Händelallee 47 House dax_I

2011-06-04 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。位于H ndelallee 47的单人住宅是为1958年的“Interbau”建筑展览而以中庭风格建造的。它位于开发区的南端,是建筑师Alois Giefer和Hermann M ckler设计的三个类似的相邻平房之一。此外,Alois Giefer提供了新区的总体规划。
Text description provided by the architects. The single-family house at Händelallee 47 was built in an atrium style for the 1958 'Interbau' building exhibition. Located at the southern end of the development area, it was designed as one of three similar adjacent bungalows by the architects Alois Giefer and Hermann Mäckler. In addition, Alois Giefer provided the master plan for the new district.
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)
这座没有地下室的房子是用50厘米宽2.5米的加气混凝土构件建造的,其中包括一个相邻的车库。它是为一个有两个孩子的家庭设计的。最初,一个人从前厅进入,然后穿过小厨房来到左边的起居室。这三个房间构成住宅的长方形前侧。第二,房子的私人区域可以从客厅进入。走廊沿着露台通向这两间(以当代标准衡量)普通的儿童卧室、主卧室、浴室和储藏室。内建的壁橱沿着走廊的整个长度延伸。与邻居不同的是,这三栋房子都有朝南的花园,在1957年的Interbau展览目录(现为H ndelallee 43、45、47)中,它们都被列为第31号地产。
The house, which has no basement, is built from 50 cm by 2.5 m aerated concrete components and included an adjacent garage. It was designed for a family with two children. Originally, one entered through a vestibule and onward through the small kitchen to reach the living room on the left. These three rooms constitute the rectangular front side of the dwelling. The second, private area of the house is accessible from the living room. A hallway leads alongside the patio to the two (by contemporary standards) modest children's bedrooms, the master bedroom, bathroom and storage room. Built-in closets extend along the whole length of the hallway. All three houses, which, unlike their neighbors, have south-facing gardens, are listed as property number 31 in the Interbau 1957 exhibition catalogue (now Händelallee 43, 45, 47).
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)
在2008年9月项目开始时,发现H ndelallee 47房屋与其邻居不同,大多处于原始状态。在它建造后的五十年里,只对房子的屋顶和外部进行了小规模的维修。原来的夜储加热器还在使用中。花园的正面漆成了完全白色,因此,与原来的情况相反,纤维水泥板和外墙的抹灰区域之间没有明显的差别。第一批业主用层压板取代了原来的厨房和起居室地板,在房子后面用地毯代替了原来的地板。20世纪80年代初对厨房和浴缸进行了翻修。
At the outset of the project in September 2008, the Händelallee 47 house, unlike its neighbors, was found to be mostly in its original condition. In the fifty years since its construction, only minor repairs were made to the roof and the exterior of the house. The original night-storage heaters were still in use. The garden facade was painted completely white so that, contrary to its original state, there was no discernible difference between the fibre cement panelled and plastered areas of the exterior. The first owners had replaced the original kitchen and living room flooring with laminate, and that at the rear of the house with carpeting. The kitchen and bath were renovated in the early 1980s.
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)
We decided to relinquish most of the former garage and add the space to the relatively small living area, thereby creating an anteroom with fireplace, which corresponds to the depth of the private section of the house. A new, 50 cm wide, floor-to-ceiling window illuminates the fireplace room and conforms dimensionally with the construction principle of the houses. The leftover garage space, which now functions as a storage room, has been walled off from the anteroom and is reached by the former exterior garage doors. In order to create a more open and brighter garden-facing living area, we enlarged the existing two windows by extending them to the floor, where previously the parapet height had been determined solely by night-storage heaters.
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)
The most important procedure involved the roofing of the patio. The former kitchen window was lengthened room-high and is now a passageway to the new patio dining room. The wall which previously divided the kitchen from the living room was removed, allowing for an informal open kitchen which connects the living and dining areas. Furthermore, the glass roofing of the former patio permitted us to retain the slender, transparent design of the single-glazed molded concrete block patio walls without further heat loss. This concrete block wall was not re-plastered and painted; instead, it was merely protected from any further erosion, enabling the age and character of the building to remain perceptible.
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)
Thanks to the polished concrete paving slabs (heated) and the preservation of the planting bed in the floor, the dining room retains the character and design of an outdoor space. Lime cement plaster and a newly installed fibre cement roof parapet reinforce this impression. The shape and colour of the kitchen pay tribute to the creative expression of the original construction. Great care was taken throughout the renovation to ensure the use of by Ms. Christine Becker, the various exterior surfaces could be restored to their original condition.
 © Volker Renner
(Volker Renner)





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