Bauhaus exhibitions in 2019 celebrating the school’s centenary

2019-03-15 14:06
Bauhaus exhibitions around the world: The Japan edition of Bauhaus Imaginista: ‘Corresponding With, Japan’ at the National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto. Photography: Yuki Moriya
Bauhaus exhibitions in galleries and musuems across the world are plenty in 2019. Here we look at some of the shows shedding light on the school and consequent movement of modernism.
From its founding in 1919 by Walter Gropius in Weimar, and subsequent closure in 1933, the Bauhaus theories and ideas spread out across the world through the architects (and their pupils) who attended the school to many different geographical places.
从1919年沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)在魏玛创立到1933年关闭,包豪斯的理论和思想通过建筑师(和他们的学生)传播到世界各地。
Germany’s ‘Bauhaus Imaginista’ programme features four exhibitions worldwide (China, Japan, Russia and Brazil) that are happening this year and next, while a string of institutional exhibitions across Germany look at the waves Bauhaus made in the nation of its founding...
Netherlands – Bauhaus: Pioneers of a new world
The principles of Bauhaus resonated in the Netherlands through architecture, design and design education and many Dutch artists, architects and designers contributed to the development of this German movement. This exhibition explores this relationship through around 800 objects of architecture, design, textiles, photography and typography, with a focus on Rotterdam, between the two world wars, where Dutch modernism founds its expression. The time frame starts pre-Bauhaus when Dutch practitioners joined Deutsche Werkbund set up in 1907, to the influence of the De Stijl magazine during the school and then to post-Bauhaus when several members came to the Netherlands.
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 9 February – 26 May 2019 Image: Peter Keler, Apartment in Weimar. Design and Execution, 1927, gouache on paper, 500 x 780 mm. Private collection, the Netherlands. Courtesy: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
博伊曼斯·范伯宁根博物馆,2019年2月9日至5月26日图片:Peter Keler,Weimar公寓。设计和执行,1927年,水粉在纸上,500 x 780毫米。私人收藏,荷兰。提供:博伊曼斯·范伯宁根博物馆
Frankfurt Modernism 1919-1933
This exhibition is a celebration of modern design in Frankfurt am Main in the 1920s, when the city became a hub for design. Beyond the ‘New Frankfurt’ housing construction programme initiated by Ernst May, the city adopted modernism in many other ways, from fashion to interiors, products and communication design. This activity was happening alongside industrialisation and the devlopment of urban communities. Key pieces of architecture represent the period: the reconstructed trade fair, the city’s building department and the Frankfurt art school, which underwent significant reorientation under Fritz Wichert.
Museum Angewandte Kunst, 19 January – 14 April 2019, Image: ‘Die Neue Wohnung und ihr Innenausbau’, Frühjahrsmesse, 1927. Image courtesy of Hans Leistikow © Archiv Messe FFM
Angewandte Kunst博物馆,2019年1月19日至4月14日,图像:‘die Neue Wohnung und ihr Innenausbau’,Frühjahrsmesse,1927年。图片由汉斯·莱斯提科夫(阿基夫·梅塞)提供
Josef Rings and Erich Mendelsohn: New building in Germany and Mandatory Palestine
Josef Rings和Erich Mendelsohn:德国的新建筑和强制性巴勒斯坦
In collaboration with Moses Mendelsohn Zentrum in Potsdam and Alte Synagoge Essen, the Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv presents and exhibition exploring the two architects styles in their respective geographic locations. The exhibition was supported by the ‘100 years Bauhaus in the West’ project from the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and other German regional organisations.
Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv, 24 January – 30 March 2019 Image: Mendelsohn, Rechovot, Israel, Villa Weizmann, 1934-1936. Photography: Michael Craig Palmer
图:Mendelsohn,Rechovot,以色列,Villa Weizmann,1934-1936。摄影:迈克尔·克雷格·帕尔默
Bauhaus Imaginista, Learning from São Paulo
Bauhaus Imaginsta,向圣保罗学习
The Bauhaus Imaginista programme moves beyond the framework of Bauhaus in Germany (1919–33) exploring its international reach. In an exhibition as part of the ‘Learning From’ series of events, SESC São Paulo and the Goethe-Institut São Paulo present an exhibition that looks at the role of Bauhaus in areas of premodern, indigenous and precolonial craft practices in the American continents.
Bauhaus Imaginsta方案超越了德国包豪斯的框架(1919-33年),探索其国际影响。在作为“吸取教训”系列活动的一部分的展览中,圣保罗中小企业和圣保罗歌德研究所举办了一次展览,探讨鲍豪斯在美洲大陆前现代、土著和殖民前工艺实践领域中的作用。
The exhibition is located at São Paulo’s SESC Pompéia, a former factory converted into a cultural centre by Lina Bo Bardi. Inspired by the Bauhaus, Bo Bardi established the Institute of Contemporary Art (IAC), in 1951 at the Museum of Art São Paulo (MASP) and her work is present as a thread throughout the exhibition.
展览地点在圣保罗的SESC盛装区,这是一家由莉娜·博·巴迪(Lina Bo Bardi)改造成文化中心的前工厂。在鲍豪斯的启发下,波·巴迪于1951年在圣保罗艺术博物馆(MASP)成立了当代艺术研究所(IAC),她的作品在整个展览中都是一个线索。
SESC Pompéia, Sao Paulo, 10 October 2018 – 10 January 2019 Image: Annual student exhibition, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Parc de la Ligue Arabe 1968. Image courtesy of Nadia Chabâa family’s archive
SESC Polpéia,圣保罗,2018年10月10日至2019年1月10日图片:年度学生展览,Galerie des Beaux-Arts,Parc de la Ligue Arabe,1968年。Nadia Chab a家族档案提供的图片
Original Bauhaus, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung in cooperation with the Berlinische Galerie
原始Bauhaus,Bauhaus-Archiv/博物馆für Gestal栋与Berlinische Galerie合作
This exhibition presents the ‘famous, familiar and forgotten Bauhaus originals’ including art and design objects from the Bauhaus-Archiv’s collection, loans from international collections and the history behind them and re-examine the Bauhaus legacy. The 14 objects will each be a case study for more questions, for example: How did the woman sitting on the tubular-steel chair become the most famous anonymous figure from the Bauhaus? And, does the Haus am Horn in Weimar have a secret twin?
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, September 2019 – 27 Jan 2020 Image: Woman wearing an Oskar Schlemmer mask sitting on Marcel Breuer’s Wassily Chair, around 1926. Photography: Erich Consemüller, Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / © Dr. Stephan Consemüller
柏林,2019年9月-2020年1月27日图片:妇女穿着奥斯卡施莱默面具坐在Marcel Breuer的瓦西里椅上,大约在1926年。摄影:Erich Consemüller,Bauhaus-Archiv柏林/C.Stephan Consemüller博士
See more on Bauhaus here
2018年9月12日至11月30日,在莫斯科的Musuem当代艺术车库举办的Bauhaus Imaginsta展览,题为“搬走:国际主义建筑师,莫斯科”。摄影:Silke Briel The Bauhaus Imaginsta展览,莫斯科当代艺术博物馆,题为“搬走:国际主义建筑师,莫斯科”,2018年9月12日至11月30日。摄影:赛克·布里尔
1925-30年,在柏林的Mendelsohn‘s Wogakomplex,在特拉维夫包豪斯中心举办的“Josef Rings和Erich Mendelsohn:德国的新建筑和强制性巴勒斯坦”展览。摄影:迈克尔·克雷格·帕尔默·门德尔松(Michael Craig Palmer Mendelsohn)1925-30年在柏林的“约瑟夫·门德尔松(Josef Rings)和埃里希·门德尔松(Erich Mendelsohn):德国新建筑和强制性巴勒斯坦”展览在特拉维夫包豪斯中心展出。摄影:迈克尔·克雷格·帕尔默
安装巴西版的Bauhaus Imaginsta展览:“从圣保罗学习”。摄影:达尼拉·布斯塔曼特安装巴西版的Bauhaus Imaginsta展览:“从圣保罗学习”。摄影:丹尼拉·布斯塔曼特






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