One Oak 5A2 Residential Project in Downtown Beirut / Askdeco

2019-01-15 20:28


Project: One Oak 5A2 Interior Design: Askdeco Location: Beirut, Lebanon Year 2019 Photography: Alex Jeffries
项目:Oak 5A2室内设计:Askdeco地点:黎巴嫩贝鲁特2019年摄影:Alex Jeffries
With a global portfolio of completed projects including luxurious homes, private yachts and commercial environments, Askdeco, a full-service design firm based in Lebanon, is proud to showcase its One Oak 5A2 residential project in the beating heart of downtown Beirut, a city home to world-renowned fashion designers, art galleries, performing arts venues and trendy bistros and cafés.
Askdeco是一家服务全面的设计公司,总部位于黎巴嫩,拥有包括豪华住宅、私人游艇和商业环境在内的全球已完工项目组合,它自豪地展示了位于贝鲁特市中心的Oak 5A2号住宅项目。贝鲁特市中心是世界知名时装设计师、艺术画廊、表演艺术场所以及时尚双星和咖啡厅的所在地。

“Like all of our projects, One Oak 5A2 was a unique challenge, dictated by the multiple international influences embraced by our client,” says Nisrine Nasr, co-founder and interior designer at Askdeco. “The client adores a world of colours, cultures and textures, so the task at hand was to harmonize all of those influences within a single living space.”

Discerning tastes The owner, a well-travelled art collector who sells works of art and unique furniture pieces, wanted his new home to reflect that aspect of his life. Drawing inspiration from the colorful places he’s visited, his vision for One Oak 5A2 was a vibrant mix of worldly influences and décors. Working closely with the client on all aspects of design and materials selection, Askdeco was able to find the right mix of traditional Moroccan, Arabesque and Grecian patterns and textures to make the client feel at home.

“Typically, modern internal architecture involves a harmonious use of materials in order to create a sense of being in the same space throughout the house,” explains Nasr. “This particular client, however, wanted to incorporate many different styles of furniture and accessories from different countries, which results in different themes and feels to each room.”

Diversity in design Askdeco prides itself in offering clients an unlimited range of design styles, enabling the firm to deliver optimal results for projects individually tailored to a client’s classical, contemporary or modern design preferences. After working with the client to adjust tonalities and to devise a strategy for blending the space’s contrasts, Askdeco went to work on converting One Oak 5A2 into the quintessential bachelor pad, highlighted by 400m² of modern, yet eclectic design elements.

“The most important goal is to ensure that the client feels at home in a completed space,” notes Nasr. “Whether modern, eclectic or contemporary, when the details are carefully addressed, the end result will always be nice.”

Seal of approval Askdeco’s philosophy and approach helped ensure that the final product bears the identity of the client. The beautifully designed space overlooks the Mediterranean Sea on one side, while views of Roman ruins and the downtown Beirut skyline await on the other. Between those breathtaking vistas, One Oak 5A2 is a vibrant and colorful space that oozes with life. Muted white walls and Carrara marble flooring provide the ultimate canvass for allowing each colorful element to stand out on its own artistic merits. From paintings by Joan Miró, T.P.Hardisty and Hussein Madi, to Moroso sofas and Nada Debs cabinets, One Oak 5A2 brings color to life through Mediterranean stylings, avant-garde furniture and even pop culture elements that include a living room jukebox. Mediterranean blues and yellows accent the home’s white open kitchen, which connects to an adjacent dining area and lounge area that serves as a warm mingling space.
Askdeco的理念和方法有助于确保最终产品具有客户的身份。这个设计精美的空间一边俯瞰着地中海,一边俯瞰着罗马遗迹和贝鲁特市中心的天际线。在那些令人叹为观止的景色之间,一片橡树5A2是一个充满活力和色彩的空间,散发着生命的气息。静音的白色墙壁和卡拉拉大理石地板提供了最终的画布,让每个丰富多彩的元素突出其自身的艺术价值。从琼·米罗(JoanMiró)、T.P.Hardisy和Hussein Madi的画作,到莫洛索沙发(Moroso)和纳达·德布斯(Nada Debs)橱柜,一个橡树5A2通过地中海风格、前卫家具甚至流行文化元素(包括客厅自动点唱机)为生活增添了色彩。地中海的蓝色和黄色的口音,家庭的白色开放式厨房,连接到邻近的餐厅和休息区,作为一个温暖的混合空间。

One Oak 5A2’s contemporary master bedroom opens out to a terrace overlooking the Sea, with floor-to-ceiling mirrored closet doors behind the room’s Cassini bedding to create the illusion of even greater space. A colorful Cortine Martin painting infuses color into the room’s contemporary décor. A Bisazza tiled shower pattern provides desired continuity between the high-rise unit’s internal and external spaces, as do its balconies, appointed with furnishings designed to mirror the unit’s interior.

One Oak 5A2’s intricate ceiling serves as the pièce de résistance of the unit, with striped wooden panels that house the home’s custom designed lighting, sound system and mechanical controls. The client initially expressed distaste for existing architectural lighting with fixtures thought to be visual distractions and which lack decorative characteristics. Responding to the client’s needs, Askdeco custom-designed One Oak 5A2’s lighting, which includes embedded PSLab spotlights that illuminate the home’s colorful interior décor and bring it to life.
一个橡树5A2的错综复杂的天花板作为该单位的阻力,与条纹木面板,住宅的自定义设计照明,音响系统和机械控制。客户最初对现有的建筑照明表示厌恶,这些照明装置被认为是视觉干扰,缺乏装饰性特征。根据客户的需求,Askdeco自定义设计了一个Oak 5A2的照明,其中包括嵌入式PSLab聚光灯,照亮了家里五颜六色的内部装饰,并使它焕发生机。

“Some clients are very enthusiastic about learning, while others, like this client, are well informed about the product and the process required to achieve it,” says Nasr. “If you inspire confidence and professionalism, a harmonious relationship with the client and their vision can always be achieved.”









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