矩陣纵橫新作 雅致精品 南沙十裏方圓售楼处

2021-03-05 09:22

Architecture is a stone history book, and architecture itself cannot do without culture.

- Nansha Ten Miles -
Only by integrating the design into culture can we break out of the chaos of seeking the strange by the same and pursuing the extravagant by the greedy. The design team seriously considered the modern relationship between design and culture, hoping that in the project location -- Dajing Village, the rich folk culture of the area can be empowered through the design, and a new form of communication can be adopted to regenerate culture in the design.
△ 設計構思/Design concept
設計希望通過以現代形式重構當地文化元素,讓傳統文化與符號記憶在傳承中得以保存,甚至以“再生”的形式呈現新面貌,去營造新中有舊的歷史韻味空間,呈現一座富含底蘊的井里文化博物館。 Through the reconstruction of local cultural elements in a modern form, the design hopes to preserve the traditional culture and symbol memory in the inheritance, and even to present a new look in the form of regeneration, to create a space of historical charm between the new and the old, and to present a museum of Jingli culture with rich connotations.
一徑方圓,十里洋場/Nansha Ten Miles

項目地處珠三角入海口,水系眾多。設計以地域性特徵為出發點,建築外觀採取船體的輪廓設計,鋪陳麒麟金麟片為正立面,先入為主地引導出參觀者的無限想像力。 The project is located at the Pearl River Delta estuary with numerous water systems. The design takes the regional characteristics as the starting point. The exterior of the building adopts the outline design of the hull, and the front facade is laid out by the kylin and jin Lin piece, which preliminously guides the infinite imagination of the visitors.


設計希望在前廳空間裏融入匠心的細節陳列,將廣州的市井人文嵌入進空間的始末。接待前廳以灰色系為主調,彰顯空間的質感與藝術感,拋光球體與水晶方形的純色鏡面雕塑,不斷去解析並回應項目LOGO。 The design hopes to integrate the detailed display of ingenuity into the front office space, and embed the urban culture of Guangzhou into the beginning and end of the space. The reception hall is mainly grey, highlighting the texture and artistic sense of the space. The pure color mirror sculpture of polished sphere and crystal square constantly interprets and responds to the project LOGO.



建築一二層的架構,設計使用旋轉樓梯承接起一二層空間的轉圜。此外,設計還從書吧區開鑿出一條通往二層的階梯,同樣打造出雙通道的銜接,暢通動線設置。 The structure of the first and second floors of the building is designed to take over the rotation of the first and second floors with a rotating staircase. In addition, a staircase leading to the second floor is carved out from the book bar area, which also creates a double-channel connection and smooth moving line setting.

沙盤區以充滿秩序感的吊燈將光線帶入空間,筆直、線性交叉的天花讓視野極具衝擊力,精心營造的燈光點綴其中,這是源於宇宙浩瀚繁星的永恆。 In the sand table area, the chandelier with a sense of order brings the light into the space. The straight and linear ceiling makes the visual field extremely walloping, and the light decorated with careful construction is from the eternity of the vast and numerous stars in the universe.


為了避免過廳的無趣,設計首次搭載鉑金材質與碳化木設置長凳,以新舊材料的映襯對比,實現材料的再生與可持續使用。 In order to avoid the boring of the lobby, the design adopts platinum material and carbonized wood for the first time to set up benches. By contrast with the old and new materials, the regeneration and sustainable use of materials are realized.


《尋麟之眼》/The Eye of the Trench
藝術家的定制畫作——尋鱗之眼,墨筆繪就的麒麟,神遊於牆壁之上,成為空間裏的點睛之作。 The artists custom-made paintings -- the eyes of searching scales, and the kylin drawn with ink brush, are wandering on the wall and become the eyeball work in the space.
井裏文化的再生/Regeneration of Jingli culture


©MATRIX original
莫家拳屬於廣東五大名拳之一,以腿法見長,洽談椅的周身呈現便是從此提煉而成。 Mojia Boxing is one of the five famous Boxing in Guangdong. It is good at legs. The whole body of the negotiation chair is refined from this.


逛花市作為當地的傳統民俗盛會,屬於文化傳承的重要組成部分。設計於此出發,將這一傳統習俗濃縮到洽談區,並結合漁舟唱晚的語義表達,實現傳統民俗進入室內。 As a local traditional folk festival, flower market is an important part of cultural inheritance. The design starts from here, condenses this traditional custom into the negotiation area, and combines the semantic expression of fishing boat singing evening to realize the traditional folk customs into the room.
洽談桌提取地方麻石築基的特徵,運用到空間的家私上,是一種對文化的“延續傳承”。 The negotiation table extracts the characteristics of local hemp and stone building foundation and applies it to the furniture of the space, which is a kind of continuation and inheritance of culture.

高挑空與半開扇的設計手法,形成齊整開闊的空間設計,適度降低空間給予人的壓迫感,柔和的分區設置也讓空間層次呈現出更加立體化的效果。 The design technique of high and empty and half open fan forms a neat and open space design, and moderately reduces the sense of oppression given by the space. The soft partition setting also makes the space level present a more three-dimensional effect.

靠背枕以刺繡的手法,展現麒麟的不同形態,工藝精湛。一面文創系列背景的陳列櫃,秩序井然,時時呼應整體的聯動。 The back pillow is embroidered to show the different forms of kylin with exquisite craftsmanship. A display case with the background of cultural and creative series is in good order and always responds to the overall linkage.


地毯將片片祥雲嵌入其中,借祥雲入境與自然色調的整體態勢相契合,優雅的古典元素與富有靈氣的現代藝術,彼此互動。 Carpets will be patches of xiangyun embedded in it, by xiangyun entry and the overall trend of natural color fit, elegant classical elements and rich aura of modern art, interaction with each other.




VIP區的石桌以船體浮現動態,杯盞茗品置於其中,在金屬網格中勾勒出麒麟躍動,這種精心佈置處處跟隨設計大邏輯。 The stone table in the VIP area is shaped by the ships hull, in which the cups of tea are placed, and the unicorn dance is outlined in the metal grid. This elaborate arrangement follows the design logic everywhere.
現代衍生/Modern derivation




* 醒獅非物質文化遺產傳承人萬貢學出品
Xingshi intangible cultural heritage inheritor produced by Wangong
多功能廳,是一個更為藝術化場所的存在,牆面古銅色的油畫質感,平添一層少有的粗糲感。 The multi-function hall is a more artistic place. The bronzed oil painting texture on the wall adds a rare sense of roughness.
設計第一想法是直接將麒麟舞的表演道具搬入空間進行展示,簡化具體製作工藝,引導大家對傳統工藝的關注與興趣。 The first idea of the design is to directly move the performance props of the kylin dance into the space for display, simplify the specific production process, and guide peoples attention and interest in the traditional craft.


©Ryan Mitchell 煤球


來自矩陣的原版作品——麒麟舞的陶瓷艺术品,是一種匠心獨運的神物再現。為方圓定制的麒麟文創系列配飾,在物質層面的基礎之上,承載著一種關於文化的精神產品。 The original work from the Matrix, the ceramic art of the Kirin Dance, is an ingenious representation of a divine object. Kylin Wenchuang series of accessories, customized for Fangyuan, carries a spiritual product about culture on the basis of material level.


書吧區以一面高牆的構造,通過黑白書頁的交叉整合,整體與細節的處理,致力於還原麒麟的面貌構造。 With the structure of a high wall, the book bar is dedicated to restoring the face and structure of kylin through the cross integration of black and white pages and the processing of the whole and details.


水吧的櫥窗,擺設有度的藝術品,在一扇鐵質網格的隱藏裏,影影幢幢,乾淨純粹,塑造出一種優雅的藝術姿態。 The shop window of water bar, the decoration has degree of artwork, in the hidden of a fan of iron qualitative grid, shadow and shadow each other, clean and pure, shape a kind of elegant artistic attitude.

兒童區,在以手工感的製作滿足孩童童趣的基礎上,同樣希望可以發揮其中的教育意義,牆面佈置一排十二生肖,用以提高兒童對傳統屬相的認知。 The childrens area, on the basis of satisfying childrens fun with the sense of handwork, also hopes to play its educational significance. A row of 12 Chinese zodiac animals are arranged on the wall to improve childrens cognition of traditional Chinese zodiac.
十里方圓,一處真正融入文化肌理的東方場館,回歸文化的根,在這里,體驗地方民俗文化的當代表達,傾聽無處不在的地方文化語言。 Ten miles, a truly integrated into the cultural fabric of the Oriental venue, back to the cultural roots, here, experience the contemporary expression of local folk culture, listen to the ubiquitous local cultural language.



項目名稱| 南沙十裏方圓 Project name | nansha miles square 項目位置| 廣州市南沙區黃閣鎮 Project location |, huangge town of nansha district, guangzhou city 業主單位| 廣州方圓輝宏房地產有限公司 The owner unit | guangzhou fangyuan fai macro real estate co., LTD 硬裝設計| 矩陣纵橫 Hard outfit design | matrix vertical and horizontal 軟裝設計| 矩陣鳴翠 Soft outfit design | matrix of emerald green 產品設計| M-CASA/MATRIX original Product design | M - CASA/MATRIX of the original 藝術顧問| BananaJam Artistic adviser | BananaJam 攝影公司| 釋象萬合 Photography company | release like us 設計面積| 1418㎡(含戶外面積) Design | 1418 ㎡ area (including outdoor area) 硬裝造價| 3500元/平米 Hard outfit | cost 3500 yuan/square meters 軟裝造價| 2500元/平米 Soft outfit | cost 2500 yuan/square meters 主要材料| 卡特純灰 、蒙古黑 、木飾面 、金屬網、 藝術塗料、 玻璃磚、 古銅亂紋不銹鋼、 黑色拉絲不銹鋼、墙布 Major materials | carter pure grey, Mongolia black, wood veneer, metal mesh, art paint, glass brick, bronze fills black wire drawing of stainless steel, stainless steel, wall cloth 設計時間| 2020年5月 Design time | in May 2020 完工時間| 2020年11月 Completion time | in November 2020
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :知行
排版 Editor:Tan 校对 Proof:Tan





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