Highlights from Design Parade Hyères and Toulon 2019 设计游行的亮点-Hyères和Toulon 2019

2019-08-07 16:12
Particle Horizon by Mathieu Lehanneur at Design Parade inside Villa Noailles. Photography: Felipe Ribon
There is an intense summer soundtrack that drifts through the French commune town of Hyères and its neighbouring port city of Toulon. It comprises modernist charm, mixed with the romance of Riviera seaside, and an annual dose of design. In the surrounds of the Robert Mallet Stevens-designed Villa Noailles, opened the 14th edition of Design Parade, and for Toulon, it saw an expansion into curious locations for the fourth iteration of its very own expanding showdown of creativity.

在法国的希耶尔镇和邻近的港口城市土伦,夏季有一首强烈的配乐。它包含了现代主义的魅力,与里维埃拉海滨的浪漫,以及每年的设计剂量。在罗伯特·马莱特·史蒂文斯(Robert Mallet Stevens)设计的诺阿利斯别墅(Villa Noaille)的周围,开启了第14版的“设计游行”(Design Parade),而对于土伦来说,它看到了自己不断扩大的创造力摊牌的第四次迭代,扩展到了
It was particularly scorching weekend for the opening this year, but that didn’t stop design devotees indulging in what this year’s show had to offer in Hyères – from discovering new talents in the basement of the villa to exploring exhibitions in the squash room and terrace, where views of the coastline almost look painted. How do you distract the audience from this immaculate portrait? Head of the jury Mathieu Lehanneur decided not to compete, but to reflect it with his exhibition, Particle Horizon. Bringing together some of his design repertoire that imbues his biology-meets-art aesthetic, from mist diffusing trees to sculptural lighting, the Parisian designer was inspired by the water (a motif in his work) and the Côte d’Azur ambience.

今年开幕式的周末特别炎热,但这并没有阻止设计爱好者们沉迷于今年在海耶斯举办的展览-从在别墅地下室发掘新人才,到在壁球室和露台上探索展览,在那里,海岸线的景色几乎可以被描绘出来。你怎么能分散观众对这张完美肖像的注意力?评审团主席Mathieu Lehanneur决定不参加比赛,但他的展览“粒子地平线”反映了这一点。他的一些设计曲目赋予了他的生物与艺术的美感,从雾气弥漫的树木到雕塑的灯光,这位巴黎设计师的灵感来自于水(他作品中的一个主题)和蔚蓝的氛围。
‘I wanted to recreate that time of the day just after a nap when you feel chilled,’ Lehanneur explains. While sweat was glistening off most visitors, the aura was calming, high up in the concrete confines of the villa. Mist rehydrated the pores, and Lehanneur’s works of marble, light, and mirror enveloped guests, and surrounded the portion of the building that peers down to the swimming pool.

Lehanneur’s team of judges included Paola Antonelli, Stephane Danant and Cecile Verdier, who all chose Gregory Granados from the ten finalists for the Grand Prix accolade, for his whimsical collection of musical instruments crafted from everyday materials. Receiving a special mention was Maxime Louis-Courcier for his non-electric utility machines. The graduate from ENSCI Les Ateliers journeyed back to pastimes for his work, when earthenware-clay was used for temperature controlling. Following experiments, he developed an air humidifier and air conditioner using the material.

Lehanneur的评审团包括Paola Antonelli、Stephane Danant和Cecile Verdier,他们都从大奖赛的十名入围者中挑选了Gregory Granados,因为他用日常材料制作了异想天开的乐器。特别提到的是马克西姆·路易斯·考西尔(MaximeLouis-Courcier)的非电动万能机器。这位从ENSCI Les Atelier毕业的人回到娱乐场所从事他的工作,当时陶器-粘土被用来控制温度。经过实验,他开发了一个空气加湿器和空调使用的材料。
Sandro Della Noce - Caroline Wolewinski’s winning design for the Visual Merchandising Prize by House of Chanel. Photography: Luc Bertrand

This support and admiration of fresh talent wondered over to Toulon – a city that adopts a rougher appeal, with a community feel and derelict architectural gems. During a tour with president of Design Parade, Pascale Mussard, an enthusiastic advocate for the area, and local Provence makers in general, she highlighted the festival’s developments during these past four years.

这种对新鲜人才的支持和钦佩,令人惊叹于土伦-这座城市采用了更为粗糙的吸引力,有着社区的感觉和被遗弃的建筑瑰宝。在与设计游行主席帕斯卡尔·穆萨德(Pascale Mussard)一起巡回演出期间,帕斯卡尔·穆萨德(Pascale Mussard)是该地区的热心倡导者,也是普罗旺斯当地的制造商。
New to the 2019 – partners of the Toulon festival, House of Chanel, entered the fourth year with an award, the Visual Merchandising Prize which saw the ten finalists of the interior design competition create a mock-up window display under the theme of the Mediterrnean, while embedding the ethos of the fashion house. Out of the array of riviting displays on view until November at Ancien Evêché (the former Bishop’s palace), Caroline Wolewinski and Sandro Della Noce were winners with their majestic reflective reactions with light and colour.

作为2019年土伦音乐节的合作伙伴,香奈儿之家(House Of Chanel)获得了第四年的奖项,视觉商品奖(Visual Merchandising Prize)让十名室内设计大赛的入围者创造了一个以地中海为主题的模拟橱窗展示,同时植入了这家时装公司的风尚。直到去年11月,在古老的主教王宫里,卡罗琳·沃尔文斯基(Caroline Wolewinski)和桑德罗·德拉·诺斯(Sandro Della Noce)一直在展出一系列引人入胜的展品,他们对光线和颜色的强烈反光反应令人望而却步。
Design Parade Toulon’s 2019 judging panel for interior design included Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, jury president François Champsaur and Karen Chekerdjian, who chose Parisian graduates Céline Thibault and Géraud Pellottiero’s bathroom made of Marseille soap for the Grand Prix prize. Both a visual and fragrant treat, the immersive space also scooped the public vote.

设计游行团(DesignParade Toulon)的2019年室内设计评审团成员包括诺德豪弗-劳伦斯(NoéDuchauFour-Lawance)、评审团主席弗朗索瓦·昌普索尔(Fran Ois Champsar)和凯伦·切克德健(Karen Chekerdjan),他们选择了巴黎大学毕业生塞琳·蒂伯特(Céline Thibault)和热既视觉又香的享受,沉浸的空间也赢得了公众的青睐。
Gregory Granados scooped the Design Parade Hyères Grand Prix prize with his musical instrument project

Elsewhere in Toulon, the area gained endorsement from Paris’ Centre Pompidou too, with a pop-up design exhibition of chairs opening in ex-naval location Cercle Naval – an Art Deco cove that was dressed up in stripes by India Mahdavi for the occasion.

在土伦的其他地方,这一地区也得到了巴黎蓬皮杜中心的认可,一个弹出式的椅子设计展览在前海军所在地赛尔勒海军(Cercle Naval)开幕,印度马赫达维(Mahdavi)为这一场合盛装成条纹的艺术装饰海湾(Cercle Naval)开幕。
Among the soirées for each prize, there was a sense of camaraderie for the design destination. Mussard acknowledges the festival has a certain level of education for the audience, seen in its format as a launch pad for young designers, endearingly framed by installations in the scorching, historic backdrop. §

Zou Mae由Céline Thibault和Géraud Pellottiero,大奖赛设计游行奖得主。摄影:吕克·伯特兰·邹梅(Luc Bertrand Zou Mae),Céline Thibault和Géraud Pellottiero,设计游行大奖赛奖得主。摄影:吕克·伯特兰

设计游行的评审团主席,弗朗索瓦·昌普索的个展。摄影:Christophe Rihet评审团主席,设计游行图伦,弗朗索瓦·昌普索的个展。摄影:Christophe Rihet





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