Fortress of Fortezza Markus Scherer with Walter Dietl

2011-09-15 00:00
“Begun under Francis I in the year 1833 – completed by Ferdinand I in the year 1838”, reads the Latin inscription over the gate of the fortress. In just five years, over 6,000 workers and soldiers built a blocking position at one of the narrowest points in the Eisack valley. It has the dimensions of a small town and, with a surface area of 20 hectares, is the largest fortification in the Alpine region. With this monumental defensive work the Habsburgs hoped to halt the advance of the revolutionary changes provoked by the French revolution. Designed by regimental engineer Franz von Scholl, it consists of three autonomous sections: the upper, middle and lower fortress levels. It has clear and simple classicist lines; it is functional and impregnable. As the military threat did not materialize in the decades following its construction, however, the fortress rapidly lost its importance. By the end of the 19th century it was merely used as a powder depot. In 1918 Franzensfeste came under Italian rule and was used by the army until 2003.
南蒂罗尔省获得了保护这座文化纪念碑的新机会:原要塞打算成为会议和文化交流的场所。2008年,它是欧洲当代艺术双年展(Manifesta 7)的四个场馆之一,并于2009年主办了南泰罗林地区展览。
Acquired by the province of South Tyrol, new opportunities for the preservation of this cultural monument have arisen: the former fortress is intended to become a place for meetings and cultural exchanges. In 2008 it was one of the four venues for the European biennale of contemporary art, Manifesta 7, and in 2009 it hosted the South Tyrolean regional exhibition.
 © Alessandra Chemollo
3.Alessandra Chemollo
梅兰建筑师Markus Scherer为Manifesta 7(展览面积超过3600平方米)准备了较低的堡垒级别。保护建筑物和堡垒的特性是最重要的。构成墙壁的巨大花岗岩砌块被修复,屋顶防水,窗户修复。封闭的空间被打开,后来增加的部分被移除。从大门后面的庭院看,建筑群的大小和范围起初并不明显。整体结构的小,定期间隔窗孔是在不同的水平周围的化合物,连接的坡道。最低的被邻近人工湖的暗水所拍打。新的镀锌钢栏杆和楼梯提高了安全性。两座没有窗户的混凝土塔楼与电梯和楼梯相连。表面和材料的使用重新解释了历史建筑的方法:他们是在不规则的30-70厘米的剖面上混凝土,每层之间都有一层细密的沙子。这些层被冲走,形成不规则的水平节理模式,用花岗岩砂使塔适应周围的颜色,喷砂使其表面粗糙。
The Meran architect Markus Scherer prepared the lower fortress level for Manifesta 7, an exhibition surface area of over 3600 m². Preservation of the buildings and the character of the fortress was paramount. The huge granite blocks making up the walls were restored, the roofs waterproofed and the windows repaired. Walled-off spaces were opened up and later additions removed. The size and extent of the complex are not at first obvious from the courtyard behind the main gate. The monolithic structures with small, regularly spaced window apertures are on different levels around the compound, connected by ramps. The lowest are lapped by the dark waters of the adjacent artificial lake. New galvanized steel railings and staircases have improved safety. Two windowless concrete towers with lifts and staircases link the buildings. The surfaces and the material used interpret the historical building method anew: they are concreted in irregular 30-70 cm sections, with a fine layer of sand between each. These layers were flushed out to produce an irregular horizontal joint pattern and granite sand was used to adapt the towers to the surrounding color, with the surface roughened by sandblasting.
 © Alessandra Chemollo
3.Alessandra Chemollo
这些物品有军事编号,现在可容纳游客中心,设有售票处和商店,以及酒吧、餐厅、儿童游乐场,最后但并非最不重要的是,还有一个大型展览区。参观Manifesta的人会受到似乎无穷无尽的一系列客房的欢迎。由裸露的砖墙和灰泥墙组成的精心修复的拱顶,有些墙上装饰着壁画,保留了过去的光环。墙上可以写着“Immer Vorw RTS!”,总是向前看,在帝国的每一种语言中都是可以理解的:让现代艺术在墙上呼吸新鲜的生命!新的项目,如格栅,扶手,门和湖上的两座自由漂浮的桥梁,连接着两座建筑物,都是用镀锌的、镀金的钢建造的:现有的元素构成了一个令人愉快的背景,因为它们的黑色混浊。现有的隧道,意大利银行的被盗黄金被发现,延伸和一个22米长的竖井穿过岩石,连接较低的和中间的要塞。由曼弗雷德·阿洛伊斯·迈尔(ManfredAloisMayr)设计的黑色混凝土楼梯上有金色扶手(Kunst Aam Bau(建筑艺术),向上盘旋,就像一座雕塑。
These objects, with their military numbering, now accommodate a visitor centre with a ticket office and shop, as well as a bar, restaurant, a play area for children and, last but not least, a large exhibition area. Visitors to Manifesta are greeted by a seemingly endless series of rooms. The carefully restored vaults of exposed brick-work and the plastered walls, some decorated with murals, have retained the aura of the past. On one of the walls can be read “Immer vorwärts!”, always forwards, understandable in every language spoken in the Empire: let modern art breathe fresh life over the walls! New items such as grilles, handrails, doors and the two free-floating bridges over the lake, connecting two buildings, are all constructed of galvanized, patinated steel: the existing elements form a pleasant context for their cloudy black coloration. The existing tunnel, where the Bank of Italy’s stolen gold was found, was extended and a 22-meter long vertical shaft driven through the rock to connect the lower to the middle fortress. The black concrete stairway with its golden handrail (Kunst am Bau (The Art of Building) by Manfred Alois Mayr) spirals upwards like a sculpture.
The stairs and lift end in the partially destroyed powder magazine. This was redesigned as the new entrance building, while the new adjacent building of compressed concrete (colored to match the existing construction through the use of granite sand) provides the outside edges of the missing sections and contains all the sanitary and technical areas for the middle fortress. The remaining buildings have as far as possible been left as they were found. Only certain elements such as safety grilles, rails and ramps have been added and these, as in the lower fortress, are of galvanized, patinated steel.
 © Alessandra Chemollo
3.Alessandra Chemollo





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