新作 睿住天元|美的剑桥郡——学府文化的『梦想追寻』 首
2021-05-14 11:32
New Projects | REMAC TY新作
美的剑桥郡位于华北邯郸市从台区,人文、配套、环境高度和谐统一。全龄学府规划,敬献人文大境,形成全龄段教育资源圈,全龄学府规划,孩子入学再无后顾之忧,美的剑桥郡为品质新城提交了完美答卷。 Midea’s Cambridgeshire is located east of Maosui Avenue of Congtai District, west of Jingjiu Street of New District, south of Taiji Road and north of Weisan Road of New District in Handan City, North China, and enjoys great harmony and unity between its infrastructure and humanistic environment. On top of that, its schooling program and concentrated educational resources tailored for all ages can relieve kids from any worries about future enrollment once they are in. Midea’s Cambridgeshire has also contributed greatly to the building of a high-quality new town. 以“剑桥大学”作为一个载体,将学府文化与当代建筑的缩影相结合,传递现代人居生活新方式。通过运用极具辨识度的艺术符号表达,真正地将建筑、景观、室内融为一体。让我们追随历史的痕迹,回归本真的设计,去寻找生活的真谛;跟着梦想与归属,以学府文化为内核,打造一个拥有地域特性,引领城市文化生活新时尚,追求理想生活的状态。 Taking “University of Cambridge” as an example, this program integrates the academy culture into the modern buildings and communicates a new lifestyle. With the remarkable and recognizable artistic symbols, this area has fully integrated the building, landscape and interior as a whole. Let’s follow the footprints of history, return to most original designs and find the value of life; with the academy culture as the core, let’s follow our heart and dream to create a localized, trend-leading and ideal project.
From the utilization of classical architectural elements to neoclassical methods, and to integration with academy culture, it has welcomed the birth of a miracle amid the alternation from classical architectural language to modern ideology, and that’s Cambridgeshire.
The negotiation area design expresses explicitly the high pursuit for art of living in the minimalistic and simplest way and highlights the exquisite and delicate touch of this space. With the remarkable and recognizable artistic symbols and the creation of a simple yet strong sense of interior space, this area has fully integrated the building, landscape and interior as a whole and become more dynamic, forward-looking, quality and warmer. Here, we can enjoy reading, taste some nice tea with bosom friends or talk freely with marketers about our expectation for the academy life in the future.
The semi-open space created by modular sofas provides clients with a beautiful area for in-depth talks. The golden mix of comfort, privacy, elegance and classics has made it stand out like a treasure box concealed in academy culture.
* 07/儿童娱乐区 “THE CHILDRENS ENTERTAINMENT AREA” 儿童娱乐区设计柔和的家具细节,低饱和度的色彩碰撞,玩趣与书架结合,呈现着轻松愉悦的空间感受,丰富整个空间的趣味性,玩偶和乐高搭织起的无忧时光轻松抚平携子客户的后顾与不安,全身心投入购置目标的交谈。 By using gentle-looking furniture and mixing less saturated colors, the recreational area for children has been equipped with toy sets and bookshelves to look relaxing, pleasing and joyful. When children play with Lego bricks and other toys, their parents can take off their worries about the safety and stay focused on the business talks. * 08/公共区域 “THE PUBLIC AREAS”
【项目信息】 项目名称 | 邯郸美的剑桥郡售楼部 项目单位 | 美的置业中部区域公司 设计单位 | 广东天元建筑设计有限公司(简称睿住天元) 室内设计面积 | 650㎡ 室内设计指导 | 陈学深 室内主案设计 | 黄锋森、米雪晨 硬装设计 | 黄廉才 软装设计 | 徐玉斌 业主团队 | 刘一明、边晶晶、邢晓北、段朝阳、张文佳 竣工时间 | 2020年12月 Project Information Project Name | Sales Department of Handan Midea Cambridgeshire Project Unit | Midea Real Estate Central Region Co., Ltd. Design Unit | Guangdong Tianyuan Architectural Design Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as“DREMAC TY“ ) Interior Design Area | 650㎡ Interior Design Mentor | Chen xueshen Main Interior Designer | Huang fengsen/Mi xuecheng Hard Decoration Designer |huangliancai Soft Decoration Designer |Xu yubin Team of Owners | Liu yiming / Bian jingjing / Xing xiaobei / Duan chaoyang / Zhang wenjia Completion Date | December 2020 编辑/视觉/校对:睿住天元品牌部
企业拥有专利30项,通过了ISO9001:2015 质量管理体系认证,知识产权管理体系认证。连续11年获广东省守合同重信用企业,获评2019年度广东省工程勘察设计民营企业勘察设计收入十强企业,成为华南理工大学、华南农业大学、广东工业大学等多个高校的校外基地。