Bella Sky Hotel 3XN Architects
2011-05-26 00:00
3 XN建筑公司的创始人兼合伙人金·赫弗斯·尼尔森说:“尽管贝拉天空是北欧地区最大的酒店,但我们已经尽了一切努力,确保酒店不会给人一种典型的客观和正式的感觉,而这种感觉往往是大型酒店的定义。”因此,我们决定把整个主题解释为新北欧酷。我们观察了斯堪的纳维亚人是如何设计他们家的,他们是如何生活的,然后我们为贝拉天空酒店选择了我们最优秀的设计传统。对我们来说,无论是在设计上还是在材料上,关键词都是简单、功能性和高质量的。
‘Although Bella Sky is the Nordic region’s largest hotel, we have done everything to ensure that the hotel doesn’t give the typical impersonal and formal feeling that so often defines large hotels,’ says 3XN Architects’ founder and partner, Kim Herforth Nielsen. ‘Therefore, we decided to interpret the overall theme as New Nordic Cool. We looked at how Scandinavians approach the design of their homes, how they live – and then chose the best of our design tradition for the Bella Sky Hotel. Key words for us were simplicity, functionality and high quality, both in design and materials.’
因此,在选择酒店814间客房的材料时,禁止使用任何合成材料。地毯是在羊毛,床单在高线数量的棉,并有广泛使用的天然材料,如烟熏橡木和皮革发现在整个服装。烟熏的调色板给房间带来了温暖,同时也让人联想到北欧的自然,从酒店对自然公园的看法可以看出这一点,“Amager Commoner”(Amager Commoner)。
Therefore anything synthetic was banned in the selection of materials for the hotel’s 814 rooms. Carpets are in wool, bed sheets in high thread count cottons, and there is a prevailing use of natural materials such as smoked oak and leather found throughout the décor. The smokey colour palette gives the rooms warmth and at the same time creates references to the Nordic nature, which is evident from the hotel views over the nature park, ‘Amager Common.’
3 XN在家具设计师方面从北欧传统中选出了最好的,并从Hay、Arne Jacobsen和Finn Juhl等选择中采用了既包括新设计又包括经典设计的策略。穿过所选家具、纺织品和灯具的普通线是圆形的有机形式,突出了非正式和放松的情绪。
3XN has chosen the best from the Nordic tradition in terms of furniture designers, and has used a strategy comprising both new and classic design from a selection such as Hay, Arne Jacobsen and Finn Juhl. The common thread running through the chosen furniture, textiles and lamps, are round organic forms, which underline the informal and relaxed mood.