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2020-07-10 14:03
Auberge Residences and Spa Miami一幢60层高的塔楼,座落在迈阿密的比斯坎大道上,其独特的倾斜外观使大多数住所的起居室和主卧室都可以看到比斯坎湾。
Located on Miamis Biscayne Boulevard, the 60-storey Tower, Auberge Residences and Spa Miami has a unique sloping facade that gives most Residences living and master bedrooms views of Biscayne Bay.
大厅和室内装饰由著名的意大利设计师Piero Lissoni设计
The hall and interior decoration were designed by famous Italian designer Piero Lissoni
而室外空间则由屡获殊荣的瑞士景观设计师Enzo Enea设计
The outdoor space was designed by award-winning Swiss landscape architect Enzo Enea
Fernando Botello, born in 1932 in Medellin, Colombia, is one of the most famous artists of his generation.
Auberge has 338 residences based on floor plans based on open concept designs
平面图 | Floor plan