矩陣縱橫新作 温雅时尚 綠城湖畔雲廬 售楼处

2021-03-20 09:43


Interprets the ancient ritual culture with a modern approach.

- Lakeside Cottage -
項目地處華夏文明重要發祥地——中原城市群核心城市鄭州北龍湖片區,臨湖靠路,魏河故道由南穿梭而過,周邊高校林立,居住氛圍成熟,未來發展可期。濱水而居感受一方寧靜,依林而居感受自然體悟。 The project is located in the Beilong Lake area of Zhengzhou, the core city of Central Plains City Group, which is the important birthplace of Chinese civilization. It is near the lake by road, and the old road of Wei River passes through from the south. The surrounding universities are numerous, and the living atmosphere is mature, and the future development is promising. Waterfront and feel one side quiet, live in accordance with the forest and feel natural understanding.

設計充分尊重場所精神,從地域性出發,汲取古代建築智慧,採取五進院落的佈局,在點線面中通過結構性與留白的處理方式,將東方意境裏注重人與空間及自然的和諧性與共生性盡情展現。 The design fully respects the spirit of place. Starting from the regionalism, it draws on the wisdom of ancient architecture, adopts the layout of five courtyards, and presents the harmony and symbionality of human beings, space and nature in the Oriental artistic conception through the treatment of structure and blank space in the dot, line and plane.

材料及色彩使用方面,米灰色系石材的運用,結合木飾面與金屬的合理搭配,在整體與細部之中將空間打造成一處相容中西審美視覺的生活體驗館。 In terms of materials and colors, the use of beige stone, combined with the reasonable collocation of wood veneer and metal, creates a living experience museum that is compatible with Chinese and Western aesthetic vision in the whole and details.

進一 · 禮 Etiquette



禮制文化既是一種秩序的呈現,亦是一種情感的訴求。接待前廳有效地收納自然光的潛入,高挑空的加持讓前廳空間承載一室的通透明亮,容納不同的介質垂直生長。米灰色系的主基調裏,既保持著正向的空間關係,又有著恰到好處的連通關係,空間感飽滿而充盈。 Ritual culture is not only a presentation of order, but also an appeal of emotion. The reception hall effectively receives the penetration of natural light, and the high and empty support enables the front room to bear the transparent and bright space of a room, accommodating the vertical growth of different media. The main tone of the beige gray system not only maintains the positive spatial relationship, but also has the proper connection relationship, the sense of space is full and full.
典雅的臺燈,採用金屬質感的配比,自然添置一種歸家的儀式感,也彰顯著一種尊崇的身份象徵,古樸的木質藝術長墩起至中和作用,金與木彼此相映成趣。 The elegant desk lamp, with the ratio of metal texture, naturally adds a sense of ritual home, but also brings out a prominent status symbol of respect. The ancient wooden art long pier plays a neutralizing role, and gold and wood set each other off.

進二 · 觀 Viewing

二進即一步一景,優雅地重塑自然姿態。玻璃雲先是在沙盤正上方,利用光來超越形狀概念。透明的玻璃棒從天花板上懸掛下來,看似漂浮在空中,透明的層又可以讓光線透過,形成讓人聯想起雲層的構造。 Two in one step is a scene, elegant reshaping of the natural posture. The glass cloud first sits directly above the sand table, using light to transcend the concept of shape. Transparent glass rods are suspended from the ceiling and appear to float in the air. The transparent layer allows light to pass through, creating structures reminiscent of clouds.

進三 · 儀 Ceremony



一進一院,進多進少,便是傳統建築的門第禮序。經由沙盤區步入空間核心區,設計在嚴格的幾進幾出的建築制度中,充分融入現代人的生活習慣與審美情趣,門廳的互為呼應,空間之間的承啟,在一眼望到底的聯動中,將色彩的更替,層次的遞渡,慢慢繾綣。 One into a courtyard, into more into less, is the traditional architecture of the family order. Through the sand table area into the core area of space, design in strict several into a few out of the architectural system, fully into the living habits of modern people and aesthetic taste, the hall of each other echo, the bearing between the Spaces, in the linkage at the end of the eye, the color replacement, the level of the transfer, slowly romantic.




宏大敘述與微觀表達的交叉共融,在洽談區頻頻上演,成為最詩意的呈現方式。 The cross-integration of grand narration and micro expression is frequently performed in the negotiation area, which has become the most poetic way of presentation.

洽談區採用八大高立柵欄式門頁的設計,動線十足,真正突破想像力的邊界,設計與想像在此有了一場真實而純粹的相遇,總有不同,但總有驚喜。 Negotiation area with eight high vertical fence type door page design, dynamic line is full, really break through the boundary of imagination, design and imagination in this has a real and pure encounter, there are always different, but there is always a surprise.



當視角由整體轉向細部,統一富有秩序感的立櫃,擺放著整齊的陶瓷與書籍。依照人體工學而設計的舒適靠椅,對望著靜態的竹藝,點線面的接洽,將渴望寧靜的本心和包容的人生哲思關注到每件產品中。靜味人生,締造優雅、愜意的當代生活方式。 When the perspective turns from the whole to the details, the cabinet with a sense of order is unified and neatly placed with ceramics and books. Comfortable chair designed in accordance with ergonomics, looking at the static bamboo art, point, line and surface contact, the desire for tranquility and inclusive philosophy of life into each product. Static taste of life, to create an elegant, comfortable contemporary lifestyle.



關於洽談書吧區的佈局,設計師以竹衍生為花藝貫穿整體空間,與窗外的竹遙相呼應,用竹寓意君子,使人在閱讀的同時生髮一種虛懷若谷之意,空間平添出一份旨趣。 About the layout of the book bar area, the designer uses bamboo as the flower art throughout the whole space, echoing the bamboo outside the window, using bamboo as a moral gentleman, making people grow a kind of meaning of vanity and valley while reading, and adding a purport to the space.

進四 · 會 Reception


寬闊的空間,承載著貼地性設計處理的單人椅、沙發長凳與茶几,皆是人居美好生活的最佳配備。 The wide space, carrying the single chair, sofa bench and coffee table, is the best equipment for living a good life.

水吧洽談區在儀式的延續上有了增進,明淨的玻璃提供浮廳觀影的生活語境,置身其中可感受到一種衝破維度的視覺享受。 The water bar negotiation area has been improved on the continuation of the ceremony. The clear glass provides the life context of the floating hall for watching movies, and you can feel a visual enjoyment breaking through the dimension when you are in it.

設計執著於一器一物之中,用手工的製作工藝,傳遞傳統的工匠精神。 The design is dedicated to a piece of one thing, with manual production technology, transfer the traditional craftsman spirit.

進五 · 賞 Appreciation

藝術家原版作品——《i am you》,受物派藝術的影響,用樸質古老的雕塑材料表達時間的凝固,表達人與人的共體性,彼此依存的關係。 The artists original work, I Am You, is influenced by the art of materialism. It uses simple and ancient sculpture materials to express the solidification of time and the communality and interdependent relationship between people.



螺旋狀的藝術樓梯,銜接起一二層空間的轉場,下承上重的倒置結構,看似不合理,確是一種順應表面張力的姿態隨之自然而成。 The spiral art stair connects the transition between the first and second floors, and the inverted structure of the upper and lower loads seems unreasonable. It is indeed a natural posture that complies with the surface tension.

摒棄多餘與繁複,浮光掠影之下是一種堆疊陳積的建築手法,傳遞一份溫柔的藝術感。 Abandoning superfluity and complexity, a kind of architectural technique of stacking old things under the superficial light and shadow conveys a gentle sense of art.


△ 一層 /A layer of

△ 二層 /On the second floor







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