初一美学设计 | 商业新案预告. 【蜀语. 茶】
2020-08-03 09:12
【商务综合体户外设计】 “天圆地方”是古代中国对宇宙空间的构想,而今我们传承其精神内核,将方圆两大元素融入到空间中,赋予空间更多的可能性。 Heaven and circle place is the ancient Chinese conception of space and space. Today we inherit its spiritual core and integrate the two elements of square and circle into space, giving space more possibilities.
【 1F咖啡厅】 CAFEE HOUSE “方”是一份坚守。以出淤不染的坚毅正直,去还击万般苦难,洗尽铅华;以一身正气的轩昂格局,去化解世俗偏见,守住心灵底色。 Fang is a perseverance. With the perseverance and integrity, to fight back all kinds of suffering and wash away the lead; with a sense of righteousness, to resolve secular prejudices and keep the background of the soul.
【1F餐厅】 RESTAURANT 玻璃方砖与木质立柜的设计,即是对“方”最具象的阐释。 The design of glass square brick and wooden closet is the most vivid interpretation of square.
【2F咖啡厅】 CAFEE HOUSE “圆”是一种无限。没有棱角,没有边界,没有固定的架构,圆意味着周而复始、生生不息。以通透灵活的圆润去应变世事,便能换来“闲花落地又重生”的景致。 Circle is a kind of infinity. There are no edges or corners, no borders, and no fixed structure. The circle means endless cycles. To respond to world affairs with transparent and flexible mellowness can exchange for the scenery of the idle flowers fall and rebirth.
【2F餐厅】 RESTAURANT 餐厅里,交错的不止是觥筹,还有变幻的光影。 In the restaurant, there are not only covets, but also changing lights and shadows.
空间中的灯具,白天是一种装饰品,夜间则是一种艺术品。 The lamps in the space are a kind of decoration during the day and a kind of art at night.
项目负责 DIVISION - 项目 / 名称 Project Name /蜀语·茶 项目 / 面积 Project Area / 2100 ㎡ 项目 / 时间 Project Time / 2020年 设计 / 成都初一设计 Design / F D C STUDIO 设计 / 创意总监 Creative Director / 张月 李海龙 设计 / 设计执行 Design Director / 李海龙 罗鑫