AD Classics Menil Collection Renzo Piano

2011-09-28 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。一座城市最重要的建筑项目是那些引人注目的建筑,比如西班牙毕尔巴鄂的弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)的古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum),以及丹尼尔·利贝斯金德(Daniel Libeskin)对丹佛艺术博物馆的扩建。但25年前,当伦佐·皮亚诺在美国首次登台登场时,结果远非壮观,而是对已经确立的社区规模的补充。
Text description provided by the architects. Most important Architectural additions to a city are those of spectacle, meant to stand out and grab attention, such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, or Daniel Libeskind’s extension to the Denver Art Museum. But when Renzo Piano made his American debut with the Menil Collection 25 years ago, the result was far from spectacle, but rather more supplementary to an already established neighborhood scale.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
梅尼尔收藏于1986年在德克萨斯州休斯顿开幕。斯伦贝谢石油公司财富的继承人多米尼克·德梅尼尔(Dominique De Menil)和她的丈夫约翰·德梅尼尔(John De Menil)从20世纪70年代开始成为休斯顿艺术界的一对权力夫妇。
The Menil Collection opened in 1986 in Houston, TX. Dominique de Menil, heiress to the Schlumberger oil company fortune, and her husband, John de Menil, became a power couple in the Houston art scene beginning in the 1970s.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
他们的财富和对艺术的热爱使他们有了一个不可避免的目标,那就是创造一个地方,让胡斯顿人走到一起,享受艺术赋予他们的一切。最初,多米尼克·德·梅尼尔(Dominique De Menil)曾与路易斯·卡恩(Louis Kahn)接触,要求为他们设计一个博物馆空间,但他早逝,加上约翰·德梅尼尔(John De Menil)同年去世,这一直到20世纪80年代初,多米尼克·德·梅尼尔(Dominique De Menil)才准备再次处理这样一个项目,但这一次,她邀请了法国最新的歌手、意大利建筑师伦佐·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)在理查德·罗杰斯(RichardRogers)凭借其令人震惊的1977年庞皮杜中心(Pompidou Centre)获得成功后,没有人会怀疑他下一个伟大事业的亲密程度。
Their combined wealth and love for art left them with the inevitable goal of creating a place for Houstonians to come together and enjoy all that art had to given them. Originally, Dominique de Menil approached Louis Kahn about designing a museum space for them, but his untimely death paired with John de Menil’s passing that same year pushed the idea back for some time. It was not until the early 1980s that Dominique de Menil was prepared to tackle such a project again, but this time she called upon France’s latest sung hero, Italian architect Renzo Piano. After his success alongside Richard Rogers with their astonishing 1977 Pompidou Centre, no one could have suspected the understated intimacy of his next great undertaking.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
Rather than tearing down and making room for all to see this new accomplishment, the central thesis of the project was to keep the integrity of the community in tact. The scale, orientation, materiality, and programmatic layout all adhere to a neighborhood without disrupting any of the preexisting conditions.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
The museum is only one floor of galleries, with storage and services in the basement below, and one floor of offices and art storage above. As opposed to most museums, including the others in Houston, which are very “you can’t miss it” in their placement and design, the Menil Collection remains as a subtle staple in its community.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
If one did not know where they were headed or what they were looking for, one could easily miss it completely. But upon arriving, The Menil is as approachable as any childhood friend’s home was in the past.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
Visitors are first greeted by a large lawn on the North side, and the walk across this space allows for taking in the spatial context of the museum and the surrounding bungalows that populate the rest of the neighborhood. 
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
The native Cypress wood paneling around its exterior helps connect the building to its location, while concrete louvers under a glass ceiling are typical of Piano’s highly engineered roof systems. The portico wrapping around the entire building creates a tectonic understanding of the structure, exposing the steel I-beam columns and intricate detail of the custom steel roof assembly.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
The fundamental layout consists of two main axes of circulation, with gallery spaces along one side of the long cross axis. The floors are Pine, a soft wood as opposed to more standard hard woods; this was at the request of Mrs. de Menil herself, as she had the foresight to recognize the uneven wear that would accrue and add character to the floor over the years. Dominique de Menil’s passion for design made her integral to the process as well as an ideal client. 
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
Each of the louvers has conduit inside for the possibility of lights to be added to the ends for certain gallery spaces, but many of the galleries and the main circulation are solely illuminated by sunlight passing through the louvers.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
Instead of an interior courtyard or café, The Menil celebrates its park next door, where any day of the week people from all over Houston come to have picnics, climb the massive oak trees, or just kick a ball around. The Menil Foundation actually owns the three acres of housing and other smaller museums around the main building, and has hired British architect David Chipperfield to create a long-term master plan for the entire campus.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos
Chipperfield has laid out a plan that also appropriately revolves around the idea of keeping the neighborhood unscathed, but will add more artist studios and gallery spaces as well as open park spaces extending south to connect with Houston's future METRORail plan. This will allow patrons to use public transportation and walk the Menil campus up to the main collection.
 © D Jules Gianakos
c D Jules Gianakos





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