零次方 x 华侨城地产 思所 · 文房之舟

2021-05-16 21:20
书香是一个极其抽象的概念,悄然的融合城市的气质与内涵,也舟载服务于社区的文化生活及品质韵味。项目毗邻松山湖,景色优美,地段优势得天独厚;以自然,文化,艺术为核心 ,以东方文化为基础兼顾销售道具的新型体验空间,满足人的社交和心理层面需求。
The notes of life stay on this boat. “Reading Atmosphere” is an extremely abstract concept, quietly fusing the citys temperament and connotation, but also boatloads of service to the communitys cultural life and quality flavor. The project is adjacent to Songshan Lake, with beautiful scenery and unique location advantages; with nature, culture and art as the core, it is a new experience space based on oriental culture and sales props to meet peoples social and psychological needs.

Through the function and atmosphere of the community with diversified and compound functions, it provides a unique circle lifestyle for socialization and creates a community culture full of immersive experiences based on deep humanistic heritage. The shape and meaning of the four treasures of literature are integrated into the order and art of the space as the literary atmosphere of the entire book garden.

The rhythm and rhyme of the space are clarified by the large area of mountain-shaped materials and the decorative emotional dynamic line, which constitutes the emotional linking point of the cultural heritage output and vaguely leaps the connection between the history, culture and nature of Donggua




船型大理石打造的意境空间,仿佛是空间的衍生。像是走进了水墨山水画,是当代气韵的内外映射。『思所 · 探知』装置位于其间,映应了山水人文的关系,诗词古画的传承。
The boat-shaped marble creates a moody space, as if it is a derivation of the space. It is like walking into an ink and landscape painting, a mapping of the contemporary atmosphere inside and outside. The installation of Thinking - Exploring is located in the middle of the space, reflecting the relationship between landscape and humanities, and the heritage of poetry and ancient paintings.



A huge halo device is introduced inside the ark. The ceiling light and the light penetration make the space change in light and shadow all of a sudden. The wide nesting of the zenith and the circular lights create this space as if it were a vertical conduit to the outside world. The reflection of the distant landscape and the tranquility of the near water; the light of eternity spreads downward and the light of thought leads us to sublimation; it is this interaction between inside and outside, the extraction of the wisdom of the past and the perception of modern life, that inspires us to look forward to the future with grace and self-confidence, and with calmness.


Landscape is in the landscape, poetry has rhythm, and sandbox space also has its unique texture level, and the continuous alternation produces beauty, by which we experience the beauty of different wonderful moods, subtle beauty and the beauty of sparse and dense. Thus, we can enter into a kind of spiritual and mental aftertaste. In the sandbox area, the wooden grille boat barn runs through the whole ceiling, constructing a sense of rhythm and accompanied by changing light and shadow effects.

In the negotiation area, art gives soul to the space, and the concept of library enhances the expressiveness of the space, giving visitors more imagination and interactive experience of art. Only through careful taste can we understand the extreme and speculation of each place, and through the collage and combination of different scenes design contexts, we can feel every trace of the subtlety of the artistry.



The bookshelf is haunted by light, and a large amount of natural light spills through the boat-shaped bamboo grille in all corners of the sandbox space, allowing people to stay comfortably and pick up the books with their hands, making people form a close natural relationship with light and books as well as this space place, symbolizing the light of knowledge shining on the homeland of the soul, enlightening wisdom and allowing the soul to be enriched and perfected.

The elegance of books lies in the heart, not in the line, the book has its own golden house, the book has its own face like jade, based on this, the leisurely life aspired to by the literati is re-instated into the contemporary life scene through the transformation of the design scene. The mild materials, simple and elegant tones, and the boundless communication between people and people, people and nature, and people and space create a light and elegant tone of light life for the space.




On top of the inherited oriental aesthetic framework, in the collision of eastern and western cultures, we see the gentle and elegant manners, the unique cultural appreciation and aesthetic power, the persistence of revisiting and remembering the past, the imagination of the future and the exploration of habitat.

The space integrates modern style design, making the scene cut more appropriately, and the interlocking layout of the eastern and western aesthetic elements, with differentiated reorganization beyond the limits of imagination, derives a more diversified style, and achieves a unique space of refinement and beauty.





The regularity of the blocks and the wall lamps reflect each other, outlining the orderliness of the architectural image, and the relationship between light and shadow through the texture, hazy and clear, the whole scene is very artistic tension. The real meaning of the space is not only the luxury decoration on the surface, but also the irreplaceable and unique cultural tracing rooted in it.


Yifang Tiandi, coming from the traditional metaphorical aesthetics, integrates the aesthetics of the times, integrates the city into nature, into art, and depicts the life scenes. We hope to make the beautiful life imagination reachable through each fine and micro community scene construction.



: 东莞华侨城·纯水岸花园文华售楼处
Project Name:Dongguan OCT Properties · Pure Waterfront Garden Cultural Sales Center
: 东莞华侨城实业有限公司
Construction Unit:Dongguan Overseas Chinese Town Industry Co.Ltd
Project Location:Dongguan. Liao Bu
Project Area:600.00㎡
Completion Date:May 2021
Interior Design:Z.POWER
Soft Furnishing Design:Z.POWER
Photography:WYAP Wenyao Mirror
: 东莞华侨城实业有限公司(王斌、刘樟生)
Design Management:Dongguan Overseas Chinese Town Industry Co.Ltd (Wang Bin, Liu Zhangsheng)










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