Edward Crutchley and Colovos scoop International Woolmark Prize 2019

2019-03-15 14:34
Edward Crutchley won both the International Woolmark Prize 2019 for Menswear and Innovation.
Good clothes mirror the times. When this year’s International Woolmark Prize finalists gathered in London, their jackets, shirts, jumpers and coats had a clear conscience. Each of the 12 designers zoomed in on sustainability, identity and kindness. Triumphant brands were Edward Crutchley, who scooped both the Menswear and Innovation prizes, and Colovos who won the Womenswear category, the New York-based label which launched in 2016.
好衣服能反映时代。当今年的国际伍马克奖决赛选手聚集在伦敦时,他们的夹克、衬衫、毛衣和外套都是问心无愧的。12位设计师中的每一位都放大了可持续性、认同感和善意。获胜的品牌有爱德华·克鲁茨利(Edward Crutchley),他获得了男装奖和创新奖,以及获得2016年推出的纽约品牌“女装”类别的科沃斯(Colvos)。
Edward Crutchley celebrated the role that textiles play as cultural signposts. His collection featured prints inspired by Malinese mud-cloth and suits made from Saudi Arabian fabric. Breton lacework patterns were engineered into fine wool cardigan coats, whilst knitwear was dyed by hand at the Kyoto Guild of Shibori Masters, which Crutchley said gave off ‘a grungy Australian surf vibe.’
爱德华·克鲁茨利(EdwardCrutchley)赞扬了纺织品作为文化标志的作用。他的收藏特色是灵感来自马里泥布和西服的灵感来自沙特阿拉伯的织物。布列塔尼花边图案被设计成细羊毛衫,而针织服装则是在京都Shibori大师协会(KyotoGuild Of Shibori Master)上手工染色的。克鲁茨利说,这是一种“肮脏的澳大利亚海浪”。
It was a smorgasbord of skill, produced in collaboration with artisanal producers from around the world. The total prize money of AU$300,000 for both gongs means that Crutchley can grow his business, but he isn’t in any rush. ‘I want to take time to process this. The recognition means everything to me. I want this prize to mean something substantial for the long term. When I worked on the collection I took away the restrictions I normally place on myself, thinking about what will sell and what people might want from me and just did exactly what I wanted,’ he said.
CMMN, finalists in the Woolmark Prize 2019
Crutchley’s request for slowness chimed with fellow finalists CMMN. Concerned with the over-production rife across the industry, the duo behind the label have previously reworked pieces from earlier seasons. Here, they took second-hand Aran jumpers and knitted new pieces to them, relinking and felting them together to create a slouchy hybrid of old and new.
‘There is a lot of focus on sustainability this year,’ Julie Davies at The Woolmark Company observed. ‘Many of the finalists are either working with really old mills or finding totally new ones and looking at working in different ways. There’s a different approach to sourcing too.’ Provenance is something that each of the finalists have been given the opportunity to consider, from yarn development right through to what we might buy in the shops, whilst learning the myriad ways wool can be used. ‘It’s a real eye-opener for the designers when they realise how diverse wool is. It works for all markets, all climates,’ adds Davies.
伍尔马克公司(Woolmark Company)的朱莉·戴维斯(JulieDavies)说,今年人们对可持续性的关注很大。许多入围者要么与真正的老磨坊合作,要么寻找全新的磨坊,并考虑以不同的方式工作。在采购方面也有不同的方法。种源是每个入围者都有机会考虑的东西,从纱线的开发到我们在商店里可能买的东西,同时学习如何使用羊毛。当设计师们意识到羊毛的多样性时,这对他们来说是一个真正的开场白。它适用于所有的市场,所有的气候,“戴维斯补充说。
Colovos, winners of the Woolmark Prize 2019 Womenswear category
More and more designers are rationalising their environmental responsibilities: ‘I can’t look at another image of animals caught in plastic without thinking about how we might be participating,’ says Nicole Colovos, one half of husband-and-wife duo Colovos. ‘We have to move it forward.’ They were awarded the Womenswear prize for their studied, elegant collection of navy separates. Launched in New York in 2016 as a sustainable minimal wardrobe, the label is rigorous and unfussy. Here they used innovative finishes that gave wool the look and feel of denim and silk.
越来越多的设计师正在理顺他们对环境的责任:“我不能在不考虑我们如何参与的情况下,再看另一个被塑料包裹的动物的形象,”一对夫妻二人结了一半的尼古拉·科沃斯(Nicole Colvos)说。“我们必须向前推进。”他们被授予女装奖,因为他们的研究,优雅的海军分离收藏。2016年在纽约推出,作为一个可持续的最低限度的衣柜,这个标签是严格和不挑剔的。在这里,他们使用创新的整理,使羊毛的外观和感觉的牛仔和丝绸。
‘I can’t look at another image of animals caught in plastic without thinking about how we might be participating’ – Nicole Colovos
‘When we launched we wanted to do something small and spend more time on less pieces. Reading about climate change in the news, we started to feel we were in this wasteful industry and so we wanted to push what can we do. Just how transparent can the processes be?’ Their prize money will be used to help the brand expand into menswear and support e-commerce. ‘It’s a really big deal for us. We can scale. We can do the things we have been wanting to do with zero waste,’ says Colovos.
Daniel W. Fletcher, Woolmark Prize finalist 2019
丹尼尔·弗莱彻(Daniel W.Fletcher),伍尔马克奖决赛得主,2019年
The venerated Diana Vreeland once wrote: ‘Fashion is the perfect expression of the economic and social hour. Fashion is never wrong. Fashion is the projection of invention for the time.’ No surprise then that designer Daniel Fletcher has produced a large body of work in response to Brexit and the threat that British mills and many fashion institutions now face, economically and culturally. Here, he riffed on school uniforms and sports kits as a comment on the cuts to arts education, depriving younger people of the stimuli that could produce our future designers.
This year’s International Woolmark Prize was the catalyst for the new guard to realise other ways of working. ‘In order for us to sustain ourselves we need to be kind to one another and take care of one another,’ finalist Willy Chavarria said. Since launching his label in 2016, he’s been so focused on fighting social injustice, that he’d overlooked environmental issues… that is, until he started working with wool. ‘It’s the purest fibre you can have! I’m now thinking about more environmentally conscious ways of producing, limiting the styles I offer, manufacturing American milled wools in American factories so there is less wastage.’ It’s woke and wearable. The perfect expression of the here and now. §





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