安定案例 | 爆改国风新宅 首
2021-03-30 17:43
项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 世茂云上鼓岭 项目面积 | 313㎡ 设计师 | 谭超进 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
本案地址在福州市鼓岭上 The address of this case is on Gu Ling of Fuzhou City 远离城市的喧嚣 far away from the Hustle and bustle of the city 安静的灵魂 quiet soul 寻找大自然给予的恩赐 look for the gift that the nature gives
侘寂的美不是均质美或几何美 The beauty of Wabi Sabi is not homogeneous or geometric 而是不整齐、不一致却有种独特美感的平衡感 Its a sense of balance thats uneven and inconsistent but has a unique aesthetic 设计师运用自然材质 Designers use natural materials 低配和度的颜色 Color with low compatibility 营造出自然质朴又有质感的空间氛围 To create a natural and rustic sense of space atmosphere
这被格栅缝纫的窗 This was the grille sewing window 恍如童年在家宅度过的那段悠然惊蛰 as if childhood at home spent that period of leisurely awakening 顿然没了隐忧 suddenly no hidden worries 若有人驻足往这里探 If someone stops to look here 或会一步步解卸下那些多年累积的不可愿 he may step by step unburden those years of accumulated wish 在这埋下他想倾诉的生活狂喜和悲悯 buried here he would like to talk about the ecstasy and compassion of life 埋下那些在陌生的城乡体会过的人间酷冷与灼热 buried in a strange city and countryside experience of the world cold and Hot
壁炉真实动感的火焰能把自然带进居室 The real dynamic fire of the fireplace brings nature into the home 营造出温暖舒适、浪漫高雅的气氛 Create a warm and comfortable, romantic and elegant atmosphere 是一种“看得见的温暖” Its a kind of visible warmth
建筑不喧,自有声 Architecture is not noise, its own voice 空间不言,自从容 space is silent, self-contained
雨天,淅沥沥的小雨打在窗前 On a rainy day, a light drizzle hit the window 室内摇曳的壁炉 Indoor fireplace 在沙发上看书 Reading on the couch 在床上沉思 Meditating in bed