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2020-02-19 07:05
皋兰路16号的东正教教堂旧址是上海第二批优秀历史保护建筑。建成于1932年,已经不是教堂很久了。几十年间成为过办公,工厂,仓库,食堂,住过人,之后也变成过会所,餐厅,最后被闲置。我第一次站在教堂旧址里,仿佛在某个迷宫废墟。但习惯了黑暗后,凭着建筑学知识以及城市历史经验,我可以辨识出从建成之初开始历代增益的建造痕迹。围绕这个旧教堂不同时期加建以及装饰的各种痕迹挤压在一起,和原始空间咬合成为一体。 ▼建筑外观,exterior view ©CreatAR Images
“真相就像诗,可惜世上大多数的人讨厌诗”——《大空头》 “The truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.” -The Big Short Wutopia Lab 以“Church in church”概念在上海历史建筑圣尼古拉斯教堂旧址里用45吨钢铁打造了旧教堂里的新书店——思南书局诗歌店。这是上海最大最全面的专业诗歌书店,提供1000册不同语言的诗集。诗歌店设计延续了Wutopia Lab基于对偶形成的一贯的魔幻现实主义风格:穿孔钢板,半透明,不确定的光线,色彩以及戏剧性的诗意。 Wutopia Lab has completed Sinan books poetry store with the concept of ‘Church in church’ , using 45 tons of steel in the historic site of St. Nicholas Church in Shanghai. As the largest professional oetry bookstore in Shanghai, it offers 1000 poetry books in different languages. A continuation of Wutopia Lab’s design style, magical realism based on antithesis, perforated steel plates, translucent, uncertain light, color and dramatic poetry could be found in the poetry store. ▼Church in church:教堂里的新书店,Church in church: a new bookstore created inside the old church ©CreatAR Images
▼主殿的高大空间得以恢复,the height of the main hall has been kept in the building ©CreatAR Images
Church in church 我相信诗歌书店应该是上海这个城市的神圣空间,它要有独立的精神性而不应该假于旧址的宗教性。既然教堂旧址的墙壁天顶不可以触碰,那我就用书架在旧建筑Church中创造一个独立结构体系的新建筑Church作为书店。这就是Church in church。一个现代人的精神庇护所诞生在曾经是某些人的信仰庇护所之内。与砖石砌筑的教堂旧址不同,我用银光闪闪的钢板打造了这个新书店。书架的隔板和立档都是全焊接钢板网格结构体系的一部分。它们彼此作用形成一个钢铁书架构建的室内建筑——诗歌书店。书架没有背板,穹顶的光线依然可以洒入书店。书架还隐隐约约露出教堂旧址从1920到2019不同年代的痕迹包括那组21世纪初作为餐厅时,老板请美院学生绘制的天主教风格壁画。这样钢铁书店和砖石教堂就成为一个新的整体。 ▼旧教堂建筑内的新独立结构体系,a new structure as a Church in the old building Church ©CreatAR Images
▼用银光闪闪的钢板打造的新书店,a bookstore built with glowing, plated steel plates ©CreatAR Images
▼穹顶的光线依然可以洒入书店,the light from the dome can still spill into the bookstore ©CreatAR Images
书店一楼的窗子原本贴着褪色的彩色玻璃纸。我用蓝色贴膜代替。日光透过贴膜洒入侧殿,渲染出接近无限透明的蓝色,消解了侧殿的实体感而烘托出主殿的光辉。 I chose blue film to replace the faded color window. An infinitely transparent blue is rendered when sunlight spilling into the side hall, dissolving the physical sense of the side hall and highlighting the brightness of the main hall. ▼蓝色贴膜渲染出接近无限透明的蓝色,an infinitely transparent blue is rendered by the blue film stick on the window ©CreatAR Images
With light strips on wall, readers could figure out the original outline of the church and tell which part is newly add-on. East and west part of the church was transformed into a café. Contracting to the silver metal bookstore, I used chocolate color to make the café a mild and cozy atmosphere. ▼咖啡馆空间,the café area ©CreatAR Images
书店是个不涉及立面的保护更新的室内项目。整个暴露在外的教堂建筑立面被要求不可动,我们判断这个立面其实被不同年代的涂料反复叠加而在细节上失真了。我决定在咖啡馆一侧的墙壁上做个试验。这堵算作内墙的墙壁基本是教堂旧址的外墙。当把层层叠叠的涂料剥离后,1932年的墙壁最后显露出时间的质感和沧桑。 The bookstore is an interior project that does not involve the preservation and renovation of the facade. We tested on the wall by the side of café, which is an inner wall but basically an outer wall , to see if there are layers of paints covering on the wall. After peeling off layers of paints, the texture and vicissitudes of 1932 were finally revealed. ▼咖啡馆与书店的关系,the relation ship between the cafe and the bookstore ©CreatAR Images
钢铁书店是30个工人用了80天建造的。工人先要按照图纸把5mmg钢板切成组成128根立梃,23层横档所需的640片大钢板和2921组小钢板。工人门在室外预装无误后拆除再运到现场一点点组装焊接。最后在和不可触及的墙壁不到50厘米的距离前有条不紊地拼出这个388平米高9.9米的书店。 The steel bookstore was built by 30 workers in 80 days. Workers must first cut 5mm steel plates into 128 standpipes, 640 large steel plates and 2921 small steel plates for 23 layers of crossbars according to the drawings. After pre-assembled correctly outdoor, the pieces were moved inside and welded together. Finally, this bookstore of 388 square meters and a height of 9.9 meters was methodically formed left a 50 cm gap from the old wall. ▼由一系列钢板构成的书架,the book shelves made of steel plates ©CreatAR Images
落成那天,我沿着被蓝光笼罩的螺旋楼梯而上。我站在讲坛前低声吟诵着自己的句子“我热爱诗,我用它创造世界”。我设计的思南书局诗歌店是“献给无限的少数人”(希门内斯)的礼物。她是上海这个城市的灵魂。 On the day of completion, I walked up the spiral staircase shrouded in blue light. I stood in front of the pulpit and whispered my own sentence, “I love poetry, and I use it to create the world.” The Sinan Books poetry store I designed is a gift “For the infinite few” (Jiménez). It is the soul of Shanghai. ▼蓝光笼罩的螺旋楼梯, the spiral staircase shrouded in blue light ©CreatAR Images
▼拆除前的内部空间,internal space before demolition ©Wutopia Lab
▼剖面图,section ©Wutopia Lab
▼平面图,plan ©Wutopia Lab
▼拆除平面图,plan of demolition ©Wutopia Lab
项目名称:思南书局诗歌店 设计方:Wutopia Lab 联系邮箱:project1@wutopia.work 建成时间:2019年12月 主持建筑师:俞挺 项目建筑师:濮圣睿,李明帅 设计团队:亢庆贺,蒋雪琴,陈骏,马吉庆,潘大力 项目地址:上海,中国 建筑面积:388㎡ 摄影版权:CreatAR Images 设计咨询:上瑞元筑设计顾问有限公司 修缮设计:上海建筑装饰(集团)设计有限公司 结构顾问:于军峰 照明顾问:张宸露 施工团队:上海市室内装潢工程有限公司、博欣陈列道具展示(苏州)股份有限公司 业主:上海世纪朵云文化发展有限公司