Tovin Studios Sebastian Quinn Building Workshop
2012-04-03 00:00
弗朗索瓦·迪辛格(Francois Dischinger)
Tovin工作室是位于纽约Nyack的南富兰克林街70号的可持续设计办公室、工作室和画廊,将于2012年4月正式开业。由建筑师Sebastian Quinn设计的Tovin工作室是Tovin Design公司的新总部,这是一家专门从事家居家具设计和咨询的独立公司。
Tovin Studios, a sustainable design office, workshop, and gallery located at 70 South Franklin Street in Nyack, NY, will officially open in April, 2012.Designed by architect Sebastian Quinn, Tovin Studios is the new headquarters for Tovin Design, an independent design and consulting firm specializing in home furnishings.
弗朗索瓦·迪辛格(Francois Dischinger)
Conceived as an intervention, Tovin Studios recycles the shell of a former warehouse, which was carved with large openings in the roof and wallsto fill the spacewith natural light. Theexterior is clad in weathering steel, referencing the site’s industrial past and the grittiness of the surrounding neighborhood, while introducing a fresh, inviting aesthetic.
当TovinDesign的所有者和负责人BlakeTovin正在为他的工作室寻找一个新的空间时,位于南富兰克林70号的店面并不是一个明显的选择。而平庸的3000平方英尺。英国“金融时报”。煤渣盒没有任何日光,它确实提供了充足的空间。布莱克雷配备了一个画廊、设计室和车间,用于制作家具的原型。布莱克咨询了建筑师塞巴斯蒂安·奎恩(Sebastian Quinn),他提出了一种粗略的工业美学,以扩大建筑预算。翻修,包括所有新系统、屋顶和景观,都是以每平方米100美元的价格实现的。英国“金融时报”。
When Blake Tovin, the owner and principal of Tovin Design was looking for a new space for his studio, the storefront at 70 South Franklin was not an obvious choice. While the banal 3000 sq. ft. cinderblock box lacked any daylight, it did offer plentiful space. Blakerequired a gallery, design office, and workshop for prototyping furniture. Blake consulted with architect Sebastian Quinn, who proposed a rough industrial aesthetic, to stretch the construction budget. The renovation, including all new systems, roof, and landscape was achieved for a modest $100/sq. ft.
弗朗索瓦·迪辛格(Francois Dischinger)
Sebastian employed a series of sustainable strategies to reduce the buildings resource consumption and improve the user experience. Large window penetrations in the walls and roof allow Blake and his staff to work in diffused daylight- typically without any artificial light. The light monitors on the roof face south and employ operable translucent insulation,to act as direct gain solar heaters-provide a third of the building’s heat, and power a thermal stack summer ventilation system.