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2020-04-20 22:10


建筑设计:ShoP Architects

室内设计:Studio Sofield







高度超过432 PARK AVENUE,









With a total height of 1,428 feet, the residential tower at 111 west 57th street is one of the tallest buildings in New York City. As a famous new local and regional landmark, it has a responsibility to contribute meaning and elegance to the Shared skyline.








口碑载道的室内设计公司 Studio Sofield 将巧思妙想融入设施与大堂空间之中,从精美的石膏纹饰和质朴木作,到创新钢架构,匠心设计的内部装潢,都超凡奢华、静谧灵动的氛围,呈现当代雅致生活典范。
Studio Sofield, an interior design company with inscriptions on its inscriptions, integrates the ingenious ideas into the facilities and lobby space. From the exquisite plaster decoration and plain wood, to the innovative steel structure and ingenious interior decoration, the atmosphere of extraordinary luxury and serenity presents a model of contemporary elegant life.














哈德逊城市广场(Hudson Yards)是美国历史上规模最大的私营房地产开发项目,也是继洛克菲勒中心之后纽约市最大的房地产开发项目。占据六个街区的开发项目位于曼哈顿西侧,由覆盖繁忙铁道与隧道的11公顷土地组成,按照住宅、商业与开放式公共空间用途进行重新开发。
Hudson Yards is the largest private real estate development in U.S. history and the largest New York City development since Rockefeller center. The six-block development on the west side of Manhattan consists of 11 hectares of land covered with busy rail tracks and tunnels, redeveloped for residential, commercial and open-plan public space USES.

建筑设计:DS R建筑事务所
Architecture design: DS   R architects
室内设计:Rockwell Group
Interior design: Rockwell Group
Project status: completed in 2019
地址:30th Street - Eleventh Avenue, Manhattan, New York City
30th Street - Eleventh Avenue, Manhattan, New York City
业主:Related Companies
Owner: Related Companies




作为拥有全球最高户外露台、88层278.6 米高的超高层建筑15 Hudson Yards,位于哈德逊城市广场的东南角,东临第30街和第11大道。这座引人注目的建筑形成了四个优美的玻璃弧线,旨在最大限度地欣赏哈德逊河和纽约及更远地区闪闪发光的天际线。
15 Hudson Yards, the 88-story, 278.6-meter super-high-rise with the worlds highest outdoor terrace, is located at the southeast corner of Hudson city plaza, east of 30th street and 11th avenue. The striking building forms four graceful glass arcs designed to maximize views of the Hudson River and the glittering skyline of New York and beyond.




——DS R合作伙伴、建筑设计师Elizabeth Diller
The building moves from the orthogonal logic of the city streets to the staging of a sharply defined trilobate, quadrantal orientation that captures a 360-degree view of the surrounding skyline. The glass facade presents a typically brittle, hard organic and soft material. This shift in mobility resulted in the unique shape of the comfortable floor, marking a shift from rental to apartment-style residential units.
-- DS   R partner and architect Elizabeth Diller








The grand two-story hall takes full advantage of the soaring ceilings and glass facades facing north, west and south, creating an inviting space of sunlight. Residents can take a tour while enjoying the expansive cityscape on the 50th floor and are fully committed to fitness, including a 1,15-square-metre spa, salon and fitness facility. Located on the 51st floor is a gathering space featuring a lounge, private dining suites, club rooms and state-of-the-art collaborative office space.







There are two different styles of interior design to choose from. Elegant, bright, understated luxury style with oxidized pigeon stained oak, champagne metallic tones, polished Italian Michelangelo marble countertops and kitchen islands.





SOM architecture
Architectural design: SOM architects
业主:Related Companies
Owner: Related Companies
Project status: completed in March 2019
地址:33rd Street and Eleventh Avenue, Manhattan, New York City
33rd Street and Eleventh Avenue, Manhattan, New York City



SOM为35 Hudson Yards提供了建筑设计与结构工程服务,这座综合功能大厦是该开发项目中最高的住宅楼。这座10万平方米的大厦由143套私人住宅、一间Equinox品牌奢华酒店、Equinox健身俱乐部和水疗中心、顶级办公空间及底商组成。
SOM provided architectural design and structural engineering services to 35 Hudson Yards, the mixed-use complex that is the tallest residential building in the development. The 100,000-square-metre building is made up of 143 private residences, a luxury Equinox hotel, Equinox fitness club and spa, and top office space and basement businesses.



The transition between functional Spaces is achieved through a series of drop-off forms around the building. There are outdoor gardens on the back terrace of each floor, and the gardens closer to the top floor of the building are smaller and more numerous. The buildings exterior facade is clad in a limestone and glass facade that incorporates elements of the various functional Spaces superimposed on the interior, designed to meet LEED® gold certification standards.






每间浴室都被设计成一个空间,其中包括精选的石材和Tony Ingrao标志性的设计细节。每一个主浴室都有手工挑选的冰山石英石板和一个放纵的独立浴缸。次卧采用明亮的白色大理石浇铸,边缘造型优雅,背景墙上有标志性的深色纹理。
Each bathroom is designed as a space that includes selected stone and Tony Ingraos signature design details. Each master bathroom has hand-picked iceberg quartz slabs and an indulgent free-standing tub. The second bedroom is cast in bright white marble with elegant edges and a signature dark texture on the back wall.





Handel Architects
建筑设计:Handel Architects
Architectural design: Handel Architects
室内设计:Gachot Studios
Interior design: Gachot Studios
业主:Fosun Group and JD Carlisle Development.
Owner: Fosun Group and JD Carlisle Development.
地址:15 East 30th Street, New York City, NY 10016
Address: 15 East 30th Street, New York City, NY 10016
Project status: expected to be completed in 2021


麦迪逊大厦是一栋62层,199个单元的公寓,位于麦迪逊和第五大道之间的东30街15号。这间公寓由内而外的建筑构思由Handel Architects所设计,高达245米,是新区最高的建筑。
The Madison building is a 62-story, 199-unit apartment at 15 east 30th street between Madison and fifth avenue. Conceived from the inside out by Handel Architects, the apartment is 245 metres high, the tallest building in the new district.

The facade of the Madison building evokes the contour of natural basalt, and the glass facade appears to float above the city, setting off the frustration of surrounding landmarks. The intricate masonry and decorative roof reflect the buildings sense of the future. At the top of the lobby, sculptural lights echo the patterns of dragonfly wings, and from top to bottom, the glittering night view is a gem of the Empire State Building.


This is a particularly fine building, from the art in the foyer to the garden terrace of the penthouse. Each floor has its own unique view, and the Madison building opens up a new perspective on Manhattan, a previously unobserved view of the historic buildings surrounding the park, and a clear vista of the southern end.














Jean-Michel Gathy
设计师:Jean-Michel Gathy
Designer: jean-michel Gathy
Owner: Aman
Project status: expected to open in 2020
地址:The Crown Building, 730 5th Avenue and 57th Street
Address: The Crown Building, 730 5th Avenue and 57th Street


AMAN Residence位于曼哈顿中心,第五大道和第57街交叉口,俯瞰中央公园,占据了标志性的皇冠建筑,这里是第一座城市安缦住宅。
Located in the heart of Manhattan, at the corner of fifth avenue and 57th street, overlooking central park, AMAN Residence occupies the iconic crown building that was the first amaman house in the city.
这座皇冠大厦以前是现代艺术博物馆,在经历了一次巨大的变革后,它完全恢复了原来的辉煌,充满了安缦的精神。由Jean-Michel Gathy设计,即超越普通的奢华概念,同时向建筑物引人注目的建筑和具有象征意义的历史致敬。
The crown building, a former museum of modern art, has been completely restored to its original glory, full of the spirit of amanaman, after a dramatic transformation. Designed by jean-michel Gathy, it goes beyond the ordinary concept of luxury and pays homage to the buildings striking architecture and symbolic history.





Jean-Michel Gathy说:“能够与纽约建筑史上这样一个受人尊敬的作品合作,并在皇冠大厦的遗产中引入这一激动人心的新篇章,真的很荣幸。安缦纽约的设计将体现品牌致力于打造奢华的空间和隐居天堂,同时向建筑的庄严建筑和重要历史致敬。”
Jean-michel Gathy said: it is truly a privilege to work with such a respected work in the history of New York architecture and to introduce this exciting new chapter in the crown buildings legacy. The design of aman New York will reflect the brands commitment to creating luxurious Spaces and a paradise of seclusion, while paying tribute to the grandeur of the building and its important history.







Architecture and interior design: CetraRuddy
业主:Rockefeller Group
Owner: Rockefeller Group
Project status: expected to open in 2020
地址:30 East 29th Street, New York
Address: 30 East 29th Street, New York

这座建筑有一种明显的温暖感,是当代纽约生活空间中经常缺少的元素,完美地个性化呈现“家”的定义。洛克菲勒集团在纽约市的一座新住宅楼Rose Hill进一步发扬了其卓越的开拓精神。
The building has an unmistakable sense of warmth, an element that is often absent from contemporary New York living Spaces, perfectly personalizing the definition of home. The Rockefeller group has taken its pioneering spirit to the next level with a new residential tower in New York City, Rose Hill.



标志性和永恒的建筑位于迷人和历史悠久的Rose Hill NoMad社区29街30号东。曼哈顿首屈一指的CetraRuddy建筑工作室负责设计建筑、室内和公共空间,从内到外结合了古典Gotham美学的优雅和魅力,用现代词汇诠释了当代纽约生活。
The iconic and timeless building is located east of 30 29th street in the charming and historic Rose Hill NoMad neighborhood. Manhattans premier architecture studio CetraRuddy is responsible for designing architecture, interiors and public Spaces that combine the elegance and charm of the classic Gotham aesthetic from the inside out with a modern interpretation of contemporary New York life.











The well-designed residential living space is an elastic living study, using the space elegantly and intelligently. Create flexible space design to adapt to the changing needs and aspirations, can accommodate the growing collection of books, family members and guests. The penthouse terrace brings this unique Gotham building into dramatic perspective.










Architecture: KPF architects
室内设计:Katherine Newman Design
Interior Design: Katherine Newman Design
景观设计:Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects
Landscape design: Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects
业主:Extell Development Company
Owner: Extell Development Company
Project status: to be completed in 2020
地址:1 City Point, Brooklyn, New York
1 City Point, Brooklyn, New York



作为布鲁克林最新的奢华生活风向标,由世界著名建筑公司Kohn Pedersen Fox(KPF)设计布鲁克林市中心一座68层,220米高的摩天大厦,是该地区在建的最高住宅楼。
Luxury coordinates exquisite starting point
As the latest indicator of brooklyns luxury lifestyle, Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) designed a 68-story, 220-meter skyscraper in downtown brooklyn, the tallest residential building under construction in the area.













Adrian Smith   Gordon Gill
建筑设计:Adrian Smith   Gordon Gill
Architectural design: Adrian Smith   Gordon Gill
室内设计:Rottet Studio
Interior design: Rottet Studio
开发商:Extell Development
Developer: Extell Development
Project status: completed in 2019 and expected to open in 2020
地址:225 West 57th Street, New York
Address: 225 West 57th Street, New York


Towering 472.4 meters above New York City, the landmark, with central park as a backdrop, was built along the Manhattan skyline to become the tallest residential building in the world.



Extell携手Adrian Smith建筑公司和Gordon Gil设计公司创造了一座尊重、大胆、精致的建筑。建筑拥有如水晶般闪耀的表皮,由玻璃幕墙、拉丝不锈钢等材料组成,使其相较于周边砖墙的建筑相比,显得尤为突出。在离地面91米以上,向东侧的悬挑为所有朝北住宅创造了中央公园的景观。
Extell worked with Adrian Smith architecture and Gordon Gil design to create a respectful, bold and sophisticated building. The buildings crystal-like skin, made of glass and brushed stainless steel, makes it stand out from the surrounding brick walls. At a height of 91 meters above the ground, the east-facing overhang creates a central park view for all the north-facing residences.



(户型图 Floor Plan)



Studio Gang
建筑设计:Studio Gang
Architecture: Studio Gang
室内设计:Michaelis Boyd
Interior design: Michaelis Boyd
景观设计:Hollander Design
Landscape Design: Hollander Design
业主:Tishman Speyer
Owner: Tishman Speyer
Project status: completed in June 2019 and expected to open in 2020
地址:11 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
11 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201


高耸而独特的轮廓注定成为布鲁克林天际线的地标。11 Hoyt大厦位于布鲁克林市中心,是世界最先进、最受追捧的建筑公司之一Studio Gang在纽约的第一个住宅项目。
Its towering and distinctive silhouette is destined to become a landmark of the brooklyn skyline. Located in downtown brooklyn, Hoyt tower is the first residential project in New York by Studio Gang, one of the worlds most advanced and sought-after architecture firms.






The private park covers an area of nearly 2,500 square meters and was carefully designed by Hollander design. The park offers fitness, picnic rides, activity lawns, outdoor hot water baths, sunbathing and a butterfly-themed playground, as well as an inviting outdoor lounge and private dining area with a barbecue.















The design combines the warmth and craftsmanship of brooklyns traditional brown sandstone and artists penthouse with a modern feel. Through the designers modern interpretation of the brooklyn bay Windows, a built-in seating platform and space is created to store and display unparalleled views.






Thomas Heatherwick
建筑设计:Thomas Heatherwick
Architectural design: Thomas Heatherwick
室内设计:March - White
Interior design: March - White
业主:Related Companies
Owner: Related Companies
Project status: expected to open in 2020
地址:515 west 18th street, New York
515 west 18th street, New York


“Lantern House的设计来源于看城市现有的建筑,并尽力打造一个你真正想住进去生活的空间,而不仅仅是用来观看的。”
— Thomas Heatherwick
The design of the Lantern House came from looking at the citys existing buildings and trying to create a space that you really want to live in, not just look at.
- Thomas Heatherwick


Heatherwicks lantern Windows were originally inspired by the bay Windows of Victorian houses throughout the UK. Soaring, dramatic Windows illuminate the elegant and relaxed interior, and with stories up to 3.27 metres high, the loft-like space is the perfect container for bold modernism with Spaces rich in delicate materials and warm courtyards.









William Sofield
建筑设计:William Sofield
Architectural design: William Sofield
业主:Icon Realty Management
Owner: Icon Realty Management
Project status: it will be completed and opened in October 2019
地址:80th and 81st Street, New York
Address: 80th and 81st Street, New York



Beckford house, elegantly situated on its main street on the upper east side, is a testament to the masons craft. The 31-story hand-carved indiana limestone building features 72 one - to six-bedroom apartments and three stunning crown penthouses.




细节是这里的一切,William Sofield从这个纽约最令人向往的街区的历史建筑中汲取灵感,创造了一个现代生活的珍贵愿景。
The details are everything here, and William Sofield draws inspiration from the historic buildings of one of New Yorks most desirable neighborhoods to create a cherished vision of modern life.
The magnificent arched lobby of beckford house, lit by a vintage chandelier, echoes the grandeur of the citys finest art deco architecture. The luxurious reception room and beautifully decorated library lounge make it an inviting space to kill time.







Each house has spacious living and sleeping Spaces, with classical details such as geometric cornice, herringbone oak and statue marble. The penthouse offers luxury living on the upper east side, with an outdoor terrace, a spacious master suite, kitchen and recreation rooms, and a custom limestone fireplace from England.








Elkus Manfredi Architects
建筑设计:Elkus Manfredi Architects
Architectural design: Elkus Manfredi Architects
Interior design: CetraRuddy
业主:SJP Properties
Owner: SJP Properties
Project status: expected to be completed in 2020
地址:200 Amsterdam Avenue, New York
Address: 200 Amsterdam Avenue, New York



200 Amsterdam位于70街-69街之间的独特地理位置,处在安静和热闹的交界,古典和摩登的交织点。Elkus Manfredi担任大楼的建筑设计,棱角对拼的石材在泛光照明下展现出非同凡响的光芒,与横向隐框的玻璃幕一同以竖向方式强调建筑的高耸。
With its unique location between 70th and 69th streets, 200 Amsterdam is at the intersection of quiet and lively, classic and modern. The building was designed by Elkus Manfredi, and the stone blocks at the edges and corners of the building are illuminated by floodlight, which accentuates the height of the building in a vertical manner, along with the glass curtain in the horizontal hidden frame.




CetraRuddy为大楼进行室内设计,作为443 Greenwich和One Madison的设计师强调公共空间舒适感之于豪宅的重要性。在水疗中心,宁静、沉浸式放松被重新定义,男女更衣室配有带纹理的玻璃装饰墙,配有蒸汽和红外线桑拿区,用梯度玻璃和舒缓的热白杨雪松覆盖。两个体验式淋浴间,用Sicis玻璃马赛克瓷砖覆盖,让居民沉浸在水、声音、蒸汽和光线中。
CetraRuddy did the interior design for the building and, as the designer of 443 Greenwich and One Madison, stressed the importance of the comfort of public space in luxury houses. At the spa, tranquil, immersive relaxation is redefined, with the mens and womens dressing rooms decorated with textured glass walls, steam and infrared sauna areas, covered with gradient glass and soothing hot aspen cedar. Two experiential showers, clad in Sicis glass Mosaic tiles, immerse residents in water, sound, steam and light.


The designer carefully designed the spacious layout with the ceiling decorated with black thread, and there is a deliberate distance between the entertainment space and the bedroom space. Bathed in natural light, the living and dining areas offer corner terraces, with floor-to-ceiling Windows surrounding the cityscape.











by álvaro Siza
建筑设计:álvaro Siza 西扎
Architectural design: alvaro Siza Siza
室内设计:Michael Gabellini and Kimberly Sheppard
Interior design: Michael Gabellini and Kimberly Sheppard
景观设计:M Paul Friedberg
Landscape design: m. Paul Friedberg
业主:Sumaida Khurana and LENY
Owner: Sumaida Khurana and LENY
Project status: expected to be completed by 2020
地址:611 West 56th Street, New York
611 West 56th Street, New York



Mr. Siza, the pritzker prize-winning architect, designed the 37-story building, which has a stepped structure and is clad in light Turkish limestone. Located on the west side of New York City, the facade is lightly framed with large glass Windows, structural columns and short walls to maximize panoramic views of downtown New York overlooking the Hudson River.




The building has 80 boutique residences, including one to three bedrooms, a penthouse and a duplex with access to a private terrace. Each house is a celebration of craftsmanship, grandeur and exquisite detail. Give priority to tonal with white, choose to embrace the high-quality material such as marble, wooden floor and the wood face that matches with it.




室内设计公司Michael Gabellini and Kimberly Sheppard创造了优雅、互补的住宅建筑,将古典和现代的融合到这个最具历史意义的城市社区,精心挑选的便利设施提升了每一种生活方式。
Interior design firms Michael Gabellini and Kimberly Sheppard created elegant, complementary residential buildings that blend classical and modern into this most historic urban neighborhood, with carefully selected amenities that enhance every way of life.












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