Emergency Pavilion in Teaching Hospital DOMY
2011-12-13 00:00
Architectural and urban solution:
The pavilion is the completion of the whole complex of buildings that originated in the past years and, at the same time, the completion of the town-planning concept that, apart from other, arranged the whole space and divided its operation into the busier part with the access roads and capacity parking place and the calmer part of the park. The orientation, architecture and mass ayout refl ect the importance of the pavilion for acute rescue of human lives. A part of the construction is the landing area for helicopters of rescue service the body of which creates, at the same time, a clear orientation point and art dominant.
A part of the construction is the landing area for helicopters of rescue service the body of which creates, at the same time, a clear orientation point and art dominant. The boarding area is roofed, the object bearing the roofi ng connects in it also the function of the bicycle room and a sort of a screen fading off the adjacent transformer station from the main boarding ways to the common entrance hall. As to its essence the functional determination of the object is not very optimistic environment. Pain and sorrow are omnipresent. The task and effort of the architects were to suppress and mitigate those feelings, at least within possibilities. The basic selected motif of graphic and colour identifi cation of the object is a meadow in blossom. The fl oral motifs permeate through the exterior and interior as unifying line of the design in different technical and colour makes.
© Andrea Thiel Lhotakova
(Andrea Thiel Lhotakova)