DECADE CAFE咖啡馆,天津 / 触觉设计

2019-09-28 09:15
DECADE,是一个时间的代名词,也是一段很长的时间跨度。在牛津词典里,DECADE的释义是十年。但对于DECADE CAFE的两位主理人而言,DECADE不仅是十年,更是一段过程,是这段人生中经历过的所有美好与浪漫。跨越了时间和空间的遇见,在TA与TA之间,他们与咖啡之间,DECADE CAFE见证了一份执着的爱情,并用十年的时间去打磨、沉淀,将咖啡文化做到匠心的极致。

在城市快速发展的外衣下,人们善于躲进钢筋水泥的建筑中,试图在混凝土的包裹中获得心理上的安全感。这家由天津触觉设计倾心打造的DECADE CAFE作为天津首家以乐评、音乐文化及时尚周边产品为主的咖啡馆倡导慢下来的生活方式。试图在当下浮躁且快速的快餐式生活里,描绘安放理想与柔软心灵的岛屿。

DECADE is a synonym of time, but also a very long time span. In the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of DECAD is ten years.But for the two principals of DECADE CAFE, Decade is not only a decade, but also a process, which is all the beauty and romance that they have experienced in their lives. Across the time and space to meet, between TA and TA, between them and coffee, DECADE CAFE witnessed a persistent love, and with ten years to polish, precipitation, coffee culture to the extreme of ingenuity.

Under the cloak of rapid urban development, people are good at hiding in reinforced concrete buildings, trying to obtain psychological security in concrete parcels. This DECADE CAFE, created by touch design, is the first coffee shop in Tianjin to advocate a slow lifestyle with music criticism, music culture and timely products. It tries to depict the island of ideals and soft hearts in the impetuous and fast fast-food life.

▼咖啡馆外观,exterior view of the cafe
DECADE CAFE位于天津市赤峰道93号,毗邻天津最繁华的滨江道商业街,依偎在无比静谧的林荫小街上。白色与橙色的水磨石的标志性门面,咖啡+乐评的独特组合,让这家咖啡馆瞬间爆红,在开业不久便登上了天津咖啡馆TOP1的宝座。以经典且纯净的白橙色水磨石作为整体的视觉输出焦点,通过大扇玻璃橱窗及定制款白色极简门创造简洁且通透的效果,为狭长的空间引入充沛的光线,同时可以初窥内部的空间层次。


▼咖啡馆外观,镶嵌在水磨石一圈的线性灯光是咖啡馆最醒目的入口标识,exterior view of the cafe, linear lighting inlaid in a circle of terrazzo is the most striking entrance sign of the cafe
▼咖啡馆外观局部,以白橙色水磨石作为整体的视觉输出焦点,partial exterior view of the cafe, with the  white orange terrazzo as the overall visual output focus
DECADE CAFE位于天津市赤峰道93号,毗邻天津最繁华的滨江道商业街,依偎在无比静谧的林荫小街上。白色与橙色的水磨石的标志性门面,咖啡+乐评的独特组合,让这家咖啡馆瞬间爆红,在开业不久便登上了天津咖啡馆TOP1的宝座。以经典且纯净的白橙色水磨石作为整体的视觉输出焦点,通过大扇玻璃橱窗及定制款白色极简门创造简洁且通透的效果,为狭长的空间引入充沛的光线,同时可以初窥内部的空间层次。


▼咖啡馆外观,镶嵌在水磨石一圈的线性灯光是咖啡馆最醒目的入口标识,exterior view of the cafe, linear lighting inlaid in a circle of terrazzo is the most striking entrance sign of the cafe

DECADE CAFE is located at No. 93 Chifeng Road, Tianjin, adjacent to the most prosperous Binjiang Road Commercial Street in Tianjin, nestled in the very quiet treelined street. The landmark facade of white and orange terrazzo, the unique combination of coffee and music reviews, made the cafe an instant hit and soon ascended the throne of Tianjin Cafe TOP1. With the classic and pure white orange terrazzo as the overall visual output focus, through the large glass window and custom white minimalist doors to create a simple and transparent effect, for the long and narrow space to introduce abundant light, while you can get a first glimpse of the internal space level.

Linear lighting inlaid in a circle of terrazzo is the most striking entrance sign of the cafe. From the outside to the inside, the entrance surrounded by linear lights seems to be an extension of some kind of consciousness, like entering a time tunnel, constantly passing through 10 years ago and 10 years later. The door is designed as a square circle of white and orange interwoven terrazzo, which is spread out on both sides and surrounded by the walls of the old city on both sides, like a new fireworks embedded in the old ribbon, and like a postcard of great foreign style. Many people tell us that DECADE is very beautiful after nightfall, illuminating the whole Chifeng Road. The warm whiteorange terrazzo, with the striking linearstrip of lights, is as simple, pure and competent as an illustration in a street. So that the shop from the surrounding complex environment away from the stand out.

▼咖啡馆外观局部,以白橙色水磨石作为整体的视觉输出焦点,partial exterior view of the cafe, with the  white orange terrazzo as the overall visual output focus

▼咖啡馆外观局部,通过大扇玻璃橱窗及定制款白色极简门创造简洁且通透的效果,partial exterior view of the cafe, through the large glass window and custom white minimalist doors to create a simple and transparent effect
▼透过玻璃初窥内部的空间层次,getting a first glimpse of the internal space level

Attracted, so close, so amazing, it is like a transparent sea like Zakynthos jelly, seemingly shallow, but in fact farreaching. Limited by the hardware of the house, when we designed the original intention, we constantly thought about how to make such a deep and long, dimly lit street-side shop a clear stream in the coffee industry, so that our design can be valued and maximize the profits of the two clients in the shop. For this reason, we have retained part of the old top and painted it white, which gradually allows customers to enter the core area of the cafe, and at the same time adds a sense of love and ritual to the coffee. In the area of about 60 square meters of space, through the design of the original space to eliminate the sense of constraint, but let it become a little interesting.

▼咖啡馆入口空间,设置下沉式空间,interior view of the entrance space with a sunken space
很多人说触觉设计的这家咖啡馆就像是一个等待音乐和咖啡爱好者开启的宝藏。DECADE CAFE的主理人之一丁先生收藏了近3万多张老唱片和各种珍稀的唱片海报,他开玩笑和我们说,如果全部出售可以换一栋别墅。因此,我们希望通过设计来融合咖啡与文化、与艺术、与音乐,用这样一个别致的礼物来承载两位委托人的梦想。玻璃门入口的左右两侧均设计成了摆放老唱片的墙面,彰显着两位主理人的品位的同时也体现了这家咖啡馆的乐评主题文化。门旁雕塑手捧托盘,托盘中摆放着定制的咖啡杯与周边产品,彰显着咖啡店的主题文化。

Many people say that the this cafe is like a treasure waiting for music and coffee lovers to open. Mr.Ding, one of the principals of DECADE CAFE, has collected more than 30000 old records and various rare record posters, he joked with us which can be changed into a villa if all of them are sold. Therefore, we hope to integrate coffee and culture, art and music through design, with such a unique gift to carry the dreams of two clients. The left and right sides of the glass door entrance are designed to display old records on the wall, which highlights the owner’s taste and also reflects the theme culture of the cafe’s music review. Next to the door, the sculpture holds a tray, which holds customized coffee cups and surrounding products, highlights the theme culture of the coffee shop.

▼咖啡馆入口空间,墙面上展出着老唱片和海报,interior view of the entrance space, old records and record posters are displayed on the wall


The fair-faced concrete chandelier, pure white long table and acrylic blue seat echo the overall style, highlighting the modern and advanced sense.It smoothes the anxiety of the heart and brings people a peaceful experience. The single passenger area is separated from the multi-person card seat by the aisle, and the limited space is reasonably arranged while ensuring noninterference. The terrazzo chandelier with metal texture once again gives the soul of the space, concrete, terrazzo, metal and other materials with soft and eye-catching linear lamp belt design, creating a warm, private, amazing atmosphere. Seats face the wall, so that single customers can come to the store to maximize the immersion in personal thinking.

▼咖啡馆入口空间细节,设置带有金属质感的水磨石吊灯,details of the interior entrance space with the terrazzo chandelier with metal texture

As a transition between the indoor and outdoor conversion of the sunken space and the entrance space, the second linear light separates the open and wrapped space, redefining the relationship between the interior of the space. Mirrored stainless steel cleverly hides the storage area and forms a visual widening, dispersing the narrow sense of space, plus a circle of symbolic linear lights to form its own architectural language. People shuttle in it, without the slightest sense of awkwardness, in the span of space to open the artistic journey of records and coffee. Dessert cabinet and bar show completely transparent state, grinding, extraction, coffee form and production process at a glance. Concise and delicate, with a lowkey attitude foil products, so that people focus on the visual focus on coffee and desserts. It deduces a very pure modernist style.

▼咖啡馆室内,第二条线性灯光作为下沉式空间与入口处空间的室内外转换的过渡,分隔出开放与包裹的空间,interior view of the cafe, as a transition between the indoor and outdoor conversion of the sunken space and the entrance space, the second linear light separates the open and wrapped space
在时间和空间无限延长的维度,DECADE的释义不再是简短的「十年」,而是被赋予了更多美好的含义。在充满戒备与疏离的都市里,音乐、咖啡、艺术、阅读,共同在这段DECADE里相互融合,发生反应,形成了一种全新的形态,最终描绘了人们心中寄托美好与浪漫的乌托邦。独特的品牌运营模式和触觉设计的匠心之作加持下,让DECADE CAFE成为了天津咖啡界的一枚新星。

In the dimension of infinite extension of time and space, the interpretation of DECADE is no longer a short “DECADE”, but is endowed with more beautiful meanings. In the city full of guard and alienation, music, coffee, art and reading merge and react together in this decade, forming a new form, and ultimately depicting the utopia of beauty and romance in people’s hearts. With the unique brand operation mode and the ingenious works of Touch design,DECADE CAFE has emerged as a young star in tianjin’s coffee scene.

▼咖啡馆室内外细节,details of the cafe

▼平面布置图,layout plan
项目名称:Decade the love





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