安定案例 | 翠鸟落地实景展示
2020-12-04 14:36
项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 翠鸟-实景落地 项目面积 | 100㎡ 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
空间采用现代优雅的设计格调,以当代设计美学呈现。灰色水磨石的地面,在丰富空间的同时,不破坏空间的整体性;在强调现代感与艺术感的同时,也更多的保留舒适感。 The space uses the modern elegant design style, presents with the contemporary design esthetics. The Grey terrazzo floor, while enriching the space, does not destroy the integrity of the space; while emphasizing the sense of modernity and art, but also more to retain the sense of comfort.
整体空间注入纯度较高的绿色,高级灰的世界一如那严谨的英伦绅士矜持而内敛,带着怀旧的意味,将空间装扮的典雅而低沉。 The whole space is infused with a high purity of green, and the world of high grey is as reserved and restrained as the rigorous English gentleman, with a sense of nostalgia, which makes the space look elegant and low-key.
不同的色温对氛围的制造和对情绪的影响是不一样的。室内灯光效果,除了受色温的影响,也受显色性、照度等因素的影响;通常我们一个空间所承担的功能不止一个,所以为了达到理想中的效果,在选择灯具的时候,也可以选择无极调光的灯具,自由的变换色温与亮度。 Different color temperature has different influence on atmosphere and mood. Indoor lighting effects, in addition to the influence of color temperature, but also by color rendering, illumination and other factors; usually we have more than one function of a space, so in order to achieve the desired effect, in the selection of lamps and lanterns, can also choose non-polar dimming lamps, free color temperature and brightness.