TATOΪ Club • A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness

2019-08-05 18:20

Although the modern concept of wellness has been around since the 1970s, it’s only during the last decade that it has steadfastly entered our collective psyche, evolving from a buzzword used to sell gym memberships, spa visits and dietary supplements into a trillion-dollar cross-industry market underpinned by our newfound enthusiasm for a complete wellness lifestyle. Entwining several distinct industries, from fitness, nutrition and personal care, to preventive medicine and tourism, the burgeoning wellness market may be offering an ever expanding range of products, programs and services, but it’s usually up to the individual to piece together a holistic approach to well-being – a confounding task made all the more daunting by our nebulous understanding of what wellness really means. We were therefore delighted to discover TATOΪ Club, a private members club that holistically addresses all aspects of wellbeing in a euphoric natural setting of understated sophistication. When we recently visited the Club on a typical Greek mid-summer day, a light breeze was blowing through the pine trees and herb gardens that are dispersed across the landscaped grounds, filling the air with lavender, rosemary and other Mediterranean aromas that gloriously complemented the hypnotic soundtrack of the cicadas. Strolling through such an idyllic setting, courtesy of Athens-based landscape architects H. Pangalou - Associates, complete with a picturesque lake where scenic yoga sessions take place and two outdoor pools with a team of baristas and mixologists at hand, it seemed to us that, far from being an abstract concept, wellness was within our grasp.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

The Clubs culinary offerings are based on freshness, locality - balance. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs are partly sourced from the Clubs own farm. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

The lake provides a scenic backdrop for yoga sessions. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs are partly sourced from the Clubs own farm. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Morning yoga session by the lake. Photo © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

Photo © TATOΪ Club.
Located at the pine-covered foothills of Mount Parnitha in the north of Athens, Greece, the Club couldn’t have chosen a more suitable location for nurturing the overall wellbeing of its members, both geographically and symbolically. The spot combines a serene, natural setting that can be enjoyed all-year-round with close proximity to the cultural and commercial delights of Athens. But more than that, the Greek setting taps into a long-standing tradition in health and wellbeing practices, centred on Plato’s belief that the part can never be well unless the whole is well. It was after all the Ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, who was the first to suggest that prevention is just as important as treatment, arguing that disease is a product of diet, lifestyle and environmental factors – an axiom that has become the bedrock of the modern approach to wellness which also informs TATOΪ Club’s health-promoting lifestyle, holistically conceived in order to address the overall wellbeing of its members. At its core, TATOΪ Club’s comprehensive approach to wellness revolves around five interconnected aspects - fitness, nutrition, good health, contact with nature, and community - underpinned by the Club’s extensive facilities. Set in a beautifully landscaped 18-acre estate, the facilities include among other things 18 state-of-the-art tennis courts, plenty of indoor and outdoor training and leisure areas, a physiotherapy and nutrition centre, and a fully equipped spa as well as activity areas for children.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

Outdoor massage sessions are part of the Clubs spa offerings. Photo © Tatoi Club.
户外按摩是俱乐部提供的水疗服务的一部分。照片(Tatoi Club)。

Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Elias Joidos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

The Clubs culinary offerings are based on freshness, locality - balance. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

French professional tennis player Gaël Monfils training at TATOΪ Club. Photo by Elias Joidos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.
The Club is renowned for its stellar tennis facilities and services, which include a range of outdoor and indoor courts, both clay and turf, a team of professional tennis coaches, and total training support. In fact, they are of such high calibre that they not only function as an international training hub for international athletes such as Gael Monfils, Ymer Elias, and Maria Sakkaris but can also host major international tennis events such as last year’s Fed Cup EUROPE-AFRICA Group II, and the upcoming Davis Cup EUROPE GROUP III which in September. Tennis aside, the Club offers members a wide range of activities and group classes from which they can create a personalized fitness program with the help of a team of fitness trainers. A fully equipped gym with both indoor and outdoor exercise areas is complemented by a running track that meanders across the grounds, a range of yoga and Pilates sessions that often take place outdoors next to the lake, and a heated, outdoor swimming pool where members can partake in personal training sessions. The Club’s integrated fitness approach is backed up by a range of preventive treatments and restorative therapies aiming at overall wellbeing. From physiotherapy training and clinical Pilates, to pioneering cryotherapy treatments, to nutritional therapy, the goal is to evaluate, restore and maintain physical function, or, more to the point, to stay healthy. Coupled with an eclectic selection of facial and body wellness treatments and a variety of different massages, courtesy of the Club’s spa, there is little doubt that when it comes to relaxation and rejuvenation, the Club is at the top of its game.
该俱乐部以其一流的网球设施和服务而闻名于世,其中包括一系列的室外和室内场地,包括粘土和草坪,一支专业的网球教练队伍,以及全面的训练支持。事实上,他们的实力是如此之高,不仅可以成为盖尔·蒙菲尔斯(Gael Monfils)、伊迈尔·伊利亚斯(Ymer Elias)和玛丽亚·萨卡里斯(Maria Sakkaris)等国际运动员的国际训练中心,还可以举办大型国际网球赛事,比如去年的欧洲联储杯(Fed Cup)-非洲第二组(European Group II),以及即将于9月举行除了网球之外,俱乐部还为会员们提供了各种各样的活动和小组课程,他们可以在健身教练团队的帮助下创建一个个性化的健身项目。一个配备齐全的健身房,配有室内和室外运动区域,辅之以绕着操场蜿蜒而行的跑道、经常在湖边室外进行的一系列瑜伽和普拉提课程,以及一个恒温的室外游泳池,成员们可以在那里参加个人培训课程。俱乐部的综合健身方法得到了一系列预防治疗和恢复性治疗的支持,目的是为了整体的健康。从理疗训练和临床普拉提,到开创性的冷冻治疗,再到营养疗法,目标是评估、恢复和维持身体功能,或者更重要的是保持健康。加上各种面部和身体健康治疗的选择,以及各种不同的按摩,由于俱乐部的水疗中心,毫无疑问,当涉及到放松和恢复活力时,俱乐部是它的巅峰。

A TATOΪ Club member is playing tennis on a clay court. Photo by Costas Spathis © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Elias Joidos.
照片作者:Elias Joidos。

Photo by Elias Joidos.
照片作者:Elias Joidos。

The Club offers a wide range of group classes. Photo by Elias Joidos.
俱乐部提供各种各样的团体课程。照片作者:Elias Joidos。

Yoga and Pilates sessions often take place outdoors. Photo by Elias Joidos.
瑜伽和普拉提课程经常在户外进行。照片作者:Elias Joidos。

The Clubs culinary offerings are based on freshness, locality - balance. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Outdoor training area. Photo by Elias Joidos.
室外训练区。照片作者:Elias Joidos。
While the aforementioned herb gardens add colour and texture to the landscaping, they are also an integral part of the Club’s dedication to healthy nutrition. From the snacks and nibbles that members can savour by the pool, to the breakfast menu and gourmet dishes served in the Club’s all-day restaurant, every culinary offering has been lovingly prepared in-house, in collaboration with the Club’s expert nutritionist, from seasonal, farm-to-table ingredients that have been sourced from local farmers as well as the Club’s own farm where vegetables, fruits and herbs are cultivated. By offering a balanced, as opposed to an abstinence-based diet, the Club’s aim is to instil a better way of eating as a step towards a better way of living in its members. Learning to eat well is also the goal behind the Club’s cooking workshops that take place at the Cook House, a low-slung building situated amidst the pine trees, but it’s also part of a wide range of social activities which foster creativity and encourage social interactions. From calligraphy seminars to inspirational lectures and discussions, members not only have the opportunity to participate in events that interest them and nurture their hobbies, but they also develop closer ties with each other. A like-minded community is after all one of the basic aspects of wellness, which, as a private members club, TATOΪ Club is all about.
虽然上述草药花园为景观增添了色彩和质地,但它们也是俱乐部致力于健康营养的组成部分。从会员们可以在游泳池边品尝的小吃和小吃,到俱乐部全天餐厅提供的早餐菜单和美食菜肴,每一种烹饪服务都是在俱乐部内部精心准备的,与俱乐部的专业营养师合作,从季节性的、农场到餐桌的食材,这些原料都来自当地农民,以及俱乐部自己的农场,那里种植着蔬菜、水果和草药。通过提供一个平衡的,而不是禁欲的饮食,俱乐部的目标是灌输一种更好的饮食方式,作为一个更好的生活方式的成员。学会吃得好也是俱乐部在库克餐厅(Cook House)举办的烹饪工作坊的目标,这是一座坐落在松树中间的低矮建筑,但它也是促进创造力和鼓励社会互动的广泛社会活动的一部分。从书法研讨会到鼓舞人心的讲座和讨论,成员们不仅有机会参加他们感兴趣的活动,培养他们的爱好,而且他们之间也有更密切的联系。一个志同道合的社区毕竟是健康的基本方面之一,作为一个私人俱乐部,TatoΪ俱乐部就是关于健康的。

The herb garden provides fresh ingerdients for the Clubs culinary offerings. Photo © TATOΪ Club.

Every dish has been created in collaboration with the Club’s expert nutritionist. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

The herb garden provides fresh ingerdients for the Clubs culinary offerings. Photo © Tatoi Club.

Cooking workshop. Photo by Manos Chatzikonstantis.
烹饪车间。图片来源于Manos Chatzikonstantis。
With such a variety of activities and amenities, which also include lounge and meetings areas, a beauty bar, a boutique and a conference centre, the Club aspires to be an integral part of its members’ everyday lives. Wellness after all is a holistic concept that defies a piecemeal approach or occasional involvement, which is why the Club also offers members the chance to stay overnight. Featuring two suites and six rooms hosting up to four guests each, the Guest House is the ideal place for Athenians seeking a break from the hectic rhythms of the city, as well as for foreign members who can decamp here for longer periods of time to enjoy both Greek hospitality and the Club’s services and facilities. Passing by the Guest House’s private terrace during our tour of the grounds, we couldn’t help but wonder how utterly liberating it would be to live in such a lovely environment where every aspect of your well-being is taken care of. At the end of the day though, wellness only partly depends on mapping out a suitable health-promoting lifestyle of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and mental stimulation. What is just as important is to be inspired and motivated to pursue it on a daily basis, which, more than anything else, defines TATOΪ Club ’s raison dêtre.

Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs are partly sourced from the Clubs own farm. Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.

Photo by Dimitris Poupalos © TATOΪ Club.
keywords:Travel Architecture Health and Beauty Landscape Food Design / Gastronomy 





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