮、Vee、 吴懿纯 Cai Kai;Zhang Xin;Xu Zhuang;Vee;Wu Yichun 照明设计团队(麓米照明) Lighting Design(LUMIA Lab) 庞磊 PANG Lei 结构设计团队(源规建筑结构设计事务所) Structural design (Shanghai Wilderness Structural Des. Firm Inc.(General Partnership) 张业巍 李秋云 余威威 Zhang yewei, Li Qiuyun, Yu Weiwei 工程承建团队 Construction team 璟筑建筑工程有限公司 Jingzhu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd 材料 Materials 水泥 环氧基水磨石 夯土板 黑钛拉丝不锈钢板 weather resisting steel, metal perforated plate, concrate paints, epoxy cement floor, sleeper 摄影师 Photographer 夏至 Xia Zhi







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