Stora Hotellet: Interior design inspired by the contrast between sailors and high society
2015-02-09 15:43
Umea is a city with approximately 120,000 inhabitants located in the Bothnian Bay, in northern Sweden, with a long maritime history. Stora Hotellet (Grand Hotel) was built in 1895 with funds provided by the local Seamen’s Mission and it was the grandest hotel in town. Until 2011, trying to keep up with the industry trends, the hotel has undergone a whole of series of renovations. Due to all these changes that were made in time, the hotel has gradually lost its charm. For the rebirth of the hotel, the owners have understood that they need to preserve and capitalize the history and heritage of a building that once was the center of the public life. The realization of the project fell on the architects and designers from Stylt Trampoli. The new interior had as an inspiration source the period in which Seamen Mission had its headquarter in the hotel. The architects wanted to highlight the contrast between the sailors and the high society: foul-mouthed seamen and tea-sipping ladies, sailcloth and velvet, sea-spray and champagne.
乌梅是一座拥有大约12万居民的城市,位于瑞典北部的博斯年湾,有着悠久的海洋历史。Stora Hotellet(大酒店)建于1895年,由当地海员团提供资金,是镇上最宏伟的酒店。直到2011年,为了跟上行业潮流,这家酒店已经进行了一系列的翻新。由于这些及时发生的变化,酒店逐渐失去了魅力。对于酒店的复兴,业主们已经明白,他们需要保护和利用一座曾经是公共生活中心的建筑的历史和遗产。这个项目的实现落在了斯特尔特·特伦波利的建筑师和设计师身上。新的内饰灵感来源于海员使团总部设在酒店的时期。建筑师们想要突出水手和上层社会之间的对比:口臭的海员和喝茶的女士们,帆布和天鹅绒,海上喷雾剂和香槟。
室内设计是一个粗糙和精致的混合体,这使酒店成为一种令人兴奋的体验。房间里有来自水手们的关注和习惯的名字:迷信,冒险,神秘,渴望,激情和自由。这些房间可以是豪华套房的一部分,有自己的桑拿浴室或航海室,有宽敞的双层床。酒店楼下的客厅Naezén的图书馆是由18世纪的医生Daniel Erik Naezén启发的,他管理着世界上最北方的医生诊所。他对西波尼亚的历史、自然和植物的热爱激发了图书馆的装潢,在那里我们可以找到展示古老科学仪器、书籍、笔记和充满当地花朵的仙马的案例。新的酒店餐厅Gotthards Krog是以诺登斯基尔德1883年格陵兰探险队的老将的名字命名的。这座建筑的历史通过内部安排以多种方式被记录和引用。Stora Hotellet的主人希望他们的酒店再次成为来自乌梅的最宏伟的酒店,斯特尔特特拉姆波利的建筑师们已经满足了这一愿望。