La Coruña Center For The Arts aceboXalonso studio

2012-02-12 00:00
这座建筑的历史早在它诞生之前就已经开始了,实际上是在11年前,作为一项国际竞赛的一等奖。即使在我们写这篇文章的时候,我们也不确定有一天大楼会被打开。也许,也希望它能够投入使用,就像Alejandro de la Sota的Tarragona民政政府所发生的那样,因为政治代表拒绝采取任何行动,或者可能会被判再关闭几年。
The history of this building beguns far before its birth, actually eleven (11) years before, as a First Prize of an International Competition. Even at the moment when we are writing this text, still we are not sure that the building will be opened someday. Perhaps and hopefully, it’ll be just put into service, as happened to the Civil Government of Tarragona of Alejandro de la Sota because political representatives refuse to do any act, or perhaps, will be condemned to stay closed a few years more.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
13.000.000欧元,10年,非常多的能量是必要的,以达到我们现在所发现的地步。今天我们所称的国家科学和技术博物馆MUNYT诞生于2001年,名为科鲁尼亚艺术中心(Coru A Center For The Arts)。
13.000.000 EUR, 10 years and much, very much energy was necessary to get to the point in which we find nowadays. What today we call National Museum of Science andTechnology - MUNCYT – was born in 2001 as A Coruña Center for the Arts.
The Center for the Arts was conceived as a single container to house two buildings of diverse nature: the new Dance Conservatory of the provincial Council of A Coruña and a Provincial Museum of ambiguous content. Much of the efforts of the project focused on define what was the identities of each one of the two members of the Center for the arts. There could be no room for misunderstandings, each one had its individual nature from the functional, programmatic, temporary point of view and that had to be used to build the character of both.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
A concrete tree that contains the school of dance into its branches and, surrounding this treelike shape it was the Museum, between the object and the limit. This strange shape stands as a protagonist of the museum space and defines the relations between the visitor and the place: IN means that you’re into the Conservatory; ON means you’re at the Museum, IN/ON. Two different facades (printed glass – standard glass), two temperatures of lighting color (halógen-fluorescent), two types of materials (hard-soft)..., two staircases making a double helix (coil) to guarantee the full autonomy between the visitors and the students.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
In 2003 construction begins and the fortune allied with this building: a good construction company OHL team and two magnificent technicians of the Diputación de A Coruña accompanied the architects. Here began the more heroic and happy period of this story: it’s construction. It’s was technologically very demanding but was executed with such accuracy that it made him look like a central European work. For the first time in Spain it was used a self-compacting concrete, not included in the spanish construction regulations, so it was an experimental structure. We also developed a solar structural glass façade.
在工作的办公室里,我们谈到了分子行为,在一个具有传染性协同作用的环境中。总计:333艘油轮上的混凝土7 500吨、模板16 000平方米、钢材1 150 000公斤、直径22厘米、长125厘米的1 000个彩色音响筒、15公里电缆和3 750张玻璃层压板200 x80厘米。该项目以95%的保真度完成,没有预算偏差(900万欧元),2006年底,该建筑几乎完工。此时,它在纽约的MOMA展出,并获得了第九届西班牙建筑双年展青年建筑奖。
At the work’s office we spoke about molecular behavior, in an environment of contagious synergy. Total: 7,500 tons of concrete in 333 tankers, 16,000 m2 of formwork, 1,150,000 kg of steel, 1,000 colorful sound cylinders of 22 cm in diameter and 125 cm long, 15 km of cables and 3,750 printed glass laminate 200 x 80 cm. The project was finished with 95% fidelity to the original drawings and without budget deviations (9 million euros) and at the end of 2006 the building was almost finished. At this time it was exhibited at the MOMA in New York and received the prize of young architecture of the IX biennial of Spanish architecture.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
However the political ups and downs were about to change the trajectory and the lack of content left the building closed for 1000 days. Birds and cats found the way to its interior, they make love in this magical space so we had two or three generations of happy cats and pidgeons fans of our architecture. The dust accumulated, the equipments became rusty; It was not born, and it looked like scrap. During those days we recall attempts and make some journeys and paid a lot of drinks to find someone who wanted to use it, but there was anyone in the political class who wanted to take up the challenge. In the meanwhile, it was widely published nationally and internationally.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
Time was passing by and the shame was coming to light; it was neccesary to find a solution. It appeared because the Ministry of Science and Innovation needed a place for the National Museum of Science and Technology and from then on we used his next name: MUNCYT. A project to adapt to the new program and circumstances forced to shut down the original entrance and make a new one on the opposite side, cutting a big hole of 4 m x 8 m in a concrete wall with a diamond wire. The transformation of the Conservatory to Complementary Services Building, with the resulting connection - which had never existed until then -through the core of communications was also requested.
They were no longer two autonomous buildings but one with two faces. At this moment all efforts focused on trying to maintain the overall coherence of decisions that were taking in a particular way by the new managers. Any small change produced a dominoes effect on the total, forced to rethink from schemes of evacuation to the perception of the building in the city. Also we urbanized the outdoor spaces with a project of aceboXalonso, but under the paroxysm of the crisis, details were not executed and gardening and furniture were eliminated.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
这座建筑是从噩梦中走出来的,在未来“连续”的就职新闻的吸引下,像咖啡厅和餐厅这样的小布斯林开始在周围开业,受到部长们年复一年的来来往往的鼓舞。这架波音747飞机的驾驶舱“洛佩·德维加”(Lope De Vega)在纽约的MOMA流亡了44年之后,1981年,这架飞机又把毕加索的格尔尼卡号带回了这里。
The building was coming out of its nightmare and small bussines like cofeeshops and restaurant started to open in the surroundings, attracted by the “continuous” future inauguration press news, encouraged by the comings and goings of Ministers year by year. It begun to receive strange visitors who came to stay, as the cockpit of the boeing 747 "Lope de Vega", the one that in 1981 brought back the Picasso’s Guernica after 44 years of exile in MOMA of New York.
To open a route into the building, and also for the 20 ton crane needed to fit this enormous item, about 25 sqm of facade had to be disassembled and some pillars had to be cut becoming an unusual fact that a building not designed ex profeso had the capacity to house a piece of such dimensions. Everything seemed to go fine, but suddenly appeared the “E Plan” (Spanish Plan to stimulate the economy and employment in 2009) for fast and small projects to be rushed and commisioned seven different teams 7 projects in museology for a space conceived as unique and total.
 © Hector Santos-Diez
Last time we have been there was one year ago. We received these photos from photographers who were there, and it’s the first time we can see the lights on. And now we think that, despite the circumstances described, the building has always shown a high level of resilience and this makes us think that it will be able to meet new challenges successfully.





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