安定案例 | 心悦自然
2020-12-20 11:30
项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 融侨锦江 项目面积 | 165㎡ 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
整体空间以灰白色为主调,采用环保的艺术漆,局部绿植相映衬,加之金属质感软装进行渲染,利用灯光营造舒适又充满灵感的生活空间。 The overall space to gray-white-based tone, the use of environmentally friendly paint, local green plants contrast, coupled with soft metal texture for rendering, the use of lighting to create a comfortable and inspired living space.
简单大气的餐椅,未作修饰的餐边柜,搭配上天花板那盏长条吊灯,显得年轻大胆又有艺术感。 The dining chair of simple atmosphere, do not make adornment sideboard, tie-in go up the ceiling that droplight, appear young and bold have art feeling.
搭配茶几和懒人沙发,随时随地沐浴阳光,喝上几杯下午茶,小憩一会儿,惬意十足。背景与吊顶采用了整体设计,显得简洁大气。背景中加入格栅,使空间更有层次。 With a Coffee Table and a Lazy Sofa, anytime and anywhere to bathe in the sun, drink a few cups of afternoon tea, nap for a while, cozy. The background and the suspended ceiling are designed as a whole, which makes them simple and atmospheric. Add a grid in the background to make the space more layered.
经过环保处理后,卧室萦绕清新的气息,充足的自然光线以及推窗可见的好风景,让人在简净素雅中安享生活之美。我们没有能力改变世界,但是我们能将一个空间赋予意义。不论空间如何变换,家人终是你的依靠。我们遇见的每一个人,每一件事,都将成为一生中最珍贵的经历。 After the environmental treatment, the bedroom lingering fresh breath, adequate natural light and push windows can see the good scenery, let people enjoy the beauty of life in simple and elegant. We cant change the world, but we can give meaning to a space. No matter how the space changes, your family is always your support. Everyone and everything we meet will be the most precious experience of our lives.