Retro style revived: Santo Agostinho apartment renovated by architect Gislene Lopes
2014-09-25 21:29
The “Santo Agostinho” is located in the central area of Belo Horizonte, in a building projected by the architect Oscar Niemeyer and it benefits from a splendid view of the city. The home was entirely renovated by the Brazilian architect Gislene Lopes, who succeeded to create a loft dominated by a refreshing retro style, which gives it a special identity. The internal original architecture was kept and the façade was replaced with large windows that offer a beautiful city view. The living area is connected to the kitchen and bedroom by a sliding door.
“Santo Agostinho”位于Belo Horizonte的中心地带,由建筑师Oscar Niemeyer设计的一座建筑,从城市的壮丽景色中获益良多。这座房子完全由巴西建筑师吉斯琳·洛佩斯负责装修,他成功地创造了一个阁楼,由一种清新的复古风格所主导,这给了它一个特殊的身份。内部原有的建筑被保留下来,外墙被大窗户所取代,这些窗户提供了美丽的城市景观。客厅通过滑动门连接到厨房和卧室。
整个空间得益于丰富的自然光,为了创造空间感,卧室的滑动门是一面镜子门。使用一个和谐的颜色范围,吉斯琳洛佩斯给每个社会领域一个强大,容易引人注目,个性。这些装饰有力地突出了复古的一面,带有折中的口音:厨房的黑白陶瓷,卧室和客厅里的大量小照片,旧的钟表和金库等等。尽管它没有很大的表面,但这套公寓的隔间方式、丰富的自然光线和镜子给人的印象是空间感,也让人享受到温馨清新的氛围。“Santo Agostinho”公寓是在“美国房地产竞赛奖”(ConferenceAmericanProperty),“大教堂住宅内部-公寓”上颁发的。