Brodecky House, Melbourne Atlas Architects

2019-07-30 07:54

Project: Brodecky House Architects: Atlas Architects Builder: Secon Constructions Location: Melbourne, Australia Project size: 178 m2 Year 2018 Photographer: Tess Kelly
This new double story residence is designed for accessibility on the ground floor and amplifying the living zone on a narrow lot size. The planning is spatially efficient to accommodate the restrictive site conditions and controls while maximising the dwellings amenity.

Formally, the pitched volume is subtracted by large openings, creating deep eaves and window sills. This aims to engage with the street and address the corner nature of the Brodecky house. These openings blur the thresholds between indoor and outdoor to accommodate various spatial uses.

What were the key challenges? The key challenges are neighbourhood context, planning regulations and constraint, budget, building area to accommodate the client’s brief whilst fitting on a small site.

Who are the clients and what’s interesting about them? The client lives in Bentleigh for 45 years. Her previous home was a 5 bedroom double storey house. Being a large home, it was becoming too hard to maintain by herself. She wanted to downsize to a 3 bedroom home however she did not want to move far away from her friends and family. She loves the Bentleigh area and she could not find anything nearby that she liked, or that suited her needs. She decided to engage Atlas Architects to investigate the potential of building a new townhouse at the rear of her existing house. As her existing property is a corner lot, a new townhouse would have its own street address. She did not want to demolish the existing house as she built this 30 years ago and believes it is still in good condition and that a new family could move in and enjoy the space. She felt that it would be wasteful to demolish a perfectly good home.

What key materials were used to bring the look to life? The effect of a silhouette is achieved by the colour of burnt wood and effectively conveys the outline of the new volume. Material textures such as bricks, shiplapped timber, and vertical grooved linings were introduced to visually relate the new building to its surrounding context and to our own experience of Australian houses. Together they generate a sense of human scale. The rich texture of recycled red bricks and natural finish vertical shiplapped timber cladding speaks to the adjacent building materials, whilst painted vertical Scyon Axon smooth cladding mitigates between the familiar brick pattern and shiplapped timber cladding.
什么样的关键材料被用来使外观生动活泼?剪影的效果是通过烧木的颜色来实现的,有效地传达了新卷的轮廓。材料结构,如砖块,船板木材,垂直槽内衬被引入,以视觉联系新的建筑物与其周围的环境和我们自己的经验,澳大利亚的房子。它们共同产生了一种人类尺度感。丰富的再生红砖的质地和自然完成垂直倾斜木包层代表了相邻的建筑材料,而漆的垂直Scyon Axon平滑包层减轻了熟悉的砖块图案和搭接木包层之间的差距。

Other finer elements of the building such as screens, cantilevered pergola and horizontal cladding were used to break up the silhouette massing in the outdoor living space. These elements were timber battens and Primeline Weatherboard, painted with a colour similar to brick in order to transition from bricks to ‘the silhouette’, encapsulating the outdoor room. The paint colour has a similar tone to red bricks, warm and familiar.

What key details were used to bring the look to life? The facade has large open windows to capture the city view and the street. It creates a sense of openness from the internal spaces as well as from the street. The deep steel window box detail on the ground floor and deep window reveal on the first floor add depth and shadow to the façade. The contrast between natural timber cladding and black Scyon Axon highlights the porch/entry area creating a focal point. The pergola cantilevers over the deck area. It defines the outdoor room without impeding on the circulation and function of the space.
哪些关键的细节被用来使外观变得生动起来?正面有很大的开放窗户,可以看到城市的景色和街道。它创造了一种来自内部空间和街道的开放感。底层的深钢窗盒细节和一层的深窗显示,增加了立面的深度和阴影。天然木材覆层和黑色Scyon Axon之间的对比突出了门廊/入口区域,创造了一个焦点。在甲板上有悬臂。它在不影响空间流通和功能的前提下,定义了室外空间。

What was the brief? The Brodecky House is the client’s dream home. Our client previously lived in a large 5 bedroom house and was looking to downsize. This is an urban infill project, where the new dwelling was built on the backyard land of her existing home. The key features that the client wanted in her home: a. Outdoor space Courtyard Balcony to optimise city views BBQ Area Entertaining deck b. Internal A dining table that could sit at least 12 people when entertaining. She wanted at least 1 ground floor bedroom and ensuite so that all living can take place on the ground floor. Gas fireplace She loves the amount of storage that she has in the new home. There is more storage in the new home than her existing 5 bedroom home. It is well concealed and hidden. Level entry showers Reconstituted stone benches c. Exterior features Pergola and screening Steel window awning

What were the solutions? Neighbourhood context and planning regulations: Council initial response was not supportive of the development, so we had to make additional effort to articulate the building façade and volume. The design outcome and expression were to minimise any impact on the neighbour’s amenities, whilst still achieve the architectural vision. We worked closely with a town planning consultant to address every aspects of the Rescode and local Council concerns.

Budget: Budget was always at the back of our mind when designing and documenting the Brodecky House project. We were aware that the new house must be within the client’s financial capacity and property market valuation. Various cost plans were acquired at different stages of the project to keep our feet on the ground. Additional cost cutting exercises were done after tender with careful considerations in order to keep our vision while reducing cost where possible.
预算:在设计和记录Brodecky House项目时,预算总是在我们的脑海中。我们知道,新房子必须在客户的财政能力和房地产市场估值范围内。在项目的不同阶段制定了各种成本计划,以使我们能够脚踏实地。额外的成本削减工作经过招标后,经过仔细考虑,以保持我们的远见,并在可能的情况下降低成本。

Building area and spatial efficiency: As the site is small (approx. 11x19m), the brief was to make the whole ground floor accessible for the owner. The first floor is mainly for visiting family and guests.

The build location and design was tight as it was situated on a small block. James Hardie Axon cladding enabled us to store and install the sheets off the scaffolding we had erected instead of having a work station on the ground and trying to pass up each sheet individually. It only took 2 men to install where as other system such as foam and render consists of other trades and more materials. Also being a sheet product installation time was quick.





keywords:architects Atlas Architects Australia BBQ Area brick double story residence houses interior design Melbourne pergola Secon Constructions Tess Kelly photography timber cladding 





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