Tekfen Kagithane Ofispark Emre Arolat Architects
2012-06-14 00:00
TekfenKagıthane Office Park
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
泰克芬大厦(Tekfen Tower)是该集团最近进行的一项重要投资,它建在Buyukdere大道上的LEv-Maslak轴心上,成为伊斯坦布尔最新的商业后座。考虑到它的建筑表现,以及它在内部的预期和持续的生活,特克芬大厦是本世纪末建造的通用办公结构的典型例子。
Tekfen Tower, a prominent investment that the group has made recently, is built on the Levent-Maslak axis on the Buyukdere Avenue which has transformed into Istanbul’s latest back bone of commerce . Both considering its architectural representation and its predicted and ongoing life inside, Tekfen Tower is a typical example of the generic office structures that were built at the end of the century.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
It can be assumed that this structure which has highly competent qualities in terms of technological precision comparing it to its look-alikes, has been made independent from its surroundings with its sustainable technical and functional equipment. On the other hand, it would not be wrong to say that all of the structures that were built on this axis has been built with similar motivations. It can be easily claimed that the series that are composed of these structures which are built as closed islands and the meaningless voids that are left in between them, creates a profound urban deprivation.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
沿着Buyukdere大道延伸的商业轴心随着Maslak地区北部的森林逐渐消失。位于东部的博城阿齐奇(BoğAzi i)地区是一个住宅小区,其建设规模大多已达到。不应期望该区域在不久的将来发生彻底的转变。很明显,这一轴心产生的对新的商业区域的渴望,使KAGıSane地区成为一个相当原始的地区,直到XX最后一个季度,它一直是奥斯曼现代主义最突出的工业中心。世纪,迷人。
The commercial axis that continues along the Buyukdere Avenue fades with the forest on the North of the Maslak region. The Boğaziçi region that is left on the east, is a residential district that has mostly reached its building capacity. A radical transformation in the near future in this region should not be expected. It is evident that the hunger for new commercial regions that this axis produces, makes the Kagıthane region, a fairly pristine area that has been the most prominent industrial center of the Ottoman Modernism till the last quarter of XX. century, alluring.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
It seems that it will be inevitable that the most important transformation potentials will be revealed in this valley and its surrounding. Especially the investments that were made in Halic in the last years, legitimises this assertion. Kagıthane Office Park is an investment of the TekfenGroup which has foreseen the potential in the region. It is interesting to see this group requesting for a new office building in this region, as they are the investors of the Tekfen Tower as well. On the other hand, other projects that are also in the same region that has come up in the last years demonstrate clearly that the group is not alone in their predictions.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
在KAGıSAN中的转换不会是单向的。然而,不难估计,解决物质环境现状这一最关键的转型工具的举措,也会带来社会问题。对于习惯于突出分析上下文事实的设计架构师来说,这种评估不可避免地会成为一种负担。另一方面,现有的结构和社会学模式、被转型潜力所触发的雄心,以及开发了一座像泰克芬大厦(Tekfen Tower)这样建筑的投资集团的期望,都是交织在一起的现实,给这一负担带来了更大的负担。可以很容易地说,在每个项目中表现出不同的负担所产生的紧张关系,是办公室公园项目设计中最重要的标准。
The transformation in Kagıthane will not be unidirectional for sure. However, it is not hard to estimate that the moves that will come up to solve the physical environment’s current existing state which is the most crucial instrumant of the transformation, will bring along social problems as well. This estimation will inevitably appear as a burden for a designing architect who is used to analyzing the contextual facts prominently. On the other hand, the existing structural and sociological patterns, the ambitions that are triggerred by the transformation potentials and the expectations of the investment group that has developed a building like Tekfen Tower, are intertwined realities that puts even more weight on this burden. It can be easily claimed that the tension that is produced by the burden which demonstrates itself differently in every project, is the most important criteria in the design of the Office Park Project.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
In the first phase of the design, the site and its surrounding has been analyzed in depth. The different sociological and physical layers in the region were decomposed. The existing pattern was examined in its current state by making future projections like the property,transformation models and rehabilitation procedures. The highly detailed and comprehensive digital models have simplified to think about the different scale perception experiences and topographical effects.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
As one of the most critical decisions of the project, the various possibilities of the fragmentation that is the derived from the surrounding building pattern was elaborated rather thanthetotalitarianapproachofthefamiliarofficebuildings. Itwasproposedthatthiskind of fragmentation would be more enticing as it would provide flexible use opportunities in the management and marketing processes. Parallelly, this abstraction process was utilized by slenderizing the decisions related to surfaces.The parameters of the mass and void proportions, the effects of the colors and textures, the inside and outside perceptions, the lighting levels and the natural ventilation were criterias for the surface and material choices.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
In this phase it was evaluated that , confronting the conventional expectations of the investors with these approaches that are nowhere near the recent generic offices and by this creating common apprehension and admiration platforms, have been a problem that had to be overcome.
Courtesy of emrearolat architects
In this sense the positive initiative and comprehension that the investor group representative have put forth, have been resolving and facilitating. We hope that this project will be a noteworthy example and even an inspiration for the inevitable transformation that the region will go through.