Jägermeister Head Office Struhk Architekten

2011-10-10 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。作为一家对工作场所质量有很高要求的未来驱动公司,烈酒制造商Mast-J germeister AG所追求的是一种能够完成其公司身份的合适的空间表示形式。Struhk架构师团队通过构建的新总部,设法将典型的公司属性(如创新和未来遵从性)加以表达。他们是通过设计一个在灵活性和现代化方面与其他当代办公世界相提并论的工作地点来实现这一目标的。
Text description provided by the architects. Being a future-driven company with high demands as regards workplace quality, spirits manufacturer Mast-Jägermeister AG was after a fitting form of spatial representation capable of completing its corporate identity. The Struhk team of architects manage to lend expression to typical company attributes such as innovation and future compliance through the new head office they have built. They have achieved this by designing a working location that stands comparison with other contemporary office worlds in all respects when it comes to flexibility and modernity.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供
Fitting the building into the existing architectural structure was a particular challenge. The objectives were to a) forge a direct link with the production sphere and b) to establish a structural bridgehead with the housing round about. A variety of tree stands and shrubs cause the forecourt to blossom in a riot of green. A pleasant atmosphere is engendered by a water spectacle, moreover. It is elements such as these that permit seamless integration into the residential area. The structural interconnection with the production sphere, brought about by echoing the extant in the design of the facade, strikes one as being equally seamless. In terms of its materials and design, the new office building thematises several elements in the production halls. There is harmony as regards the height and looks of the structures, for instance.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供
With the aim of erecting a flexibly organised office building that can adapt to future trends, the Struhk architects came up with a concept under which the various office areas can be adapted to changing requirements. The great degree of flexibility engineered into the project means that, as well as two and three-person offices, any other conceivable mixes inclusive of large team offices can be put together. This reversible office concept is made possible by the use of lightweight partitions and the construction of flat plate floors conducive to effortless ducting. Any changes in day-to-day office routines can be catered to as a result. Hence, it is no longer a problem spontaneously reconciling needs for concentration and communication, for amenability and privacy, as they specifically arise and custom solutions can be delivered. Creativity seems to know no bounds in such a modern working environment.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供
新的建筑工程和生态理念是新总部规划过程的关键。其结果是一座“智能办公大楼”,拥有几乎自我控制的系统。例如,夜间通风单元与控制门窗的系统“通信”。建筑物的系统之间有全面的联网,因此可以用较少的输入来控制。J germeister的信息技术主任Klaus Gerke将创新的信息技术概念描述为“整合程度最高的市场上最全面的”。热激活的天花板用于为利用混凝土的存储能力的办公区域提供空间冷却。水通过塑料管道流入混凝土天花板,使周围的混凝土冷却。后者反过来又有冷却下面空间的作用。
New-style building engineering and an ecological mindset were key to the planning process for the new head office. The upshot is a “smart office building” with virtually self-controlling systems. The night ventilation unit “communicates” with the system controlling windows and doors, for instance. There is comprehensive networking between the building’s systems, which can be controlled with less input as a result. The Director of Information Technology at Jägermeister, Klaus Gerke, describes the innovative IT concept as being “the roundest on the market with the highest level of integration”. Thermally activated ceilings are used to provide spatial cooling for office areas that harness the storage capacity of the concrete. Water flows through plastic pipes set into the concrete ceiling, causing the surrounding concrete to cool. The latter, in turn, has the effect of cooling the spaces below.
The building is fronted by a glazed truss-and-rail facade. Besides copious glass, use has also been made of aluminium and, for the windows, timber. Forming the backdrop to all this is a steel structure extending over all four floors. In contrast to the dominant glass facade, the side faces of the comb-shaped structure incorporate a rather more gently-spoken material in the form of natural green stone. The interplay of intricate glazing and bulkier stone elements makes for a marvelously balanced overall impact.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供
The most conspicuous feature of the four-storey structure is its open comb shape. Three prongs jut off from the building’s main axis, in the process producing three interior courtyards that provide offices with light and hence ensure a pleasant, natural room climate. The admin building is accessed via a two-storey foyer affording a direct view of the main axis. This additionally reinforces the impression of openness and lightness conveyed by the glazing and the bright walls. Access to the upper floors is gained via a glazed lift ensemble and an elegantly curving spiral staircase in steel. The spiral staircase gives on to a gallery through which a lounge and conference spaces are reached. The main axis constitutes a linear access route that guarantees a building devoid of long detours. Office areas are conveniently linked by means of branching staircases, lifts and galleries. A large number of small “piazzas” acting as central meeting points and hubs of communication for staff have been worked into the areas between the various prong-like office landscapes.
The interior is notable for the use of natural materials. Dark oak finishes and the dark-green natural stone of the outer facade are to be found in floor and wall areas. The overall impact of the building’s design scheme is accordingly very harmonious. Interior and exterior areas enter into a compelling symbiosis that is taken further through interlinking with specific company traits. Particularly noticeable in this respect are colour accents in the shades of green and orange so typical of the firm. The colour scheme is rounded off by white-washed walls. The overall atmosphere created is bright and friendly. The glass facade to the main axis allows the steel structure to be seen from the inside too, the eye then logically being drawn to the steel staircase and adjoining gallery balustrades.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供

Door & Window Hardware:FSB
所选的FSB硬件占据了所使用的钢的不断重复的重要性。Struhk建筑师选择了FSB 1076系列的变体7276 13(AGL重型家具)不锈钢。门杠杆把手1076和窗把3476是一个清醒,优雅和符合人体工学的风格,是理想的适合整体方案的J germeister总部。被称为“法兰克福模型”的门把手的设计源于建筑师罗伯特·马莱-史蒂文斯的一个想法,这个想法既简单又巧妙:他把一根圆管分成两部分,然后又以直角将这两部分重新组合在一起。门把手1076无论在功能上还是视觉上都没有什么不理想的地方。它的不锈钢看起来提高了建筑物的整体和谐感。
The FSB hardware selected takes up the constantly recurring materiality of the steel used. The Struhk architects opted for the FSB 1076 collection in the variant 7276 13 (AGL® heavy-duty furniture) in stainless steel. Door lever handle 1076 and window handle 3476 are of a sober elegance and ergonomic styling that is ideally suited to the overall scheme for the Jägermeister head office. The design of what has come to be known as the “Frankfurt Model” door handle derives from an idea by architect Robert Mallet-Stevens that was as simple as it was ingenious: he divided a round tube in two and mitred the two parts back together again at right angles. Door handle 1076 leaves nothing to be desired either functionally or visually. Its stainless steel looks heighten the building’s overall sense of harmony.
 Courtesy of struhk architekten
由Struhk Architekten提供





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