米洛映象 | 万腾观山悦B1样板间:感受淡雅从容、蕴藉隽永的经典新中式风格
2021-06-29 10:21
长歌吟松风,曲尽河星稀。 我醉君复乐,陶然共忘机。 ——李白《下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒》 Long song song, song river stars sparse. I drunk jun after music, Tao Ran total forget the machine. -- Li Bai, "People staying at Huusi Mountain on the Lower Zhongnan Mountain and buying wine
寻一方净土,享四时交替。本案布局阴阳协调、色彩稳重成熟、格调典雅质朴、韵味浓烈悠长。将幽幽的意境之美与现代的利落简约相糅合,打造出经典的新中式风格住宅。 Find a pure land and enjoy the four hours alternately. This case will be the beauty of the faint artistic conception and modern neat and simple mix, the layout of Yin and Yang coordination, color sedate mature, elegant and simple style, strong lasting appeal. Create a classic new Chinese style. 0 1 客 厅 薄雾隐祥云,垂柳落亭中
由大及小,由远及近。新中式堂厅带来的浓郁的东方古典情调,好似一抹茗香悠悠散开,中国传统天圆地方的设计理念搭配现代简约设计风格,不仅呈现出符合现代生活方式的东方传统美学,更在视觉上增添了整体空间的通透感。 The design concept of the traditional Chinese heaven and earth is matched with the design of the modern soft decoration without the main lamp, which not only presents the traditional Oriental aesthetics in line with the modern lifestyle, but also adds a sense of transparency to the whole space visually.
堂厅在整体设计上极大程度的表达了对中式风韵的现代化演绎。质感十足的大理石铺往地面与墙壁,精致的摆饰与金属灯饰遥相呼应。春华秋实果,笑迎来客松。薄雾隐祥云,垂柳落亭中。 The marble shop with real sense is paved to the ground and wall, inside collect there is no lack of exquisite place to act the role of and the ornament of metal lamp act the role of echo at a distance. The hall in the overall design to a great extent to express the modern interpretation of the Chinese style charm. 0 2 餐 厨 日日深杯酒满,朝朝小圃花开
人间有味是清欢,一粥一饭带来的不仅是身体上的饱腹感,更是心灵上的舒适与满足。厨房巧妙利用空间,开放式设计与浅色系大理石吧台让整体空间更为通透宽敞,天花板与地面的深色系在空间上发挥出十足的层次感。简洁雅致的调性,行云流水的线条,枫黄点秋,小窗如昼。置身于这样的空间,邀三两好友品酒谈心,何尝不为一件乐事。 The kitchen cleverly uses a space, open type design and light color fasten marble bar to let integral space more connect fully capacious, the brunet department of the ceiling and the ground develops dye-in administrative level feeling on the space.
从厨房延续出来的餐厅舍弃了隔断,光线的流通使整个空间更显敞亮,绿植被古典陶瓷器盛放,宛如满天星般散开,淡雅从容中透出一抹诗情画意。 The dining-room that comes out from continuance of the kitchen abandoned partition, the circulation of the light makes whole space more show open and bright, green vegetation is classical pottery is in full bloom, just like all over the sky star kind disperse. 0 3 主 卧 青山有思,白鹤忘机
主卧多以浅色系为整体基调,给人以空濛雅致的氛围感以及舒适从容的归属感。竹里风声月上门,青山有思,白鹤忘机,如诗如画的背景墙仿佛置身仙境,与床面上摆放的云纹枕饰搭配,相得益彰。 The master bedroom takes light color as the overall tone, giving people a sense of empty and elegant atmosphere as well as a comfortable and calm sense of belonging. The setting wall that is like poem and picture as if place oneself fairyland, the cloud grain pillow that puts with bed face is acted the role of collocation get bring out the best in each other. 0 4 书 房 一笔青云,满纸春成
从古至今,中国人在追求平衡、稳定的对称美学时,讲究的是东方人落落大方、工整有序的生活方式。书房的整体空间从中往两边铺开,结构上呈现出新中式独特的对称美,给人以庄重大气、有条不紊的视觉享受。 The integral space of the study spreads to both sides from it, present the symmetrical beauty with new unique Chinese style on the structure, give a person to enjoy with solemn atmosphere, orderly vision.
一笔青云,满纸春成。实木书桌似卷有灵般舒展,绿植惬意般点缀,左右两方呈对称状的精致摆件、几何拼接于具有纹理质感的地毯,无不体现出空间深厚的历史人文底蕴。 The solid wood desk is like a scroll with the spirit of the stretch, the green plants are comfortable like the ornament, the left and right sides are symmetrical delicate ornaments, geometric splicing in the carpet with texture texture, all reflect the deep historical and cultural heritage of the space. 0 5 次 卧 卧迟灯灭后,睡美雨声中
次卧整体风格以素雅清逸为主,色调和而不同,提升了整体空间的层次感。艺术装置画与深色线条搭配,简约却不简单。 The second lie that is filled with large area by log color is given priority to with simple but elegant qingyi, whole is tonal and different, promoted the administrative level feeling of integral space. Art installation with dark lines, simple but not simple. 0 6 儿 童 房 明月载梦,星空入眠
搭乘梦的飞船,于星空中遨游,以宇航员为主题儿童房采用高饱和的蓝白黄三色跳色,中和了深色背景墙带来的沉闷感,布艺窗帘去繁就简,融于墙壁自然活泼,童趣十足的摆件为空间增添了几分纯真生动。被灰蓝晕染开的地毯铺就原木色地板,体现出卧房独有的柔和温暖。 Take the airship of the dream, roam in the sky, the blue white yellow that uses high saturation for theme children room with astronaut jumps color, neutralized the depressing feeling that brunet setting wall brings, cloth art curtain goes complicated is simple, be in harmony with wall natural and lively, tong qu is full of place a piece to add a few minutes pure and vivid for the space.
项目名称|万腾观山悦B1新中式 Project Name |Wan teng view mountain yue B1 new Chinese style 项目类型|样板间 Project Type | Example Room 软装设计与实施|米洛映象 Soft Outfit | Millo Casa 艺术总监|张雅珍 Artistic Director | Zhang Yazhen 项目地点| 湖南郴州 Project Site | Chenzhou City, Hunan Province 项目面积| 129㎡ Project Area | 129㎡ 完工时间| 2020.09 Completion Time | 2020.09