大朴设计|新作 扬州中信泰富·锦园别墅|别墅

2020-11-24 15:45

Es gibt keinen besseren Weg, der Welt zu entfliehen als die Kunst, und es gibt keinen besseren Weg, sich mit der Welt zu verbinden als die Kunst.
——Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
本案为扬州中信泰富锦园别墅,项目位于扬州主城区,近有现代化购物广场,远有瘦西湖景区。上海 大朴设计根据以光影为媒介尝试引入未来与「静」奢。
The case for The Yangzhou Citic Pacific Fujin Garden villa, the project is located in the main city of Yangzhou, near a modern shopping plaza, far slender West Lake scenic area. Based on light and shadow as the medium, Shanghai Dapu design tries to introduce the future and quiet luxury.

我们观看世界的视角与感受世界的方式可能有千万种,在这不断变换的时空之中,我们尝试掌控室内 空间所蕴藏的内在力量和空间的舒适度。安静的奢华,于优雅中诠释精致的生活态度
There may be thousands of ways in which we can see and feel the world, and in this constantly changing space and time, we try to control the inner power and comfort of interior space. Quiet luxury, elegant interpretation of delicate attitude towards life

致敬法式的未来演绎 Guest restaurant Homage to the future interpretation of French

位于别墅一层的客厅,设计师选用雾霭蓝作为主题色与硬装温柔的浅灰法式线条想匹配,低饱和基调下的科技感 搭配整体法式调性,达到了一种奇异的平衡。
The sitting room on the first floor of the villa, the designer chooses haze blue as the theme color and hard outfit soft light grey French lines want to match, the sense of science and technology under the low saturation keynote is matched with the overall French tonality, achieving a strange balance.




角落的单人沙发则是意大利知名品牌 B-B 的经典之作,突出的线条感糅合皮革的柔润,与整体空间调性 相得益彰。
The single person sofa of the corner is the classic work of B-B of famous Italian brand, the soft embellish that outstanding line feels mix leather, bring out the best in each other with tonal sex of whole space.



In the dining room, the dining table is a combination of marble from the water bar and wood from the table top, which distinguishes the spatial function through the collision of materials.


餐椅的弧 线细节体现法式的优雅,恣意舒展的花艺搭配镜面金属质感的 TOM DIXTON 咖啡器皿组合,如天秤的两 端,在至刚至柔中达到恒稳。
The arc line detail of dining chair reflects French grace, the flower art of arbitrary stretch is matched with the TOM DIXTON coffee ware combination of mirror metal texture, like the two ends of libra, in the firm to the soft to reach steady.
典藏法式品质,遵循现代意志 Master bedroom - study Collection of French quality, follow the modern will
主卧选用大床屏,绑带和金属扣件增加了细节,而茶橘色与雾霭蓝的撞色,使主卧不同于其他空间,在 法式中大气不失稳重,而在稳重中又显得跳脱于旧俗。
Advocate lie chooses big bed screen, bind belt and metallic fastening piece increased detail, and the contrast color of tea orange and haze blue, make advocate lie different at other space, in French atmosphere does not break sedate, and in sedate appear jump to break at old custom again.


金属壁灯兼顾美观与实用,纤长的款型释放了空间, 灯光照耀绒面床屏,细碎的折射波光粼粼,在细节的处理上显示出现代时尚之风。
Metal wall lamp gives attention to two or more things beautiful and practical, the model with slender length released a space, lamplight shines velvet bed screen, the refraction of fine broken sparkling, show the wind of modern vogue on the processing of detail.




With advocate lie opposite is the study, the collocation of black and blue in the space that open half shows contemporary French temperament more.

书椅作为荷兰中古回流的家具,时光给它增添了另一种风味。纯手工的皮革走线细细蕴藏上世纪匠人的一心一意,铜色磨旧的质感将 时光刻在具象上,把岁月留在空间中。
Book chair serves as the furniture of Dutch middle ancient backflow, time added another kind of flavor to it. The leather line of pure handwork contains last century craftsmans one heart and one mind carefully, the simple sense of copper color grinding old engraves time on figurative, leave years in the space.
回归西洋的稳重体验 Elders room The sedate experience of returning to the West
The idle of elder room more show the precipitation of time and incline to sedate, a large number of gray harmonize the elder temperament that general bluesy achievement enjoys alone.

整墙 的西洋画壁纸,描绘法式西洋花园的景色,低饱和度的笔触拉低张力,入目温润。
The whole wall of western painting wallpaper, depicting the French garden scenery, low saturation stroke pull low tension, into the eye warm.
奇幻来自于色彩,魔法来自于形式 Children room Fantasy comes from color, magic from form

大女孩房选用 GUCCI 的经典红绿配色,加上柔和的鱼肚粉,三种颜色被框进几何中,让几何造型结 合精美细致的混合媒介,拼贴出一个新奇的艺术花园。
The classic red that big girl room chooses GUCCI is green match color, add downy fish belly powder, 3 kinds of color are entered by frame geometry, let geometrical modelling knot close delicate mix medium, collage gives a novel art garden.

就如同毕加索的《格尔尼卡》一样,明确的几何搭 配精选的色彩,像永恒的人类对幻想和魔法的迷恋进行的对话。
As in Picassos Guernica, the clear geometry is matched by a selection of colours, like a dialogue between the eternal human fascination with fantasy and magic.

小男孩房引入了 KWAS 的漫画形象,将童趣与涂鸦艺术结合,创造了一个自由自在的艺术基地。
The little Boy room introduced the cartoon image of KWAS, combining childrens interest with graffiti art, creating a free art base.

主题色调沿用蓝色,在色谱中截取如云般透亮的天空蓝,与 KAWS 经典蓝色达到了明暗的对比,规律的弧线床 屏叠加在 KAWS 壁画上,增加了空间的张力。当涂鸦作为一种正规的艺术形式走入展示的殿堂的同时,在 童年的潜移默化中培养着艺术的认知。
The theme color is blue. The sky blue, which is as clear as clouds, is captured in the color spectrum to achieve the contrast between light and dark with KAWS classic blue. The regular curved bed screen is superimposed on KAWS fresco, which increases the tension of space. When graffiti enters the hall of exhibition as a formal art form, it cultivates the cognition of art in childhood.

The learning activity area of boy and girl, one blue is pink, entirely distinct again incline to on chroma identical.


一方活泼,具有动感的公仔摆 件趣味十足;一方乖巧,柔和的色彩搭配几何摆件,温柔可亲。
One party is lively, have the action figure that move feeling to put piece interest is dye-in-the-water; One party is clever, downy colour is tie-in geometrical outfit, gentle and amiable.
艺术感浓于法式,溶于现代 Underground activity area The sense of art is more than French, soluble in modern

The overhead floor is a functional space for gossiping and the exterior is a tea room. French window is bright and clean, daylighting is good, sit on advocate the vision is broad, the marble that tea table chooses is like ink dot snow, black and white is distinct, hold the tension of the space firmly, build give a hallow and serene breath. Or one person tastes tea to meditate, or 3 5 good friends gather and talk, the space that opens partly ensured certain illicit close sex already, also leave the measure of breath.





墙面的装饰画抽象表现了健身形象的剪影组合,橘色休 闲沙发作为主题色点亮空间,挑空区域的吊灯镜面折射更放大了空间的尺度,简洁的圆形组合干净利落。
The adornment picture of metope abstractly behaved the silhouette combination of fitness image, orange recreational sofa serves as theme color to lighten a space, the droplight lens lens refraction of empty area magnified the dimension of the space, concise circular combination is neat.

And the white unusual floor lamp that modelling is abstract firmly attracts a person eyeball, artistic quality connects series whole space from this.


Quiet blue and artistic remain here, a combination of retro French order and modern art unfold, waiting to unfold. Rather than designing scene aesthetics, it is more about designing to create life scene. We hope that everyone can construct their own imagination of life in their mind when they enter the villa space. When the light meets the future, it not only interprets a quiet and luxurious life, but also reveals a new definition of a good life -- a return to quiet after a long period of hustle and bustle, and a harvest of light after half a lifetime of grinding.
Project name: Yangzhou Citic Pacific · Jinyuan Villa
Project address: Yangzhou
Design area: 366.59㎡
Completion Date: September 2020
Special support: Citic Pacific (Nanjing) Investment Co. LTD
Yangzhou Jintai Real Estate Development Co. LTD
甲方团队:史荣祥 石涵 叶新宇 高凯
Team of Party A: Shi Rongxiang shihan Ye Xinyu Gaokai
Soft decoration company: Shanghai Dapu Interior Design Co. LTD
Hard decoration company: Shanghai Dapu Interior Design Co. LTD
Art: Shanghai Maitou Art Design Co., LTD
进口品牌:B-B、TOM DIXTON、GlobalViews、MOLLY
Imported brands: B-B, TOM DIXTON, GlobalViews, MOLLY
Construction party: Shanghai Tianyi Decoration Engineering Co., LTD
Lighting party: Shanghai Sokai Lighting Engineering Co., LTD
Design Director: Bian Guojun
Creative Director: Pan Yingshuo
硬装团队:魏旭良 季嘉鑫 李卫国
Hard outfit team: Wei Xuliang ji Jiaxin Li Weiguo
软装团队:任蕾 孟莉 刘莹 韩佳怡 肖佳皓
Soft outfit team: Ren Lei, Meng Li, Liu Ying, Han Jiayi, Xiao Jiahao
Photography: one thousand degrees






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