Sylvan Retreat: textured wood structure with a green roof
2015-09-30 20:53
Pleated House is a sylvan retreat designed by Milwaukee firm Johnsen Schmaling Architects.
折叠式住宅是密尔沃基公司Johnsen Schmling建筑事务所设计的一座避风塘。
Description by Johnsen Schmaling: The client, an empty-nester couple, wanted an unassuming retreat that would defer to the surrounding forest. In response, the architects designed a simple rectangular volume notched by a tapering forecourt and a patio directly opposite. A smaller volume on the second floor contains the master suite.
The black and rust tones of the cedar cladding contrast with the serene white and gray interior. Closed-cell foam insulation, a geothermal heat pump, a rain garden, and a green roof up the sustainability of the building and its 4-acre site, while the cuts into the main volume draw in the breezes from Lake Michigan.
Architect: Johnsen Schmaling Architects, Milwaukee—Brian Johnsen, AIA, Sebastian Schmaling, AIA Project Size: 171sqm Photo by John J. Macaulay
建筑师:Johnsen Schmling建筑师,Milwaukee-Brian Johnsen,AIA,Sebastian Schmling,AIA项目规模:171平方米,由John J.Macaulay拍摄