National Park of Mali

2011-09-08 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。马里共和国首都巴马科的人口近年来迅速增加到100多万居民,对住房和公共设施产生了新的需求。在这方面,需要有远见的城市规划是至关重要的.政府的反应是确定马里国家公园的轮廓,在面积较大的2 100公顷受保护森林保护区内占地103公顷,在这个主要干旱的国家形成了一个重要的绿化带。根据公私伙伴关系的条款,政府要求AKTC集中在公园的103公顷土地上,这是一个由保护森林组成的大半圆形峡谷,位于库卢巴高原露台之下,位于国家博物馆和总统府建筑群之间。鉴于该公园的自然景点、大面积和毗邻国家博物馆建筑群的位置,该公园的设计目的是为公众、学校团体和游客提供大型的休闲和教育活动空间。该项目简介呼吁将国家博物馆和现有植物园和动物园的遗址合并为一个具有重大价值的单一文化/生态公园,并提供自然和文化景点。第一阶段包括修复17公顷的休憩用地和花园,并建造若干新设施。
Text description provided by the architects. The population of Bamako, the capital of the Republic of Mali, has risen rapidly in recent years to over one million inhabitants, creating new demand for housing and public facilities. In this context, the need for far-sighted urban planning was crucial. The Government’s response was to define the outlines of the National Park of Mali, a space of 103 hectares within a larger protected forest reserve of 2,100 hectares, which forms a significant greenbelt in this mainly arid country. Under the terms of the public-private partnership, the Government asked AKTC to concentrate on the Park’s 103 hectares, a large, semi-circular canyon of protected forest that lies beneath the terraced outcrops of the Koulouba plateau, between the National Museum and the Presidential Palace Complex. Given the Park’s natural attractions, its large size and its location next to the National Museum Complex, the Park was designed to offer large open spaces for leisure and educational activities for the general public, school groups and tourists. The project brief called for the unification of the sites of the National Museum and the existing Botanical Garden and Zoo into a single cultural/ecological park of significant value, with natural and cultural attractions. Phase 1 included the rehabilitation of 17 hectares of open spaces and gardens and the construction of several new facilities.
 © Iwan Baan
(Iwan Baan)
公园内设有完善的行人流经网络和正式的长廊。它包括健身,慢跑,自行车和登山轨道的不同难度和不同的解释意识路径植物学,鸟类和自然。步行网络可方便地到达103公顷的公园,并连接国家博物馆和圆形剧场等现有设施。后者致力于教育和表演艺术。第一阶段还包括重建和整合八个现有设施。建筑师Diébédo Francis Kéré-2004年阿加汗建筑奖获得者-受托设计一个初级和二级大门、一个入口建筑、一个青年和体育中心、一个餐厅、公厕和几个亭。花园空间以不同的环境为特色,从开阔的草坪区到花圃、林地和药用花园。安装一系列解释性教育标志和展示,以及开发经过培训的指南,预计将为游客提供新的教育经验。
The Park features a comprehensive pedestrian circulation network and formal promenades throughout. It contains fitness, jogging, cycling and mountaineering tracks of varying difficulty and diverse interpretive awareness trails for botany, birds and nature. The pedestrian network provides easy access to the 103 hectares of the Park and connects existing facilities, such as the National Museum and the amphitheatre. The latter is dedicated to education and the performing arts. Phase 1 also included the redevelopment and integration of eight existing facilities. The architect Diébédo Francis Kéré, an Aga Khan Award for Architecture recipient in 2004, was commissioned to design a primary and secondary gate, an entry building, a youth and sports centre, a restaurant, public toilets and several kiosks. The garden spaces feature indigenous flora in varied settings, from open lawn areas to flower gardens, wooded areas and a medicinal garden. The installation of a range of interpretive educational signs and displays, and the development of trained guides, is expected to offer new educational experiences for visitors.
 © Iwan Baan
(Iwan Baan)
For the 50th anniversary of the Independence of Mali, the National Park in Bamako reopened with new buildings such as an exclusive restaurant, a sport centre and several entrance buildings. The restaurant is situated on top of a rock formation and is nestling up against the different height levels. The building is separated in four cubes which are representing the different functions. The concern was always to integrate the spectacular view over the park and the nearby lake into the design. Following the example of the restaurant, the sport centre is meeting with the same architectonical language. It consists of three pavilions which are situated around an ellipsoidal playground. The buildings are situated in such a way that they give maximal shadow to the playground and also the interior recreation spaces. Also here the relationships between interior and exterior spaces played a major role in the design.
 © Iwan Baan
(Iwan Baan)
The entrance buildings are interpreting the architectonical style of the restaurant and the sport centre. In this way the ensemble of the different complexes creates through the common design language and choice of materials a unique and recognizable architecture fort he park.
 © Iwan Baan
(Iwan Baan)
All buildings are covered from the outside with the local natural stone, which usage is reinforcing the local identity and saving building costs. The exterior stone walls are providing a natural isolation and acclimatization of the interior spaces. The big overhanging roofs are giving shade to the facades and are creating an enjoyable inside climate. For more exclusive rooms, such as the dining hall in the restaurant, an air-conditioning is foreseen. In these cases, the gap between the massive wall and the roof was closed with a stripe.
 © Iwan Baan
(Iwan Baan)
Text provided by Kere Architecture





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