Museum of Memory and Tolerance Arditti + RDT Architects

2011-07-30 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. The Museum is constructed using a mixture of reinforced concrete and steel in a seven level structure (three of permanent exhibit + four complimentary). It is set on a continuous colonnade of the Plaza Juarez complex, designed by Legorreta + Legorreta Architects on the site of the former “Hotel Alameda” (which fell during the 1985 earthquake).
 Courtesy of Arditti + RDT Architects
Aridti RDT建筑师提供
Arditti + RDT designed the Museum with the rooted belief that the only hope for humanity lies in the education of future generations. Therefore, the main force behind the conceptual idea of the Museum is sustaining the “floating” Children’s Memorial. In order to anchor this main motif of the interior atrium, the volume that contains Memory and Tolerance is displayed like two open arms embracing the Children’s Memorial. This Memorial has two interrelated intentions: remembering approximately two million children who have been exterminated in genocides, and educating our children to foster future coexistence among all people. On the interior atrium, the different functions of the building are read as independent volumes. The Museum’s Permanent Exhibits (Memory and Tolerance) are held behind the exposed concrete “L” shaped mass.
 Floor Plan

一个木箱托着礼堂,这个礼堂悬挑在一个斜坡上,通向一个沉没的儿童教育区。与此同时,展览馆的顶部是举办临时展览厅的基地,该展厅通过一个凹槽透明的围护设施吸引游客。行政空间位于一个黑色花岗岩元素后面,与主展区上方的一个玻璃窗隔开,将一个教育中心与一条透明的坡道连接起来,连接到柱廊内的公共图书馆,可以俯瞰华雷斯广场(Juarez Plaza)。水平循环作为叠加阳台,提供开放的室内空间的不同视角。
A wooden box holds the Auditorium, which cantilevers over a ramp that leads towards a sunken Children’s Educational Area. At the same time, its top serves as a base to host the Temporary Exhibition Hall, which attracts visitors through a recessed transparent enclosure. The Administrative Space is held behind a dark granite element, separated from the upper main exhibition area by a glazed gap that integrates an Educational Center linked by a transparent ramped corridor to a Public Library within the colonnade overlooking the Juarez Plaza. Horizontal circulations are incorporated as superimposed balconies that provide different perspectives of the open interior space.
 Courtesy of Arditti + RDT Architects
Aridti RDT建筑师提供
The journey through Memory and Tolerance begins on the upper level of the Museum. Standing above the suspended Memorial, the visitor overlooks the reality of the free outside world (The Mexican Palace of Fine Arts, The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, The Plaza Juarez Square, The National Notaries Archive, Etc…) and is about to be moved from direct sunlight into some of the darkest episodes of mankind.
记忆和宽容包含在博物馆的前三层(第五层、第四层和第三层)。从上层下降,记忆显示在展厅的前两层。这些展览包括与大屠杀、亚美尼亚、前南斯拉夫(斯雷布雷尼察)、卢旺达、危地马拉、柬埔寨和达尔富尔有关的种族灭绝和危害人类罪,从记忆过渡到容忍,游客暂时被带到中庭外,进入橄榄皮儿童纪念馆(与荷兰艺术家Jan Hendrix合作创建),在一个自然照明的空间内,在那里,20,000名“眼泪”的瀑布象征着受害者-每100个失踪的灵魂就有一个。
Memory and Tolerance are contained on the top three levels of the Museum (5th, 4th and 3rd). Descending from the upper level, Memory is displayed in exhibition halls in the top two floors. Included in these exhibitions are genocides and crimes against humanity relating to the Holocaust, Armenia, Former Yugoslavia (Srebrenica), Rwanda, Guatemala, Cambodia and Darfur. Transitioning from Memory into Tolerance, the visitor is temporarily taken outside to the Atrium into the olive skinned Children’s Memorial (created in collaboration with the Dutch artist Jan Hendrix) within a naturally lit space, where a cascade of 20,000 “tears” symbolizes the victims - one for each 100 vanished souls.
 Courtesy of Arditti + RDT Architects
Aridti RDT建筑师提供
Exiting the Memorial, the visitor moves down a staircase above the open space and into a crystal walkway. A mural by the Mexican artist Gustavo Aceves marks the re-entry to the permanent exhibition on Tolerance on the third floor. This section is comprised of 19 exhibition halls designed to didactically reflect on topics such as stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, hate and violence. The space is designed to create awareness of the importance of dialogue, the implication of our attitudes, words and actions; the importance of respecting and embracing social, cultural and religious differences; and the responsibility of each individual to promote peace and prevent future discrimination and intolerance.

Enabling to make a final reflection, a secluded, quiet introspection space was created in collaboration with the late Mexican artist Helen Escobedo (recipient of the National prize of Art and Science 2009). The space is a minimalist room of tall proportion where a suspended ceiling/platform moves constantly downward and upward, with an oppressing and liberating sensation.
 Courtesy of Arditti + RDT Architects
Aridti RDT建筑师提供
由于整个展览不适合12岁以下儿童,因此设想了一个具体的凹陷区,通过讲习班、游戏和故事,向儿童展示容忍、尊重和多样性的价值。博物馆还设有自助餐厅和商店。当旅程结束时,最后一扇窗户将街道对面的景色定格为贝尼托·华雷斯纪念馆(Benito Juarez Memory),纪念倡导自由的伟大墨西哥领导人。他的名言永远不会被忘记:“在个人之间,就像在国家之间一样,尊重他人的权利就是和平。”
Since the overall exhibit is not apt for children under 12, a specific sunken area was conceived where through workshops, games and stories, children are shown the value of tolerance, respect and diversity. The Museum also contains a cafeteria and a store. As one ends the journey, a final window frames the exterior view across the street towards the Benito Juarez Memorial, where the great Mexican leader who advocated for freedom is remembered. His famous words will never be forgotten: "Among Individuals, as Among Nations, Respect for The Rights of Others Is Peace."
 Courtesy of Arditti + RDT Architects
Aridti RDT建筑师提供





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