Train Store in Ribes de Freser Sau Taller dArquitectura
2011-10-09 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. This Train Store in Ribes de Freser (Girona, Spain), was conceived in order to solve the climatic problems of the station and to shelter the railrack trains from vandalism. With this aim this big and diaphanous volume was realized. A three dimension metallic dry construction structure thought to be built without affecting the normal timetable of the train route. The roof is designed to be a solar energy collector covering all its south faced slopes with photovoltaic panels. Horitzontallity and the use of reflecting and transparent materials integrates the building in the landscape decreasing the visual impact of this big volume.
文本由Sau Higher d‘ArquArchtura提供。
Text provided by Sau Taller d'Arquitectura.
© Albert Camps Pla