Temporary Dormitories Albert Company Olmo, Jan Glasmeier, Line Ramstad
2012-06-27 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。在缅甸克伦邦持续了几十年的武装冲突导致每天都有难民和移民涌入泰国邻国。在距缅甸边境几公里的泰国Mae Sot镇,许多学校和孤儿院提供住宿和教育。其中之一,在美涛诊所组织的指导下的疾控中心学校(儿童发展中心)接待了500多名学生。
Text description provided by the architects. The armed conflict that has persisted for decades in the Karen State of Myanmar results in a daily flow of refugees and immigrants to neighbouringThailand. In the Thai town of Mae Sot, a few kilometres from the Burmese border, numerous schools and orphanages offer accommodation and education. One of these centers, the CDC School (children development center) under the tutelage of Mae Tao Clinic organisation, hosts more than 500 students.
The lack of space, and in many cases, the need for immediate accommodation for new students forced the school to present a new model of temporary low cost dormitoriesthat are easy to assemble.
Funded by the Embassy of Luxembourg in Bangkok, the first of 4 dormitories was built in April 2012 within 4 weeks. With a capacity of 25 students, the building meetsthe modus vivendiby fitting into the local environment in which it is located. The interior layout ensures anopen and airy space that offers semi-privacyand includes storage space for up to 3 students. The materials used are locally available and well known for their users, which allows easy maintenance and results in low cost.