
2021-06-09 21:55
Exhibition Hall
Soil profile and geomorphology of Shaanxi Province
Cave feeling experience of cave dwelling houses
Design with future streamline
Vicissitudes of life and modern temperament





The exhibition hall selects the soil for the construction of cave as the core element for characterization and application. In the first half of the exhibition hall, the soil shows its natural characteristics. The second half of the exhibition hall, with the help of science and technology, became rational and restrained, and soil regeneration built passive houses for scientific and technological soil. The form and atmosphere of space change with the change of leading role, from free chain free state to convergence structure form, showing the Earth rebirth journey. The exhibition hall transforms the abstract and professional passive housing concept into interesting, image, and easy to understand scientific papers, and the sales office into a sharing person of beautiful life knowledge.






The space transition from the first floor sales scene to the emotional converter of the second floor experience scene. By comparing the virtual image projected on the electrochromic glass with the real environment formed by the machine city composed of waste machines behind the glass, the audience can feel the cruel facts behind the illusory beauty. After all the frames projected on the electrochromic glass are displayed, the garbage machine behind is exposed to the visitors. The slow opening of the glass door marks the beginning of the experience journey to the passive house.




The soil profile combines the landform of Shaanxi Province, cave feeling of cave dwelling houses and the sense of future streamline. One end is tracking the origin of passive houses - caves. At the other end, they struggle to break away from the wall and dance in the space, expressing the dialogue between the ancient and the future. Under the strict planning of human flow and exhibition project, the seemingly random structure is formed through the design and deduction based on parameters. The practical functions of wall, column, roof and platform are hidden in the overall modeling, which combines parametric design with numerical control to ensure the accuracy of data and high recovery level.




Brick is used to build residential artificial materials, and also an ancient capital of Xian historical symbol. In the design, the bricks are arranged in order, and the gradient hollow out method is adopted to make the original thick wall light and rhythmic. The vicissitudes and the technology of hollowed out are combined with the ancient and modern temperament. The space is used as a transition to the exhibition hall to adjust the pace of the visit. Its information density is lower than that of the front and rear exhibition areas, and it can introduce enough natural light to facilitate visitors to adjust their emotions in the front and rear dark areas. From the perspective of space form, the national policy exhibition and the sculpture of recycling old machines are mutually viewed, which means that under the trend of emission reduction, the original high-profile reckless machine gradually becomes gentle and good.





Through the arc screen film, people can understand the relationship between cave dwelling and passive residence from the angle of art, future and life. As an important dividing point of space, it is the link between the traditional cave dwelling and the modern passive house, which opens the way of passive construction technology. The seats in the theater flow quietly in space in the form of clay sculpture, reminding people to be loyal to their mission in the torrent of science and technology.





The space plays a transitional role in the exhibition hall. It is a leisure area with soft natural light and low information density. “ Directory is the main function of this space. The complex and abstract knowledge system of passive house is simply transformed into six kinds of art installations of small house, and the structure of the content to be displayed is expressed in the language of plane art.





This space is the rational stage of soil elements. The core soil in the exhibition hall gradually converges and forms, and the local position gradually becomes long strip desktop, intersecting with the surrounding building box space, and each box corresponds to the display content of the section. As you travel between the boxes, you can see turbulent soil elements. Spatial structure means the combination of soil elements and human technology, and information classification is a design strategy of exhibition hall. The exhibition information is divided into three levels: entertainment, popular science and professional.





This space is the end of the exhibition hall. Under the guidance of a huge question mark, we are going through the pure black passage and back to our original mission - a forest, which is also the starting point of rebirth after choosing. Under the pure white space, the wood presents the beauty of alienation, which is in sharp contrast with the high-profile machine space at the entrance of the hall, warning people that green used to be so fragile and precious. The experimenter walks through the woods to complete the tour. In fact, there are only a quarter of the trees in the space, which are reflected by the mirrors on the walls and ceiling to better decorate the space.





As the exhibition hall auxiliary space, the white space at the end of the experience is used to respond to the entrance, leaving more space and possibility to reflect. The water trough continues the symbol of Earth in the hall, which leads to the thinking of the essence of human life. Another design strategy is multi rhythm. According to the rules of peoples perception and acceptance of information, exhibits are arranged along the tour path, and low density information and high-density information appear alternately. After visiting the dark space of multimedia display, visitors will enter the natural light space for transition and adjustment. The dynamic and static arrangement in the exhibition hall makes the visitors fresh and fresh, and further explore.





The exhibition hall is made of cheap materials, which makes a deep impression and reduces resource consumption. The mechanical device is based on the recovery of the old machine, and the inner core and shell are disassembled for multiple use; It is made of insulating foam brick material with low cost. In the production of special-shaped materials, parametric design is adopted to improve the utilization of the sheet; Large area of wall space to create space of art atmosphere, reduce the consumption of materials.





Exhibition hall is a place for gathering all kinds of complex information. Only by compaction can it be more prominent. Only by giving it plot can it be more deeply rooted in the peoples hearts. At the beginning of the planning, the graphic design and multimedia design were integrated into the space elements. Sentences, videos, and interactions are no longer frame content, borders are hidden, walls, columns, and lights are used to build space. Space is not only a container of information and human beings, but materials, shapes and light are all telling stories behind emotions and becoming part of information. On the basis of breaking through the boundary and compressing information, the exhibition hall will be built into a mixture of space and information.


















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