嘉行设计 丨 质朴东南亚风格,塑造宁静的自然美学

2021-05-20 14:26
嘉行设计 / Design Team
 嘉行设计 / 三亚悦菩提 • 塑造宁静自然美学 中国 . 三亚

Architecture survives because it is art and because it transcends practicality.
——[法] 柯布西耶 (Corbusier)
Generally speaking, the aesthetic objects of design aesthetics include at least four levels: form aesthetics, functional aesthetics, technological aesthetics and cultural aesthetics. In recent years, with the deepening of design culture and concepts, natural ecology, social ecology and social culture and other elements related to human ultimate care have become more and more important, and aesthetics has gradually penetrated into all aspects of human culture.

So for space design, how to create the humanistic aesthetics in the space and let it continuously nourish the people in it? This is a path that Jiaxing Design has always been exploring. We firmly believe that daily life can only release an elegant energy through the infiltration of humanistic aesthetics, and space design should be used as an extended form of cultural evolution.

Based on the rich understanding of the aesthetics of creation and the tropical ocean monsoon at 18° north latitude, Sanya Yue Bodhi, from the perspective of cultural integration, uses the Southeast Asian resort style design as an entry point, integrates nature into the invisible, and continues to rejuvenate the beautiful experience. A quality living space with humanistic and artistic characteristics.



The designer of the main project said: The multicultural environment in Southeast Asia has created a very unique humanistic environment, which is organically integrated with the natural environment to a certain extent. We can learn diversified design semantics from this colorful cultural system. , The collision of the original taste of nature and the taste of humanistic aesthetics has a touching charm.
Unit One 90㎡

As a writer once said, “cherishing things and fate is a kind of gentle and true affection. Letting the beautiful objects in the heart surround you, and contemplating the heart by this, is also a kind of influence in itself.” This case The living room space is fresh, pleasant, warm and elegant. The natural wood color combined with the simple and refreshing space layout has laid the tone of the space as relaxing as a holiday.

The Southeast Asian style wooden lattice ceiling has changes in simplicity, and the coexistence of simplicity and modern fashion. In the choice of soft decorations, the design follows the natural quality of the space, and combines elements with Southeast Asian style harmoniously and presents an unconventional aesthetic charm, natural texture, humanistic atmosphere, ethnic style, and low-key The land blends together, showing a gentle and elegant artistic temperament.


The combination of rattan and wood is the most typical Southeast Asian collocation. The people of Southeast Asia are in love with natural wood for ten minutes. In their eyes, each wood has its own spirituality, and its texture, color, and texture are all languages that convey emotions. The designer condensed this natural flavor into the art of soft furnishings, and built a free living spirit that reveals a touch of exotic mystery and conforms to modern comfort.


Rattan woven carpets, log side cabinets, and rattan coffee tables all give the design a language of formal beauty with natural texture and texture. The regional fabric wall decorations and modern minimalist abstract decorative paintings seek common ground in their differences, echoing each other in color. In terms of details, such as: large leaves and green plants, hand-made feather ornaments, ethnic texture pillows and blankets, these regional embellishments all have strong visual and tactile effects, and enrich the artistic atmosphere of the space.



The dining room is connected to the living room. It can be seen that the designer has made the right arrangement in terms of the sense of order of the form. The log furniture, rattan elements and wood are combined, just like the living room. The table utensils are also simple in texture and have a natural aesthetics of life. . Beauty can nourish peoples hearts and should be infiltrated in all aspects of life.

With the continuous upgrading of modern space living environment, the significance of spiritual life to material life has become prominent, which requires designers to devote more aesthetic annotations to individualization and humanistic connotations. And the Southeast Asian design style with unique cultural charm, emphasis on hand-made design, innovative consciousness and humanistic connotation, has many valuable reference points.

The master bedroom is dominated by friendly warm gray, and the furnishings are made of natural log colors combined with partial dark distressed logs, creating a natural and relaxing holiday style. The soft fabric decorations are made of comfortable linen fabrics, and the color is partially embellished with elegant and quiet green.

Weaving rattan and wood decorative paintings and dark wooden ceiling fans are the finishing touches to the Southeast Asian style, depicting the simple and unpretentious temperament of the symbiosis of nature and humanities.



The combination of the tea room and the study room is compatible with social needs and life and rest needs. The space is mainly light-colored, reflecting the oriental Zen and humanistic temperament. The wooden cabinet against the wall is still a classic combination of rattan and wood, and it also has a clear and elegant charm in the simplicity and nature. The abstract decorative paintings and the small ornaments on the desk give people a natural and beautiful touch because of nature.


The guest room is positioned as a daughters room, with a soft neutral tone in the background. The soft furnishings are mainly modern in home furnishing style, with concise style and some delightful creative ingenuity. Cotton and linen cloth art originally has a simple elegance, and the decoration of light orange and rubber pink gives the space more freshness and vitality. The combination of rattan art and natural materials, through the diverse presentation of hanging decorations, chandeliers, and bedsides, creates a unique natural interest and makes people feel fresh.
On the balcony with a wide view, breeze and sunshine walk in, a cup of tea, a short sketch of time, and enjoy the art of living. The most pleasant time of the day settles here. The vibrant green plants and floral arrangements carry the beautiful yearning of the hostess.
/ AMAN度假酒店风B1(10号) /
Unit Two 63.9㎡

The design of this case mainly draws on the AMAN resort style design, which is restrained, low-key, environmentally friendly, and has a high cultural aesthetic charm. The cozy and soft comfortable atmosphere completely relaxes the body, mind, and soul. The cultural atmosphere is permeated from the subtleties, and the artistic conception is fresh and profound. Even if it is leisure, it is also a natural manifestation of taste.


On the whole, the living room space presents the charm of multiculturalism, and the charm of simple Nordic and Southeast Asian natural styles and elegant Chinese styles can be found in this space. The soft decoration of the living room is mainly based on the beige series of furniture. The light gray is matched with oriental pillows and wall art hangings to create an elegant and charming atmosphere.




The old wooden door elements in ancient Chinese buildings are permeated with a strong sense of history and culture. This well-known cultural symbol is presented in a brand-new perspective, and it becomes a reinvented art form, allowing the traditional culture to glow with new vitality. The natural green plants are fresh and fresh, and the new and the old overlap, making the space more meaningful.


A corner of the tea room, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the world, has a simple but elegant style. Dark brown wooden furniture, artworks and daily utensils throughout, give the space a daily fit, and therefore more spiritual images.



In the bedroom space, natural flowing artistic ink elements and wild chandeliers are designed to condense different natural artistic elements on soft fittings in different ways. The clean and simple style makes the elegant sense of space quietly come to life.

A space with humanistic feelings must be a design that pays attention to peoples inner heart and spiritual world. In such a home space, you can relax and relax your body and mind. With the help of cultural influence, you can release pressure and sublimate your inner soul.

A lama once wrote a poem: Life is the great yoga of the bodhisattva. Even if you want to travel long distances, you have to sit, drink tea, and Meifengyi. In Sanya Yue Bodhi, the abundance of the heart always corresponds to the elegance of the external world. The humanistic aesthetics life is to construct elegant, rich and natural energy in space and in daily life with solemn heart. It is also the design spirit that Jiaxing Design hopes to maintain forever.
/ 泰式度假风B1(2号) /
Unit Three 63.9㎡

The space presents a casual lifestyle, combining tradition, nature and fashion, and a unique and practical style charm emerges spontaneously. At first glance, there is no outstanding avant-garde personality, but there is a unique fashion charm. The designer condensed the expression of natural and humanistic aesthetics here. There is temperature, leeway, and calmness of the years, which makes people indulge in it unconsciously.


The living room space is a simple and comfortable visual presentation as a whole. The sense of seamlessness between humanity and nature is still the main dimension of this space exploration. The broad-leaved plants permeated with nature give the space a vivid and clear atmosphere, which is also the custom of Thai space design. usage.


The furniture presents a simple charm with natural materials, but there is no lack of simple, modern and stylish lines and shapes. The wooden and rattan seats, the simple style sofas with stylish shapes and the round coffee tables, are modern and elegant. Subtle brushwork.


Cotton and linen pillows with exotic ethnic elements once again let the humanistic breath of natural beauty radiate into the space, while the decorative art sketches also continue this idea, colliding a different kind of charm between tradition and nature, refinement and roughness. A modern beauty with affinity.


The bedroom space is simple and clean, allowing the simplicity to create an environment where the soul can be completely empty, allowing people to wander in the poetic nature and enjoy a leisurely and comfortable experience.


The soft furnishing performance is mainly based on the furniture foundation of the neutral tone series, with cotton, linen and wood decorations, creating a comfortable, natural and wild atmosphere. The space covers earthy tones and natural patterns, and is a model of softness and elegance. The quiet black pottery bottle is matched with wabi-sabi dried flowers and handcrafted wall hangings, which has a simple and quiet charm of the years. The background wall of the bedside is light gray-green, with a touch of natural poetry in the warmth.

In the collocation of the childrens room, the KAWS theme style is selected, which is novel and generous, creating a play and entertainment space.


The balcony has another kind of fun. In the lazy afternoon, bathed in the warm velvet sunshine, warm and secure, the light and shadow are as clear as water, and the moment of eternal tranquility and beauty can be glimpsed in the movement.
-Name | 项目名称-
-Project name | 项目地址-
中国 • 三亚
-Spatial properties | 空间属性-
-Area | 项目面积-
-Completion date | 竣工时间-
-Party A Company | 甲方公司-
-Interior design and soft decorationdesign | 室内设计-软装设计-
- Photogr aphy |摄影 -
Shenzhen Jiaxing Design Consulting Co., Ltd. is a young and creative and dynamic comprehensive cultural design agency. Based on the passion for design, elite talents from different backgrounds gather into this happy team. We are good at developing design strategies with a holistic view, and we have the ability to operate independently of all parties. Jiaxing focuses on interior design, architectural design, environmental design, soft furnishing art design and brand planning, and is committed to becoming a creator of art spaces, a conveyer of cultural concepts, and a leader of creative lifestyles.
Jiaxing Design hopes to continuously cut into Eastern and Western cultures and current reality with new attitudes, and use creative design expressions to explain the understanding of humanized space. We believe that space has infinite possibilities, and the creation of scenes can provide people with imagination of life, let people grow together with space, and inject new vitality and vitality into the future. Make a living design, give the space a vivid soul is our beautiful original intention, and it is also the core spirit that remains unchanged in our ever-changing styles and trends.















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